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Hello everyone,

Thanks for your support and sending me your commission info. I promise the requests will come out great. Just a reminder, I want all requests sent to me by the 15th!!

Now to the news.

The other day, I made a post mentioning that'll I'll be lowering the limit of Patreon Sketch Pages to 5 instead of 15. Many of you expressed fear you'll be booted and those fears are rational. But unfortunately, I can't get that workload done on a monthly basis. I kind of want to avoid another 2018 over here and that's the only way to avoid that...disaster.

But now I got some bad news for the other Patreon Sketch tiers ;_;

I'll will ALSO lower the Mono and Color Sketches to 5 as well. I'm really sorry about this everyone. In a perfect world, I'd keep the sketches limitless, but I'm only one, small man. I could only draw so much. If it's any consolation, this means I'll be open more often for my main commissions ^^.

So I'm aware all of you are now in fear of getting Thanos'd. I imagine the first 5 who pledged will remain while everyone else gets kicked. To those lucky 15, I appreciate your kind and generous support and thank you from the bottom of my heart for wanting to stay pledged for a long time. The last thing I'd want to do is make you feel bad for wanting to support me, but if you ever have a month where you think to yourself "money is a bit tight right now" or "I don't have an idea for this month", consider unpledging and letting another person get a turn. I wouldn't mind at all.

This is a new year and I'm trying to experiment on how I can manage my Patreon better and this is the best decision I have. The finger will snap on the 15th. I hope there will be no hard feelings. To the people who wanted to stay, thank you so much. I didn't want to hurt you.

I'll answer messages and comments on this subject to the best of my ability. Have a nice day.



Glad I'm not the only one who thought of this as the Thanos Snap! xD In the end, you gotta do what you gotta do! Good luck to everyone who manages to survive the snap!

Water Phoenix~!

You should draw yourself snapping the people next month haha

Sejha, Liz and Bright

You do whats important for you to survive ok? Ill message you in a bit for this months req info!


thats understandable! and im sorry if this comes off as rude but i feel like your commission tiers are worth at least TWICE what they are rn. I hope i can find more opportunities to commission you this year!! And i hope things get easier for you soon!

Dork Ready

You've got my support no matter what.

Fido Saenz

Who made the cut and who got snapped? :o


Damn, it's a shame, but I'll be glad to have been able to support you, if only for a short time! Been a favorite for awhile~


Assuming patreons funtions are still the same. You will keep every there, it won't be the first 5 or anything. So it will say something like 15 out of 5 spots are taken. You might just have to make a new tier (or delete the spot out right) and send a group message to people in that tier, since people will just keep the spot the best they can.


Thanks for letting me know I'll make an another update soon.