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Hey guys! Yea it's been pretty quiet here for the majority of the year, huh.

Well now that I'm back I want to make some statements about the direction of this Patreon.

So sketches are coming back and I expect to see your requests tomorrow, but I wanted to make one thing clear. There's been some people who came forward to me recently telling me about how they were owed a sketch and never told me because they assumed I was supposed to contact them to get the commision info. I clarified in my most recent post that I expect you to contact me first, although, that wasn't clarified in past posts so I understand the confusion. Some may also have thought that because I closed the Patreon for 10 months, that they couldn't request the drawings they were owed during that time. That wasn't the case and I'm sorry if you have been mislead.

However, as to whether or not I'll work on all owed art from 2017 and early 2018, I have informed some people that came forward that I will take their requests. But if you haven't contacted me about the issue by the time I publish this post, you cannot claim those past sketches. It's one thing if you don't contact me for a month and then ask for the sketch you're owed, but waiting a whole year to tell me is, to some extent, on you. At some point you should have become curious as to why you weren't getting your sketch and contacted me to set things straight. If it's because you're shy and unconfrontational, then let this situation be a lesson in what happens when a you let your passive nature stop you from claiming what's rightfully yours.


More speedpaints are on the way, however the delivery truck is riding along a pretty bumpy road. Patreon only allows me to upload things as large as 200MB and no higher. So what I've decided I'll have to do is plit my videos into one minute chunks and you can download all the pieces. It's the best I can do at the moment. If you're aware of a better solution, please inform me.

SAI files are similar trouble. Large ones can't be posted here but smaller ones can, I'll upload what I can soon.

Oh! One last thing about Patreon Sketches! Sketch pages won't be limited to 15 forever. It'll be lowered to 5 once you've all been charged. I don't believe I'll be able to do 15 sketch pages monthly so this is the best way to ensure I can get everyone's stuff done in a timely manner.

That's all today! Have a Happy New Year, everyone!! :D



So one sketch pages are lowered to 5 are you just going to re-open it and first 5 to claim get it or?


It'll only be reopened if the people who claimed it dip after they're charged. Though I can't imagine all those patrons will stay and pay $45 monthly.


I'm still not sure how the sketch page thing would work, but I agree with you on the waiting too long to ask about owed art. Commissioners should always ask something they have a question about unless it's obviously rude, and they could've done so anonymously when you used tumblr (if anon wasn't enabled, they could've made a throwaway account or asked a friend to ask). I was worried you were gonna say that you got scammed tho :x I think your best for hosting SAI files might be a private Discord.

Water Phoenix~!

From past experience with how I have done with Gerk. You can select up to three characters (Two works best) and give him random ideas or poses you would like to see. I have personally given him two characters, explained their relationship and personality, and he came up with the drawings with artistic freedom. You can be super specific or vague (Although if you're vague be prepared for anything since he will draw up to what you tell him to draw).

Water Phoenix~!

You could upload them to youtube privately and post us the link to the Speedpaints here. :D


I'm not entirely sure I can post nsfw stuff to youtube even if it's private. Is there another artist that operates like that?


It looks like I signed up for a sketch months ago and things being full on your current month, I can't join again. :(