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I've noticed that a lot of people have been confused about how to ask for patreon sketches recently so I'll try going into more detail for all my new patrons.

Basically, at the end of each month, after your payment is sent to patreon, you can ask for a Patreon Sketch. The best places to contact me for these is on FA, Tumblr, or using the messager on Patreon (I'm not on patreon often so I respond faster to the other 2 sites. You can email me too but be careful not to email via Patreon as those messages don't show up in my email for some reason.

If I don't finish your Patreon Sketches within a month, remember these sketches STACK so you can ask for another one and I'll do both. Also be sure to note whether you're a 5$ or 10$ donor when you make a request.

I hope this cleared some things up, Thaank you all for supporting me! ^^



Thankyou for clearing things up. With more users joining This can and will get WAY to unorganized. Perhaps Consider setting up a google forum that users submit every month? Would clean up messages.