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Hey y'all!
I thought it would be more correct to tell you this.

In these days i worked on the new game version, and it's coming out pretty well.
I will also include some mod cars i was working on, so we'll have pretty new content.

The only point is that i need a little break. This month i will skip the release of the new version.

If you read the discord and know me a bit, you know how hard i'm working to develop these stuff. But recently the temperature in Italy is getting higher than the previous years, and sometimes i struggle even to focus on coding or doing the most simple stuff. Sometimes I totally lack concentration, the only small moment of air is late at night. But you will understand that I can't ALWAYS stay late at night.

So, I must go to cold places where I can breathe and chill out a bit.

I will still try to work on the upcomin ver. so it might be the biggest one ever released.
I can tell you that i'm also working on a User Manual, that contains all that little hidden functions.

Would also love if you still could support me and maybe help me paying my fan bills. 😂
I'll try to keep in touch with you. I have so many new things to show you ..

(P.S. Beta version doesn't mean "near final" version. I'm planning to add WAY more stuff.)



Sure! It's best to take a rest sometimes, when you come back you'll also have a better view of the project and it will be easier to develop some things you might got stuck


Just wanted to say thanks for the heads up.


P.S. Global Warming is a BITCH!

Jordan Andrew Scherr

You take the time you need. It's not exactly cool here in Washington state, and we're much further north!


I have no problem staying a supporter. This Mod is amazing. I not only look forward to coming home to my sim rig, I look forward to playing your Mod. It 100% feels like Gran Turismo in spirit. I love going through the used car ads just to see what's available to snag up at the time lol. It's like having the money to go through Craigslist and collect cool cars I find. Purchasing the cars and racing through the campaign gives them a personal connection to me, like actually owning the car, taking care of it, being proud of the car for getting me wins. Really adds substance to Assetto versus crashing around Shutoko in whatever one of the millions of cars I've downloaded. Thank you for giving us this great addition to Assetto!