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I want you guys to participate and tell me what you want to see for this third part ! 

Will choose one of your idea, so don't be shy. :)



Mmmm. Spontaneously 2 unfinished ideas....1. She finishes her fusion, but then becomes plump (pregnant) and starts laying eggs.... In the end she is happy and can't wait to have a crush again. ...... 2. Her boyfriend comes home and she gets hungry for love... And then the question is, is he enough or does she want more....


I would like to see more close up panels to continue too, have 2 pages in mind: 1st Panel: Beginning with a close up of her face, kinda similar like page 2 But 1 eye Rias and 1 eye Chrysalis, so far Chrysalis had a good start turning "their" new body (with the feet to hooves so far), but Rias, whose fighting spirit was awakened by the pain from her into hooves transfomed feet, won't give up so easily! While she kinda likes the transformation, she don't want to be controlled, resulting in a mental fight of both. Rias who wants to become a hot anthro chrysalis and just have fun and Chrysalis who wants to take Rias body entirely for herself and rule as evil queen 2nd Panel: Could go on with the hands, still with 5 fingers but also with green claws 3rd Panel: Nice booba with nips (and also wings maybe) 4th Panel: Nice booty and wet lips 5th/6th/7th: Face/Muzzle (fangs maybe)/Head in general (also crown maybe) Nxt Page 1st/2nd/3rd: Eyes and as a result they could become a mixed personality of both ~ Ryasalis maybe? 🤔😊 4th big panel in the mid: nice (poweful) full body shot with a wicked grin 5th/6th/7th squeezing her boobas/grabbing her ass/having fun😉 End.... *NoHornyBonksHimself* 😅