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Hello to people that still support me.

As you saw, I wasn't much active. It's due that I had a anxiety crisis at work and i falled, which ended that I was at hospital.

I understand that 30% of my support people here canceled their subscription and it make me sad. But since my state it was hard to draw or produce anything.

For that, and since the animation will take lot of time to make, I will need to cancel it for now. But I don't abandon it.

I prefer to make a few pictures and finish the last patreon commission than launch myself to a huge project.

Never forget anything and even about this place.

Thanks to every people that still support me and I try my best.



sorry tro hear what happened. Take care of yourself first. We may support you but your health is more important.


It is all good. You can complete what you can health is more important. Hope you feel better soon