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Hello everyone! Let me explain about my Patreon Rewards.

The payment is due at the end of the month.

So October compensation is only available to subscribers between Oct. 1 and Nov.1

> Patreon Help Center : https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/203913719-When-will-I-be-charged-

For example : October sponsoring -> Payment on November 1! -> sending link of dropbox at Nov.15(My own selected day)

Thank you :D



아, 다른 사람들이 지난 달 보상을받을 수 없습니까? 아니면 우리가 나중에 그것을 얻을 수있을 것인가? 왜냐하면 내가 가입 할 때 우리가 마지막 배치를 얻을 수 없을 것이라는 것을 몰랐기 때문이다. 물론 불쾌감은없고 단지 약간의 오해


You can get the artwork after the payment on paypal, but there an error with creating account on me at paypal so that I can't handle it. sorry T-T...