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Update - The spots are now both claimed! If you are still interested and would like to join the regular rotation, let me know.


I hope you will forgive me for shilling, I promise I will make it up to you guys with some more art posts starting later tonight!

Anyhoo - I am sure you have all noticed those Sponsor Streams I post in here often. The sets of 9 single character images built around fun themes? Well for those of you that don't hang out over in the Discord, those are done every other month give or take, and folks can request to be added to the rotating roster of sponsors. Then when they get their turn, they pay the fee which allows them a guaranteed spot and the choice of theme and rules.

Those of you who looked over the adjusted tiers and rewards back when I updated those likely noticed that host and myself aside - the other seven spots can only be claimed live by patrons of "Army" tier or higher during raffles held while I draw.

Well, this month I am doing two more sponsor streams, next weekend in fact! (The seventh and eighth of July.) But since I just got done with a commission pre-order drive for the middle of the month, it felt a bit weird to go to the next folks on the official roster list. So I opened the floor to anyone that wanted to try their hand at sponsoring a stream.

So far one person has claimed a stream, leaving the other one still open. So I am  posting here to see if any of you fine folks that don't hang out over in the Discord are interested.

For details on price and set-up read here, and contact me through the messenger here on Patreon or over on Discord. Also if you want to join the list and be part of the regular rotation, contact me about that and I will add you!


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