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In case any of you missed it, the November and December Sketch Streams will be on the 21 and 22 of this month. Be sure to think up two sets of keywords folks! (Remember, $10 Patrons are guaranteed a spot, but there may be room for a couple of freebies at the end.)

I will be posting the November and December pics later this month, as I am still in the midst of catch up on the December work that got borked by my flu.

Lastly - the January character poll... I am honestly struggling for ideas! Not that there aren't a ton of things I wanna draw, but with all the other stuff on my mind I am having a hell of a time putting together a coherant list for you guys to vote on.

So, I am opening the floor - throw some themes/ideas at me. Something like "Comic Book Characters" or such. I am not asking for specific characters, so please don't just request someone... But any thematic ideas you have that I can use to pick some folks would be appreciated.

Post your ideas in the comments for this post, and thanks~!



Deep Space Sluts!


I agree! Star Whores. Sexy Sci-Fi shenanigans for a new year

mardock 2501

Girls defeminized and get slutty.