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Greetings loyal Doomin Superstars!

So, I had a realization that I should probably remind folks to the rules for these sketches, as well as update a few things for clarity. 

Nobody is in trouble, this is not a passive aggressive slam against anyone... Things covered here are things I have either thought about, or dealt with from a few folks - warranting a group update. (If I had beef with any single person I would talk to them directly about it, so please don't think I am mad at anyone.)

Besides, some of you are newer and may not fully know the rules, so a refresher is a good thing.

Let's begin!

  • Each person gets 3 Keywords for their sketch. These must be single concepts, and cannot be grouped into larger descriptors. "large breasted nudist redhead" will not fly as a single keyword, that would be "large breasted, nudist, redhead" and use all your allotted keywords.
  • Names only count as one Keyword. Asking for a pic of James Tiberius Kirk would not take all three keywords, but James Kirk, punching, robot - that is all three.
  • No OCs. If you don't want a pre-existing character drawn (which is totally fine) you can request a "generic" - that is to give me descriptors for your keywords, and I will draw up an original design. (The above keyword set  "large breasted, nudist, redhead" would result in a generic being created.)
  • Maximum of 2 characters per sketch. (And keep in mind getting two characters will likely mean I crop them off rather than doing full body.) Floaty "ghost" bits like dongs and such are fine in excess of that number (to a point).
  • Content can be SFW or NSFW - and telling me you want SFW will not burn a keyword. (This is important if you are asking for a pic of say "Spider-gwen, wall crawling, moonlit" - if you don't specify SFW or NSFW to me, I will assume you want her costume altered to show the naughty bits.)
  • Sequels/Prequels are welcome, but you must tell me which previous sketch I am working off of. For this, your keywords would be "Sequel, bigger penis, silly hat" and then you'd tell me which pic I am working from so I know what to do.
  • Please do not give me long description or details outside of your keywords. I appreciate minor suggestions, like a pose idea or letting me know proportions (your keyword is big butt, do you mean just like a good sized one or HUGE BOOTY?) - but these are meant to be quick and fun rewards for your patronage and support, not commissions. Please save the lengthy descriptions and notes for those.
  • You do not have to use all three keywords if you don't want. Just don't go beyond the three allowed.
  • You must contact me with your keywords no later than the final Monday stream of the sessions. I can't keep hunting folks down for theirs. If you don't get the keywords to me, you will not get a pic drawn in that set of pics. I'm sorry, but that is just how it has to be.
  • I reserve the right to ask for an alternate set of keywords if I am not comfortable drawing your request. If I do ask for different keywords, please do not take this as an attack on you or a judgement on your request.

I think that covers just about everything for now. Be sure to read all of that and keep it in mind for the future streams. 


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