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Well, here we go. I was trying to come up with something special for patreon, but I wasn't quite into it for some reason. All I have is this. It was suppose to be a love potion but it didn't end up doing what she wanted it to do. I'm not one to encourage inflation believe it or not, but I decided to explore this at least once. I don't think it came out vary well  though. They don't look much bigger than I normally draw them. XD Or maybe they do and I'm just 

So what do you think? should I finish it or move on?




not bad, but you've done better sketches of her.


I like it, but I'm not entirely sure what happened, if her top shrunk or her boobs got bigger, and her boobs don't look much bigger than usual...


They are suppose to be growing. I tried to convey that in the description. And your right.

Pembroke W. Korgi

You should've done the opposite just for the sake of fun. :p I also like that she had her pinkie out while drinking the potion. ^_^


Oh! I totally once had an idea that se finds a Mario mushroom and it turned out to be the poison mushroom. So yeah you read my mind. lol

Mr. L

How about we see them pop out and say hello?~