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# IN Discord Server.

Close Time : Sat Oct 08 2022 23:59:59 GMT+0900

Please tell me which character you want to make in October to November.

- Please upload one character name/series name per person and one image of the character that will be the production standard.

- Image to be the standard (The selected character is searched and produced close to the main image by referring to several images)

- i will select some character and divide 6 groups based on random criteria and proceed with the vote. And the result is produced as a reward. 

ex. What I want to make, certain IPs or similar size IP power, similar properties (style..) 

I'm going to focus on what I'm good at, but I'm going to expand the scope as much as possible.

- i will make a free distribution card through roulette among those who failed to vote or were not selected for the group.

- If it is impossible to produce, it can be excluded.

As a minimum expectation, I am thinking of monthly REWARD CARD 3 / FREE CARD 2 (excluding commission results)



艦これ 鹿島


うる星 ラム