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** As always, I wrote it through a translator. The content is long, so I will only write it in English.

It has been a year since i opened patreon.

There were so many people who supported us, and thanks to that, i was able to continue our activities.

Perhaps without support, it would have ended as a simple hobby.

if without support, it was difficult to work steadily for a few hundred hours a month.

Thank you very much.

I want to write a long post, but I'm sorry I'm not good at writing.

And, for the reasons I will explain below, a lot of work has been pushed back.

I would like to tell you about my future plans.

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- There is no reward for September.

/Even if you unsubscribe, you can still receive the rewards you promised earlier. 

- I am preparation of change in the way patreon operates.

- I'm planning to deal with the backlog. (Things i promised to make // Feb/azusa,meguru, Mar/???, Jul/Ennis, Aug/4chara)

[After handling the delayed work]

- The number of characters is the same as before (usually 10 or more)

- i think to reduce the number of rewards and focus more on pure sponsorship.

- i'm going to change it into a form of giving extra reward to long-term supporters. (Additional costumes, special characters, etc.)


I wrote a few posts to upload this post now, and I deleted them.

There are so many stories I want to tell, but I don't have the confidence to convey them well.

However, it is finally the end of the month, and I have to write something.

I want to say a lot, but I'll keep it short.

August is coming to an end, but most of the work is still in the draft.

With many criticism and leaks, I had trouble concentrating 

I should have just been patient and make card, I'm really sorry.

Recently, I rented a place to create a separate studio.

This is to work with a few friends who do 3D related (motion, modeling).

In the beginning, there was a lot more to do than I thought.

Renting a place, assembling furniture such as desks and chairs, purchasing miscellaneous goods, etc.

There's too much work to be done right now.

So I'm going to take a break in September. (Though it is to handle the delayed work.)

There were about three commissions (confirmed) to be made, and one received an advance payment, but I still haven't processed the one I received in January... I'm just sorry.

And there is Azusa and Meguru in February. And since there was no reward without notice in March, there was a request to fill in the corresponding items. And ennis in July, most of the work in August

If you complete two chara by September 1st, then four will be homework. All I can remember right now are 12 (P9 C3).

(Maybe there's more. Tell me if something's missing)

The draft is in place, so it'll work out somehow. (Probably)

And while doing these, I am also preparing to change the direction of the patreon/fanbox.

i think to reduce the number of rewards, pay more attention to that card, and make several without burden.

And i think it in the direction of giving something special to those who support me for a long time. (to reduce leak)

In the new studio, I will work hard while studying modeling.

Thank you always and sorry to keep you waiting.

* After filming, I will upload the two characters 

It's hard to focus on the work, so it is the result of working without any burden.


tatsuro morimoto

Oh I see...I wish I had read this post before September...


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