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As AA hair uploaded the version, the number of the accessory got twisted.

So, if what was made in 3.0 goes to 4.2, the display becomes strange. (Left->right, right-> two side)

The same goes for the opposite. 

The existing cards were made based on 3.0 (all other creators, including myself). 

Therefore, I recommended using 3.0 because I thought many cards would have to be modified.

However, many people are experiencing the problem, and it is difficult to expect to modify the accessory number in the future, and the integrated pack will include the upper version, so we will make it based on 4.2 from next month and provide 3.0 separately.









AA hair가 버전을 업로드 하면서 악세서리의 번호가 꼬였습니다.

그래서, 3.0에서 만든것이 4.2에 가면 표시가 이상하게 됩니다. (Left->right, right-> two side)

반대의 경우도 마찬가지입니다. 

기존에 만들어진 카드들은 (저를 포함한 다른 크리에이터 전부의) 3.0을 기준으로 만들었습니다. 

따라서 수많은 카드가 수정되어야 할것이라 생각하여 3.0을 사용하길 권장했습니다.

하지만, 현재에도 많은 사람이 해당 문제를 겪고 있으며, 추후에 악세서리 번호를 수정할 것이라 기대하기 어렵고, 통합팩에 상위 버전이 포함될 것같아 다음달부터는 4.2를 기준으로 만들고, 3.0을 별도로 제공하겠습니다.




If you're experiencing this issue, please use the card in the over 4.0 folder.


I didn't notice this issue as I am using AA01 3.0 version as well. I hope you can always keep 3.0 version separately as seems it will mess up many old card that still use 3.0 version.


I just pressed like and forgot to write comments. I'll try to keep it that way.