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long-term supporter

  • Maria Mikhailovna Kujou

  • cecilia

  • Tsube Hana

I uploaded the cards above. / Please check the sample image on discord

Patron Rewards

  • mumei

  • Tsube Hana

There were a few people among those supporting basic support who requested mumei. I plan to deliver to these individuals as well as to those who support basic support. The previous hethod was severely flawed and inadvertently caused inconvenience and fatigue to others. I sincerely apologize.

1) I intended to operate Patreon primarily for long-term supporters, using Discord to automate some rewards accumulation and distribution to sustain a suitable number of supporters. However, due to its complexity, this did not function properly. Therefore, I aim to simplify it.

2)I am truly grateful to those who have supported me thus far, even without any rewards. I have spent a lot of time contemplating how to address this situation.

Fundamentally, there won't be changes for long-term supporters:

Long-term supporters can receive most of the created content each time.

The content produced will be determined based on the request of long-term supporters.

At some point in time, a time-limited, specific content exclusively for long-term supporters may be created.

For general supporters (those who are not long-term supporters):

I aim to deliver some of the content created in that month and carry over any leftover content.




新規サポーターです_(._.)_つべはなが欲しいです( ;∀;)


May I know what are the certain conditions to be Long-time supporter?


Only for new supporters? I fround "update" and "for-long-term-sup" on discord, No card download link.