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It's about that time again. With not only the retirement of the patreon goals system, but my encroaching refrain from making flash games, I want to now lay out a new format, and how I'm planning to go about things, as I've hinted at doing recently.

First thing, you've probably taken notice of the new pinned post, and perhaps even the new description on the about page. You might be asking, "Why this line goal thing?"

For the past several months, even while Supergal was still prevalent, my number of patrons has been hovering roughly somewhere between 250 and 280, with temporary spurts every once in a while. Combine this with the fact that the games I've released for patreon are being pirated to kingdom come, and well....yeah. Now I need you to understand that I fully expected my games to be pirated to an extent. I would have to be a complete fool not to expect that...but it has gotten to the point where an actual patron contacted me and essentially asked 

"Hey, do you mind giving me these games I don't have yet so I can add it to this free public collection I'm putting together? =3"

I'm not gonna say who that is for the sake of not having unnecessary drama, but maybe you see my point? The piracy wouldn't bother me if there was growth...but there's been no growth, and that's a little worrisome.

That said, the featured game definition has changed. This is now a game that is updated regularly. As mentioned, this is "Vagrant Blade" for the time being. As that's completed, it will then become "Demon Tale" and I'll start releasing builds for the game.

The new line goal game is none other than the game featuring Marinette that I posted previews of recently. The conditions for this game's release and updates will be posted as we go forward. I was originally planning something else with it, but now I've changed a few things. Currently, there is now a manual control mode implemented, as well as a simple way to switch between CPU and manual control on Marinette. To start, this build is available at 300 patrons. This will be updated with details and such in the pinned post.  

I've been getting a lot of Unity practice lately as I'm sure some of you have already seen. I believe I'm ready to start posting more regular Unity stuff somewhat, especially since Vagrant Blade will be wrapping up soon.

Sorry for the long spiel.



is understandable you have to take this approach. hopefully with your new aquired understanding of unity you can make great gems like belham beatdown and some other stuff and hopefully you reach those goals and have more support in the future (will try spread the word of course X3)


I am not good at English. But what I understand through the translator is that someone has pirated your game, and that's why you're going to change the Patreon rewards? If my understanding is correct, I'm really sorry that your game was pirated. I've been supporting you for about three to four years. And you kept posting the game, and when I didn't understand the Patrion policy and asked for the Demon Tale alpha version, and I sent it and thought it was wrong, you sent it coolly. And all along, You've been making games, sometimes there's a bug, but it's been a fun quality game, and you've never broken your promise. And you're a great developer, with a spirit of challenge to challenge new things. I am not good at English, so I leave what I want to say through a translator. Thank you.


I really just don't understand how you are not more popular, you are literally the most consistent game dev I support/have supported. maybe unity based games will change things.


Thanks for the input all. It always helps to have and understanding audience all things considered.