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Well, that's a wrap for the polling. The game that will be released this month is Phoenix Vs. Pantera. You can of course, see what  the current build of the game looks like in the January release post.

 Again. The whitelisting post for your convenience:



i just want to make sure that i haven't missed anything. Have the updates been sent out yet?

John Smith

Trying to figure that out myself


Not yet. I have to wait about a day, so that declining patrons have a chance to correct their info.


Ok so if I put it to pay $5 per paid post I'll get an email from you with the download link?


That and I'll get all the other updated games too, correct?


Correct. You'll get the current release as well as the most recent releases of all mini games.


sweet. I was getting worried that i may have missed something or not. I double-checked the whitelist you provided and made sure everything was okay on my end.


Files have just been sent out. Just as a reminder, if you were declined or not charged(late) for February's post, you won't have received anything, in which case you can receive files at the end of this month.


On the armored arena, i keep getting stuck after pinning one to gain the element. It shows that I have the element, but won't let me get up afterwards? Is there something that i'm missing?


Press D to release from a pin. Did I forget to mention that?


lol yeah. I was looking through the readme and didn't see anything about it. Thank you very much. Btw I love the games for this month.