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Firstly to explain Mini Game B's delay...

The sprite style that I'm using for the game is a bit contrive animation-wise, simply put. As soon as I find a workflow that helps me push through it easily, I should have something workable.(Don't know how long that might take however...)

Next, check out the new potential mini game! Calling it "Armored Arena". It might not seem new to some of you who've been here since early on. I'm gonna keep it fem vs. fem, as opposed to the earlier idea. As with Domina Party, stand by for more info soon.

Lastly, I can't for the life of me, think of a name for Mini Game C...Any ideas?


Armored Arena

Really glad for this. More Info Here: https://www.patreon.com/bomb



Lots of potential in this one. how about the main part is fem v.s fem but there is like an enemy of my enemy kind of thing. some kind of monster spawn that attacks you and the AI enemy, so what starts out as you vs 4fem then suddenly 5 monsters spawn which could end in a gang bang.


That's a solid idea. Though, that's kinda where Domina Party is heading. This one might end up being configured a little differently.


well that sounds good, should make for interesting game play.