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Guys, I appreciate the support, I really, really do. But don't just pop in and immediately start asking for an e-mail. That's not the way it works. You'll get the same response as the last person who did the same thing. If you're not clear, read the text on my landing page, or ask.



I'm sorry I did not understand how it works, however I have found your web page there are good games I hope that you will add in the future


I am new but I gotta ask I am doing the $5 but I don't get how the Pledges work with this patron can you explain plz?


The $5 contributors will get email links to the next ones he puts out. Now, you don't get charged until he has an update, and it's not often that he does. I'd gather at most $5 a month.


Close. All contributors get access to a build that's put out. Builds are only put out once we hit the respective bench mark.


Im a belly punch fan so if any of your games got it. ill contribute