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Evening patrons! It's that time of the month. What games would you like to see updated this month? As previously mentioned, we're getting a Supergal release as per ED this month.



I think Vagrant Blade was better in the beginning, with the in-game animations similar to Beat City girls. Unfortunately it has taken a path of «men beating girls» that I personally don’t fancy, but hey, you’re the boss. Maybe we will get some yuri in Vagrant Blade one day, who knows…


There will be yuri in Vagrant Blade at some point, and I've explained that several times already u.u'. Believe it or not, there are patrons here who prefer male vs female, granted they are outweighed by the yuri lovers in spades (as is expected). As such, I think having just one mini game with male vs female content is fair. When Vagrant Blade had the "non close-up" animations, it was still brand new, yet somehow at it's lowest popularity, which is part of the reason I changed it.


... Damn that was unequal. Hopefully Vagrant Blade gets in next month, I enjoy that one a lot more than Beat City (though there's a Supergal update so I'm still happy), and I'm looking forward to the eventual yuri with the Vagrant Blade girls. And Claudette in general.


man vs girl would work more if you could choose a guy as a playable character then just a enemy giving the player more of a choice if they wish to see one or make him like a ally you have on a team at least that's my thought process anyway