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I just found something...Doing my occasional perusing that I sometimes do, and stumbled upon this...from the developer behind the "Lab Still Alive" games. 


This is...heading in the right direction to say the least...I mean...it's just been soooooooo long since somebody has actually made something this...spot on in my eyes... Obviously it's a not a totally completed product, but what they've got so far...my God.... 

I'd feel guilty not letting you all know about this. If you're here reading this, I'm almost sure you'll like it.



This was a nice surprise, might be cool to hear from you if you find anything else nice.


If you buy this game, will you get future updates included in that buy, or do you have to re-buy the game when it comes out with new stuff?


When you buy a game on dlsite, you own it as long as you bought it with an account. As long as you own the game, you can continuously re-download it as new updates are released. To follow updates for this creator, he as a cien page that is accessible from the dlsite link. As it stands, I’ve personally downloaded it 3 separate times, once when this was posted, and then 2 more times for 0.14 and 0.15 respectively. When creators apply for updates on dlsite, the game files will update for any future downloads you do, so no need to re-buy anything.