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Okay, so...I've been sitting on Queen for quite a while now. Perhaps it's time I faced facts and put the idea in storage for the time being.  Presenting a new featured game:

Monster Beater Reki

This time using a slightly rougher pixelated style.  Hope those backgrounds don't kill me u.u...

Like Matsume, this one will have exposed girly bits, although it's not evident in the video.



Potential game in development. You can check it out here: https://www.patreon.com/bomb?ty=h



Sad to see queen get shelved but this one doesn't look bad. Step back graphically but that should maybe make for easier animating? Looking forward to how it develops.

Red Scare

I'm alright with the style. I'm not aware how early this is for what you intend to do in terms of the graphics presented so I'll just toss down a few comments, knowing full well this is early stuff. For Reki herself: I like the voice samples she currently has. I like the overall design. I'm not fond of her hair (specifically the parts that aren't hanging on top) look a bit pasted onto her skull, in some angles like the standing choke, it doesn't look great. Her foreground arm/hand also looks really janky, especially when she is in her run cycle with how far it goes back. As usual, the feet look weird from time to time (her downed state especially) but that to me is a minor gripe. I'm not sure how I feel about the animation, the lack of frames makes it all very choppy at this point which is either something that will change, or an active development choice. I think the fact you can actually use submission moves on enemies is nice, and am looking forward to what other enemy types are provided. I found Reki's pose during her being grappled by the "gobos" to look very nice. My hope is if this is structured like Matsume in terms of progression, that you provide levels that strictly have a certain enemy on it to go with the mix and matched ones. That's my two cents on the video.


Hmm...Well unfortunately, the video makes it look choppier than it really is, although I still cut back on frames to achieve the pacing I want. There are definitely some animations/poses that will be reworked. Some won't change, provided they don't butt hurt too many people... =) Furthermore, I'm still mulling over my intended intricacy for the game, as far as number of enemies, stages, etc. Might be a little lengthier than Matsume though. Thanks for the feedback.

David Uryus

I understand, just honestly I regret that the main project I invested is stationary but for the moment I can wait, especially if other titles are produced. This new project intrigues me positively: - The design of the characters are still very sketchy but then you are just starting so it is normal but in general is very nice - The idea is attractive and the movements of the hero are excellent in their performances - The only sore point is the male enemies that make the title "almost trivial" but I hope that as a first beta in the final product there are also enemies like the female protagonist. Of securities with a female lead in the midst of countless male enemies there are countless others and I personally reject them, I prefer the news to the usual games. :) If I can give you a suggestion I would put 30% of male and 70% female enemies (including various bosses) to make it original and of course all with submissions wrestling. Good job with the new game and good continuation of the day. Take care and see you soon. I will continue to follow you.


i've seen these characters before, are these your characters?


it was linked from deviant art. It was a wrestling match, a bad one though. I't tried to be sexy and fun at the same time and ended up being neither =(


Can't possibly know what you're talking about, if you don't give me a link...


that's because it's gone, but here's a pic from google <a href="http://ehgt.org/t/07/f5/07f5df7efaa43cbce92773b741f8eebac59d42dc-228922-600-428-jpg_l.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://ehgt.org/t/07/f5/07f5df7efaa43cbce92773b741f8eebac59d42dc-228922-600-428-jpg_l.jpg</a>


Ohhhh, that's what you meant... Yeah, that's exactly where those characters come from...but how do you not like that match? Only part I didn't like was the ending where the beasties come in and interrupt the fight. That was really lame...


I didn't like the moves used, but your right about the ending... For some reason artist really hate body splashes, which seems to be Pheonix's finishing move, Panthera has one as well apparently. 90% of the time artist botch body splashes, i say that because every other high flying move connects, elbow drop, leg drop, even the stomp which is more dangerous but most boring.