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Afternoon patrons!

So, there are a few things to discuss with this. For the past few weeks I've been gearing this alpha up for a release and as I mentioned, optimization of the game has proven to be considerably challenging. The flash EOL did not improve this. Furthermore, due to the EOL, I moved to have the this alpha released quicker than I otherwise would have, so that people who should be able to play the game could. That being said, I will probably end up releasing another alpha before the final release.

Talking about the flash EOL, I'm aware that Adobe for some asinine reason, began force blocking the player on computers, although today I tried to run the game on a build that relies on the computer's installed flash player, and it actually did work. The ordeal is that without using the external flash player and with the optimization demands, the game runs like syrup. In the zip file, there are two executables; one that relies on the external flash player and one that doesn't. If you still have flash installed and it is in fact no longer being blocked, you might try the one that relies on the external player as it ends up running much faster. Feel free to let me know which works best for you. Obviously, I can't leave the game relying on the external flash player that may or may not function based on Adobe's fickle whims, so I'll be looking into solutions before the next alpha release.

Moving onto another topic, Patreon improved it's patron sorting methods some what. Hence, at least for the alpha, I can distribute it through patron messaging. If you haven't gotten it yet, it should be in your messages by now.

As for the game, playable Maeda, two new enemy types, and an opening cutscene have been added, along with the intro movie that's on my about page. You can skip the first opening as well as select a character by using the S key. There are a few kinks that I'm still working out here and there in addition to the optimization issue, but it shouldn't be anything game breaking. To save the game, you must go back to the castle from the map screen. Of course, if you find any glaring problems, be sure to let me know.


Stephen Trout

I don't have flash so i can only run the NoFlash version and it does seem a tad slow in places but nothing brutal. I have a mid-range PC (Ryzen5-1600/1660ti) but its not stressing it or anything.


I love the cinematic approach you are taking with the opening cutscene. Even if the cutscenes may be a rarity in this game because of the time and effort you put into them, they are nonetheless sexily appealing and i can't get enough of it. I do enjoy the story about the three demon girls coming to the castle for some reason, getting them into a lot of lewd situations. I love the catfight relationship of Chako and Maeda, can't wait to see how that might 'develop' further. I hope Kanna isn't without a sexy role in this threesome, err, gang. Enemy types were quite new and lewd and I can't wait to see what other enemy (girls, mostly) you haven't shown us yet and surprise us with their events. The map system to proceed into other stages is something I praise as well, a step up from MBR's moving to the right to proceed. Controls were a bit rough since the unpressed right arrow key would take the characters right without stopping, but everything seems to be fine. Other than that, the game is turning out to be more than I expected. Even if it was a long wait, it was definitely worth it and I can't wait for the next alpha update (released quicker? the details in your post were a little confusing, sorry). I apologize for the long post.


Thanks for the feedback prototype! I did put some elbow grease into the opening, so I'm glad you and perhaps others enjoy it. Also, I note where I was speaking from the past and made it a bit more clear.


When can women with yellow pigtails and glasses start using it?


nvm not sure how you switch succubus but over all dam amazing game Can't wait for more X3


To be concise, few additions to How To Play are needed for saving feature (e.g. After beating 1st level, re-enter the hub level on the map, and then it does save), non-kissed enemies (3rd line in the Notes : kind of confusing, more definition for restraining and tag-teaming in this very specific situation) and Succubus Kiss (e.g Only Succubus Kiss does recruit allies, and it must be done only on characters with yellow rectangle). Few changes to the GUI (bolder fonts, compressing and expansion of normal bars, a very different marker for a 'kissable' enemy). Few changes regarding the mechanics (allies do tend to kill kissable enemies with grapple and other unbreakable moves, Waterjellies and their AOE attack when in close group does make a quick death on low levels, recovery with one button or with greater window of mistake). Some implantable features in next updates (each MC when converts a enemy, gives it a her own marker e.g. Medea's skull hair band or Chako's pinkish skull , a training/friendly spar room to test out the spells/skills without a fear of losing progress). Had fun with it, a lot of potential. Sorry for being nitpicky if I was, but those things were a kind of sore thumb to me during this two hour long playthrough(it was running smooth in no-flash mode). One more thing, this Flash situation might turn uglier in few months so maybe you should try to find the alternative solution( other engine) if Flash gets literally wiped out or something ?


the update in its self is great, only the no flash works for me. but its really buggy on annoying level very clunky. can't really say the game lags its just uneven frames??? alone or with a full battle going on some things move fast some things move slow. maybe its a me thing like need to drop out of the 144hz?


aqualungy, I do actually mention some of the things you're talking about, either already in the How to Play file, or up in the post above...thanks for the feedback though.


Thanks Emily. Yeah, it seems like its going to be a mixed bag. I'll be looking for some ways to make it run better overall though.


Thanks Lenne. You can switch character at the end of the intro movie.


If you mean switching characters, you can do that at the end of the intro cutscene.


Curious will there be more Monster type enemies and will there be a game over/ko animation like in mbr?


Not too big an issue for now, but it seems that whenever I reload the save, while my level is the same, the level of the enemies I recruited go back to the level I gained them at.


So far so good on my end. Works like a charm. I also love the new mobs you’ve added in! Enjoyed it!


a small thing, if you've got allies at 0 hp and they get trapped by a waterjelly, there's no way to get them down except finishing the level.


Thanks for feedback all. Stuff to consider going forward.


Idk if anyone suggested this yet, but are there any plans to keep party members lvl in tact when closing the game and starting again. It seems like their lvls don’t save like mine. It always reset to the point where I recruited them. Also if it is possible to delete a certain party member rather than entire party. And maybe being able to charm more than 3 party members, but we choose who to bring with us every time we leave the castle. Would be more convenient to have 3 party members of each type to try combinations rather than deleting party and recruiting new ones every time. I noticed in area 2 that all enemy types appear (dryad, water, and fire). Is that normal or a glitch. Most of the times it’s just fire, but sometimes I see all 3 types there. I know some ppl asked this already, but is it possible to switch between Chako and Maeda after choosing one, or do I need two “data” files, one for each? Lastly, party member’s and enemy’s hp/lvl sometimes go out of screen on the top making it impossible to know if I can recruit the enemy or not. Great work like always. I’ll be looking forward for the finished product 👍


Thanks Orthrus. All valid concerns, though these are pretty much all things that will change when the game is no longer in alpha.


Definitely reminds me of the game Lustful Knight if that's even the name of the game that's unfinished (The mechanics gave it away). Anyways, I can't wait to see what else comes out of this project of yours. I am curious. I'm not sure how many people you're going to allow at most in a party, but I was wondering would if there would be some sort of level up system for the enemies that you ended up recruiting. It would be a shame to go grinding levels just to hunt enemies searching for a bigger level. My only concerning thought so far.


I remember thinking that the mechanics in that game were pretty interesting, although I'm probably not going to make things that complicated. The enemies should level up but don't, due to a small oversight. This will be fixed before the final release.