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Afternoon patrons! This month, the updates of choice are Vagrant Blade and Supergal. For Vagrant Blade, I've decided which characters are going to be in the game and which aren't based on the poll that was held a few month's ago, because obviously I'm not going to put in every character.  

The characters that will be in the game are: Leina, Risty, Echidna, Alleyne, Cattleya, Ymir, Elina, and Claudette, with Menace, Airi, and Melona being boss characters to start. The poll is also linked in the pinned post.   


-Tie up animation added for variety

-Playable character and health options added

Vagrant Blade:

-Playable Risty

-Tweaked mechanics

Risty doesn't have any grab animations yet and Leina's animations will play for the time being. I'm gradually going to add Risty's animations to catch up to what Leina currently has while working on getting the next character in. I will also be adding further gameplay mechanics. There are no longer vertical and horizontal attacks, and one button can be used to combo in Leina's case. Press A Key to select character.

Inversion for side switching was quite a bit tricky considering the nature of the animations in Supergal. Let me know if anything is noticeably off.

Edit: Updated the link. You should be able to use the arrow keys to select a character.

These latest files can be found here

All other files have just been sent out. If you missed them this month, you can catch them again next month.



I'm not sure if it's just me that has this issue, but I can't switch characters in Super Girls. It always stays on Sue. I've pressed every key on my keyboard, but nothing worked. The health options do work and the character select does work in Vagrant blade.

Stephen Trout

This happens in PvP too, you have to finish a battle first before character select works. EDIT: you cant go back to the menu after KO (you have to esc to quit) so your stuck playing as SUE it seems, also there's nothing in the HP choosing area.


Sorry about that and thanks for the heads up. There was a bit of a discrepancy between testing and compiling. Supergal should work now.


tie up animation? how do i do that|?


I think there are a few little bugs still : - The struggle bar and icon do not appear when playing as Sue - The "standing grabs" (bearhug and choke hold) tend to be "converted" into knee strikes by the AI. These are minor but I thought you should know.


About Vagrant Blade: After the latest updates the previously added "red thug sex animations" are gone. can you bring them back?


If you're talking about the animations added last time, those animations aren't missing Ryonafan. Keep in mind they happen when Leina's armor is removed.

Matthias Zimmermann

have you ever considered upgrading your minigames to have a 2 player mode? i know it wont work on more rpg like games(Vagrant Blade, Demon Tale,...) but the 1 on 1 minigames have potetntial for this, don't you think?

John Smith

I'd get more excited for vagrant blade if there were female enemies. Especially if there was a compelling female boss enemy to get to through all the dudes in the beginning.


I'm just not quite sure that there is enough of an abundance of people who want to play these kinds of games two player, and investing time into getting those mechanics working for just a handful of people at most doesn't seem like the best idea. If I did do something in that regard, it would have to be much more focused on the gameplay aspects and less focused on the eye-candy, otherwise I don't see the point in it being two players if the foremost function of the game is to wet your whistle... I will say though, what I have thought about is looking into making a game that has multiplayer capabilities online. Not necessarily an MMO style, but kind of like peer to peer connections and co-op gameplay. Like, if your buddy is getting worked over by an enemy in a dungeon, you can go and help them...or you can be a dick and watch it unfold...but not be sitting next to the person. ^^' Still though, online connectivity is a beast in and of itself, so not sure when I'd get around to that.

Stephen Trout

"with Menace, Airi, and Melona being boss characters to start" - it's in the planning (:


I want that L4D co-op style if from even just from AI ether help each other or you both will lose.