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Here's the previously seen prototype for you guys to try out. It's unrefined, so keep in mind that its going to be a bit clunky and is probably harder than it should be. The final version of this game will be themed differently(focusing on girl vs. girl), and will have a much altered pace and play style, so you guys should take a peek at this while it is the way it is.

A = Punch

S = Kick

D = Pursuit

W = Grab

Down Arrow = Pin/Submission

R = Restart



Definitely shows promise! You are right in that it does feel a bit clunky and it is difficult, but I'm really looking forward to seeing the finished article.


Plays a lot like Angels 2K15. Feels like when you first take your created girl into campaign against the super powered computer and no matter what you do, her grapple or her melee speed trumps yours no matter what. Only sad that it couldn't be us as the girl :) As I mentioned when I saw the video, i love the use of having her against the ropes and being able to punish her, hope that sticks around as the game changes! Also, I think the pin count should be much slower. When you're struggling to recover towards the end of HP bars, having the 1.5 seconds is pretty nuts lol. But I look forward to see how it comes along.

David Uryus

It's soo good, I try it and with f/f and many different submission the final game will be great.

David Uryus

Some other news?


Will there be some erotic content? I hope so =3


Has there been any updates in terms of tuning the difficulty down slightly, just so that we can get a feel more for the game? I know it is a prototype, yet if people don't enjoy trying your prototype, it will be harder to sell people on the idea of your your game. For example girl somehow can grab you while you are behind her and she does about 2-3x the damage the player does with their punches


Keep in mind, this is a prototype not reflecting what the final game will be like. It was just so that patrons could get an inkling of what it might have been like... In other words, don't dwell on the mechanics of this too much...