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Evening all. Hope you all are doing well. Just letting you know that there is a new loyalty reward available. There is preview of this game up on SVIP Vids from a while back, but I kept it quiet because I really wasn't happy with the way it looked and I wanted to fix it. It's been a planned loyalty reward for some time now however, and I figured it's time I release it. This isn't like Dungeons of Submission. It will be updated in subsequent loyalty reward releases.


A: Punch

S: Heavy Attack - Can cut through mercy invincibility 

D: Kick

W: Grab Stunned opponent

R: Restart Match

Q: Quit to Title

Up: Lift (Press Repeatedly, or your opponent will sit there until they clobber you)

Down: Pin

 Any key will recover from being stunned. 

Game can be gotten at: http://bombtehsite.net/truewrestle/GHYYUTR.php

As before, the format for this is your e-mail followed by the month and year you started your consecutive pledging. So if you started March of last year for example, the date should be: Mar-19.

Also as before, if you're having trouble, just PM me and I'll help you out.



i notice sort of a change in quality with the models in this. do you employ different style of art for each of your games? I love it and the bottom cutscene cues is fantastic.


Thanks. I usually attempt to tailor a game to a specific look and feel. I change the way characters look accordingly.


Yo i got the loyalty reward email and it won't let me put in the MMM-YY date. Is it only for this month loyalty only or not becasue i been a patreon for 5 month


This is amazing! This was one of the first games I saw when I started supporting your Patreon and following SVIP Vids that I thought "I cannot wait to play this!", and now all these years later it's finally happened! I've only had time for a quick blast on it this morning so forgive me if I missed it, but I think I remember in the original video there was an element of groping and such? Is that already in or planning on being added in future? Another thought I had (and not necessarily just for this game, but ones like it) is something like a victory scene. Where we've got "knockout" and it stays on the two fighters, like this and PvP, how would you feel about some kind of interactivity? Even if it's just a few basic animations and poses that can be switched between, "winner taking the spoils" kind of thing, like kissing or fondling. I dunno, just my early morning ramblings!


I think a lot of ppl knew that it was your game. I mean I had strong feelings that it was yours too. Like, duh the style and everything says bomb-a-head. I’m happy I finally get to play it :3


I'm getting the same no email found as last time when you released the Dungeons of Submission reward, I do remember the date as you told me but it didn't work. Did something go wrong? I am looking forward to playing this.


Having the same issue, been sub'd since February and don't recall what the loyalty threshold is.


Well, as prototype pointed out, my style differs from time to time, as is my intention. So if some people didn't realize, it wouldn't surprise me.


Thanks Aeon. For sure, all that good stuff is in the pipeline. I needed to focus on revamping a lot, so I pulled some stuff out temporarily, but I'll be putting it back in soon enough. Victory scenes might very well be a thing. I'll have to get creative.


when you said SVIP Vids I kind of hoped Ring of Chaos was going to turn out to be yours.... I like this though interesting set up with the split screen close ups, the possible naughty things to come are strong with this.


So far so good cant wait for future updates!


how does one get into the loyalty rewards

Freeko Suave

I was thinking the exact same thing. Ring of Chaos has been something I have been trying to track down for years now with no luck. It is such a shame that game exists and is not out there for more people to experience. I can not be mad with what was given. Though I did have that initial hint of disappointment hit me when I had thought that I finally was getting my hands on something that I have been trying to track down for years.


Just a heads up, if you play as white right now, black has an over-active CPU, and it causes a bit of inconsistency. I will fix this in the next update.


Excellent new mini game. The split screen is really an interesting change of perspective. Thoughts on maybe them starting with a top then as damage or an ability removing it? Would make sense with the on the knees animation or laying down.

Sam Jam

i'll never be able to try any of these. never seems to work for me XD


You mean adding clothing? That's a ton of animation I'm probably not going to do. Thanks for the suggestion though.

John Smith

This a great mini game. Really hope you decide to expand on this one

AJ Havi

I got the email but I still can't get the rewards


I wait from today to November to play this game.