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I'm gonna try and get these initials out a bit faster eventually.  As before, I'll say, get them in while you can!

I've made a change to the rewards page. The extra $100 slots are going into the $50 slots, and its going back to a single $100 slot.

Also," Tentative A" is being re-purposed for something else. So going forward, it's no longer apart of this Patreon campaign.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns about changes made, simply e-mail me or ask about them here.



David Uryus

Oh very very cute!


Curious, what exactly was "Tentative A"? Tent. B was the orange girl wrestling one, Tent C. was the girl who gets dragged off screen, I don't recall Tent. A...


Also, yes, very cute girl! Looks amazing!


Can you explain what is meant by access to released and tentitive games please?


I became a patreon. But I don't know where to get access to the released and tentitive games are. Can you tell me where they are please?