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Happy Holidays and Happy New Year everybody! This was an exceptional year I would say.  I feel like I got quite a bit done. I was planning on having an alpha for the featured game ready this month, but I've been a bit busy and I'm gonna have to push it into January. Let's think of that as a good way to kick off all the stuff we'll get to this upcoming year.

Everybody have a great one, be safe, and I'll talk to you all shortly! 



what day do you normally send out demos? Kind of forgot all so alpha demon tale in this release? Just gotta confirm


Demon Tale alpha will be any day this month, likely soon. Mini games are going out right now.


the projects that I must wanted to see the continuation was Lust Knight Adventure and the game with that character Wardrobe, that you were posting in your GuideOne's Blog =(. For 2 Years I was looking for you on ulmf forum and at your blog just to ask if you could continue someday thoses games. About your patreon games, I only liked the idea of Monster Beater Reki, but not soo much as the other 2 that I mentioned... If someday you continue theses 2 games, I will definetly suport your patreon, for now i am just following you, hopping for someday you continue those projects =/


Infinity, I believe you are mistaken. GuideOne and me do separate things, I only host Zako Fight. I will never be able to give you updates of those games.


oh, sorry then, do you know any news about him? I can't contact him, I wonder what happened to he's projects =(


We haven't spoken directly in a while, but my guess from reading his recent blog post is that his RL swallowed him up.


What you did not help with that I am a bit surprised the art style seems very close to yours unless you both use the same artist. All so take your time on Demon Tale (^,^)b want a rad demo when you release it X3


Well, I've shown GuideOne some tips, but I don't really have one particular art style with these games, especially nowadays. It wouldn't surprise me if my older stuff looks a little like some of his work. Probably way less variation back then.