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Now putting out loyalty reward # 3. 

Her riding can be countered, if her opponent has some fight left. May do something similar on her end.

I'm sure some of you remember the problem that I had with file distribution back in May. That being the case, the method of distributing loyalty rewards has changed as well. Now, to get these particular files, you must sign for them here:


It's just your e-mail and the month-year you started your pledge. So for example, if you started July of last year, you would put for the date: Jul-18

Also included with this is the Mika3D file, in case you missed it the first time. To find your start month-year, you can check your billing history.




I didn't receive the file for this new update. I hope your support. Email nodamasasi525@gmail.com MMM-YYSep-17


tried logging in to receive files. Says email not found even when using correct info. Can you please look into this for me? Thanks in advance


Same issue. Had been supporting since February 2019( as it's shown in my billing history ) and my email address can't be found despite not changing it during this period of time.




got me all excited.....and it didn't work.


Now I got it. My billing showed my first pledge in August 2017, because it charged at the beginning of the month. Guys, try a month earlier than in your billing


While I'm happy for you, that didn't work for me either.

Meir Yaro



Nov-16 kim462759@gmail.com I entered but it didn't work


Capitalize the first letter in your email address. it didn't work the first time for me then I did that and it worked.


if she is to have a counter move it would have to be when he goes down on her, head lock into face sit, an beat off.


It does not seem to work. Also, I will have to stop pledging for financial reasons on my end. Will I still get this reward? How does the loyalty reward works with non-continuous pledges?


So a few things. First, as NoOneSpecial stated. a month earlier than your billing start should be the correct start time. I feel like some of you didn't do that, since I tried some of the logins that have been said not to work, and they DO in fact work. Secondly, if you DO NOT MEET the loyalty reward requirements listed on the front page, then the login WILL NOT WORK! Lastly, if you absolutely can not get this to work, then send me a PM and I will give you the correct info. Apologies if this is a little too roundabout, but it's going to be one of of those "hardest the first time" things. Thank you for your patience.


You will keep access to the reward just sent out. However, as stated in the loyalty reward conditions, you must be pledged to have access to any future loyalty reward releases.

Matthias Zimmermann

i know i will sound like a noob for it but - any manuals or hints how to play better?


If your having problems, try letters for the month and not numbers. I did that so maybe someone else did too.


Furthermore, say you started pledging in January, but you stopped in March, then started again in October. Your start date will be in October. Be sure to also consider that.


Sorry about that. Directions were included in the original release post, but I neglected to put them into a text file. A punches. You can press down to block, which is important for winning. W can be used to grab. You can also press up or down over a downed opponent to lift or pin respectively.


Also, as Emily stated, Information entered is case sensitive.


Started in Aug. 2015. Billing history doesn't even go back that far, figured it out by trial and error. So anybody that started early will have to do similar. Wish you'd stop doing stuff like this. I've bought just about every game that was on your site. None of them work now, because of your pirate protections...........stuff like that gets old.


my 1st billing was 01-11-2018 but it keeps giving email not found.


Is there any other way to validate? Not working for me.

That guy

I'm not eligible for this Loyalty Reward, but I'd still like to ask: When I -do- become eligible for Loyalty Rewards, would I be able to access the previous Loyalty Rewards at the time of attribution of the next one I would be eligible for?


Other than Mika3D, I will only send out loyalty rewards when they are updated. If you miss a particular reward, you have to wait until the next update to get it. This is in contrast to mini-games, that will always be bundled together.


This still doesn't work My email is made of lowercase letters The first billing date was also entered correctly. It is frustrating


Another thing to note for anyone still having trouble: If you've changed the amount you pledge, use the furthest back month of the amount you're currently paying. For example, I switched from $1 to $5 in May. Despite having been supporting since September of 2018 without any skipped months.


it doesn't work to me. i changed pledge at July 2019, but Typing that site july ~ September, that doesn't work.


I've sponsored but haven't been rewarded? I think we need an easier way to solve this problem.


I don't think that's how it works. For some reason, you were registered as a new pledge at the time you changed. However, this has not happened with other patrons.


I'm going to reiterate...If you don't meet the requirements for loyalty rewards, then the page will not work. If you're not sure, please check the landing page for all relevant information. If you do meet the requirements, but are having trouble, please PM me and I will give you the required information.


After playing many rounds I cannot get him to reverse riding. Am I missing something? How high should his health be?


Buttstallionforever99@homeis.loots Oct-99 If you do meet the requirements using the month before your first charge shown that is how it should look when you enter your info.


Just ride him while his health isn't completely gone. He will usually reverse her.

Red Scare

Making use of my past pledge info, I haven't had any luck as well. Been pledged since 2016.


Unfortunately when I submit my request, it says email not found. Pledged since January 1st - 2019.

Peter Vargas

MBR doesn't work anymore. The pirate tripper isn't responding.


No matter how hard I try I can't get her to start riding him, or for him to do a reversal on her


She will ride him, if her health is less than half.


Glad that's resolved. For future, if anybody has any similar issues, please PM or e-mail me from the get go. I'll get to it faster that way, and it's overall cleaner and more convenient.


What is the name of this game?


I'm still getting email not found , ive been pledged since Feb-17


this link have a bug i keep getting email not found wtf;; :(


Getting email not found.....I'm new here.


Hello and welcome! Please review the conditions for loyalty rewards on the landing page.


I checked the landing page. I'm paying 5$ a month now, that means I can get loyalty rewards after 3 months, right ?