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Final alpha has just been sent out. Please note that if you will have reached the $10 lifetime by next paid post, you will receive the alpha when I send out the mini games beginning of next month.

On another note, beginning next month, I'm decommissioning the $50 and $100 reward tiers. If you hit the $50 lifetime and still haven't given me a character you want in Queen of All-Stars, be sure to do so. 

 As previously stated, the demo for the game which is up on the site now, is different from the alpha released to patrons. In the patron alpha, you are able to play as 3 possible characters, with 2 being unlockable after finishing the demo a certain way. There are two possible endings. Be aware that I'm still working on optimizing the game, so there might be a bit of slowdown in some instances. Also keep in mind that the functions for alternate characters are not implemented fully yet.  Press A, S, or D to start the game.

Also as recently stated, this month's mini game release will be Armored Arena. Next month we will return to the polling. 

Again, the whitelisting post for your convenience:




How does one play as these characters? Do a prompt pop up saying so? Beaten the queen three times and it just sends me back to the start and behind the house where I can't move.


I'm assuming what I have to do to unlock the characters is beat the boss with a double pin, but that's a hilariously low chance of thing to do and it's real fucking tedious since every time you win you have to do the whole thing over again, and if your partner gets downed you can't just lose on purpose and try again because your partner never comes back (although cutscene-wise the game acts like she is). I've won just by accidentally winning while waiting for my partner to join in on my pin far more times than anything else. It definitely needs work.


Also I'd like to know if should the stars align and things cooperate such that I do in fact unlock the characters, would I have to do it again if I close the game? Since the save only apparently saves your level, it's a major concern to me that I might have to go through that effort every time.


You can save the game once you unlock those characters, and you won't have to do it again. Once you do unlock them, there will definitely be a prompt that lets you know.


What level were you guys at to even get to the boss? I'm level 8 trying to get the sunflower core and it seems impossible. The only attack that hits it is the jump kick which drains so much stamina that I can get about half the petals off before I have to recharge, in which time they all regrow or I get mobbed by enemies (which I can't fight off because of having no stamina...). I feel like the balancing has been thrown off since the last version.


You have to throw the little Armils at it. Hit W then up as you catch them.


When you beat the queen, were you alone as Reki or did you have Foxette with you? I unlocked both characters by beating Vexa with a double team move.

Freeko Suave

Is there a list of characters in QoF so far?


Any new enemy types?


The fox girl never joins my boss fight she just leaves during it saying she will hold the goblins off. Am I missing something?


On the screen where you first rejoin Foxette (the one before the boss' throne) you have to keep fighting the gobos until some extra dialogue happens. Then she'll follow you into the boss fight.


I beaten the boss in three scenarios,alone,with foxette and when fox was K.O. then reki says that she has a long way for her journey then back at the house where I can't move.


When you say you beat the boss with Foxette, was that with the double team move? When you use your down grapple at the boss' head Foxette should automatically use hers on the legs.


Yea I did that and when I beat her foxette started to eat her out.


Eat her out in a short cutscene or in-game? If it was in-game then I think that was Foxette beating her without Reki's help. The way it worked for me was getting the head submission locked in first, then Foxette would help at the legs and that would trigger a short scene. Did that 3 times and a different scene played resulting in the boss being defeated and the characters being unlocked.


Eating her out in-game and I saw the short cutscene with the double pin think like twice as the second time she had no health and was just down. Then foxette went to her legs and eat her out. Guessing need to get the cutscene 3 times and then do a double finisher on the boss?


Yeah, classic video game rule of threes! The third time should automatically end the fight.


Alright that's probably why it didn't trigger since she was defeated on the second one.


So I wanted players to figure out how to get Foxette to join the boss fight, as well as how to beat her in a way that would unlock the characters. Would you all say it was too cryptic? I want to get an idea of how hard I should make it to figure things out going forward.

Stephen Trout

I dunno whether it's cryptic but the text says enough to figure it IMO but that's subjective ofc.


I want to suggest one thing for now - nerf boss Foxette. I'm at level 11 and she still one-shots me. One punch and all my stamina and health disappears.


Does anyone know how to make Foxxette respawn? If I am beaten by the queen at any time the only way I can make foxxette respawn is by restarting the game (at least we can keep our levels between sessions)


If you think she is hard you don't want to even see the goblin boss. She's level 21 and you need foxxette alive in order to 'properly' finish the game, so nerfing her means that the game is pretty much unfinishable since as it is she gets one-shotted by the goblin boss


Any advice how to beat Foxette? With Goblin Queen, I think I should find a way


Jumping attacks and do NOT stand to close to her when she is at full stamina


What really needs to be able to happen to make things fair is have some way to free Foxxette if she is pinned or grabbed by the goblin queen. As it stands now, she is WAY too easily taken out of the fight.


I am level 18 and the goblin queen's grabs and attacks hit for FAR too much.


Can't get Foxette into the boss fight. I must be illiterate or something to not get it. lol


NVM, I just to double team the boss after we beat the goblin horde correct?


The characters I've previously drawn, and a couple others I haven't yet.


Hey, new patreon here. Do you send these games out once per month or am I missing something?


Hey Bomb-A-Head. Thanks for the Monster Beater Reki award. Since I am a $10 patreon and have the game can you send me a vid of Foxette's hentai scenes since I have already seen Reki's hentai scenes? Thanks. I have been waiting for a vid with Foxette's hentai scenes lol.

Ryan Uhl

For some reason when I get to the sunflower core there are no enemies spawning. Am i missing something?

Ryan Uhl

nevermind, they weren't spawing because I had full screen up


I don't know if Bomb's gonna since I think it's a lot more better to experience the scenes firsthand rather than having someone record it and I am sure most players would wanna experience the scenes themselves since one can view it in a gallery mode if Bomb does implement it.


Is it just me having the most insanely hard time getting past the sunflower? I know you're supposed to throw the Armil at it, but there are a lot of problems with that. 1) The counter throw timing is really strict, so you kinda need to spam "W" to nail the throw. If you do that, you risk grabbing one of the goblins or wasting all your stamina. 2) There are just too many enemies on the screen for this to be fair. You need to position yourself just right to get the Armil to hit the sunflower, but if you stand near the edge, you risk getting nailed by other mobs spawning off screen. 3) Even if you try to jump kick it to death, you run out of stamina in like three kicks so you risk getting knocked down by the extremely aggressive Armils and getting chipped down by the group. I really, really like this game and I think I'm generally decent at video games, but I gained like 6 levels at the sunflower just trying to get the armils to attack in the right position. I suggest only letting 1-2 Armils spawn instead of 2 gobs and 1 armil. This way people get a better idea of the throwing mechanic and don't get chipped down from 1k health . . . several times, because it's kind of a cluster F at the sunflower lol. Anyway, that's my 2 cents. Just trying give some thoughtful criticism.


Thanks for the critique all. Most people seem to be fine with the counter throw timing. I will consider making it two Armils and one goblin as you said, to help keep the game flowing. For overall difficulty, I may consider implementing modes of play between "easy", and "normal". I guess as the creator, I'm inherently savvy as to how to finesse the controls? (not to sound like an asshole) I can beat Foxette at level 5 or 6 on the first try more often than not. I also have to consider that some of my audience might not be experienced gamers like some others. So modes of play is sounding good.


1) I play vexa, beat foxette, get the proper dialog for reki beating her, return home, start over. 2nd time around, still with vexa, I beat foxette, but I get the dialog for foxette losing when entering to vexa with both reki and foxette. Vexa get stuck in foxette room after the wrong dialog appear. 2) I get the sun flower, then I die. That return me home. (I need to get out and back in to continue the story) I don't do that. I go left behind the house. I fall off the screen. Well, I get stuck. Tried this with reki and vexa, both of them fall off the screen. 3) this a suggestion. Multiple in game save slots or external saves. Sometimes I just want to be back to lvl 1 and beat the game all over again, but I don't want to lose my first save that I worked hard on. 4) another suggestion. Exp bar. Seeing it go up will make me push through to next lvl. • Oh, and I noticed the demo is in your old website. I can't wait for the full game. I had so much fun playing this ^^


does the game just end at the forest? wjat do you do from there?