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In this update, follow up submissions have been added after the rear headlock. By continuously pressing the button, two other submission moves can be used, ending with going down on the opponent. 

Files have just been sent out. As a reminder, if you were declined  or not charged(late) for May's post, you won't have received anything, in which case you can receive files at the end of this month.

In addition, I think I've fixed the compatibility issue with my games for windows 10. If you're stuck on 1803, they should work now.

Furthermore, if you should have gotten the alpha but have not, please let me know.   



Haven't got the alpha but received the patron files, thanks in advance. :)


Same for me got the files but did not get the alpha


The new submissions are great! If I could make a suggestion though, it would be to move the picture-in-picture (which I like a lot) somewhere else on screen as it gets obscured by player 1's health and stamina bars.


Hey got the patron files but didn't get the alpha


the games still don't work to me


I'll take a look for next time. It seemed to be the best place, since my other options seem to involve making the shot smaller, which I'd rather not do.


Any idea of when we could get a newer Reki Alpha, and/or either of the yet to be mentioned recently Tentative/Mini titles from the main page of this (Mini B and Queen of All-Stars)? I don't know about any of the other patrons but I'm really curious about those two and it's been months since there was word about either of them. Meanwhile I'd like a newer Reki update as although I'm aware that it was just bait to get patrons and that this has no effect on it, it's still a listed pledge reward.


I haven't quite gotten the tentatives to the point where I want to post more about them, unfortunately. I'm trying to get Reki to the demo stage right now, and then work towards the full release.


Hi Bomb, I'm new to Patreon and now in $5, can I expected to receive newest version of all games (including DD Nexus etc.) at the beginning of July?


lopiu1233@gmail.co.kr Hi! i'm new to Patreon.