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Apologies if this update is a bit on the light side. I've been helping a colleague of mine as of late, and its taken up some time.

At any rate, the awaited watch mode has now been added to the game, for those who just want to sit back and enjoy. Also, the "roped" animations now persist until the D key is pressed, so you can make them last as long as you want, and they will also last longer if the CPU is dishing out.

Files have just been sent out. Just as a reminder, if you were declined  or not charged(late) for February's post, you won't have received anything, in which case you can receive files at the end of this month.

Furthermore, if you should have gotten the alpha but have not, please let me know.



So far from what I've played, even in 'fight' mode the CPU tends to take over control of my character and seems to attack on it's own.


Can you please do an uncensored vid showing all the moves in PvP? I’m unable to play at the moment but would love to see more of it.


I've just had chance to sit down and play the new version for the first time and didn't experience that problem, although I only had time for one fight. Did that happen straight away for you or only after restarting fights?


I hear you Jerome. I'll have my vid guy whip something up.


I still haven't gotten the Alpha