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In this month's update, the pause function and a pause menu have been added. None of the selections work just yet, but you can scroll through them. This happens if you press what equates to the pause button on the joystick that you should definitely have by now =D.

Implemented a targeting reticle to help identify which enemy you're targeting after using the target button. It works mostly, but still working out the kinks with targeting in general. Also, made attacks feel a little less slippery. Please let me know if you think attack range needs to increase or otherwise.

Fixed some of the collision, so you should no longer be getting stuck on top of enemies heads. There's still a bit of wonky collision with the jumping against some structures that will be ironed out.

Lastly, gave the dryad her ranged attack that is like the one seen in the prologue game. In the next update, will add the ability to steal this power from her, among other things. ;-)

So first important notice.

You can find me at https://bomb-a.fanbox.cc/ as well, if you didn't already know. Please note that this is not for patreon supporters to double up their support, or any such reason.

The page is there for:

  •  A. You have trouble using patreon due to payment processing issues or other problems, and need another way to support me.

  • B. Either my patreon or the site as a whole go belly up for some reason. You have an alternative place to find me.

Second important notice.

It occurs to me in light of some recent comments and dm's, that some of you might be completely ignoring the pinned post at the top AND the "about" page information. Just want to make sure that it's clear:

Bedlam first build goes out when we hit 300 supporters.

As of me writing this, we're at 222.

Files have just been sent out. If you missed them this month, you can catch them again next month.


Red Scare

Good luck. I had figured I would wait to see if you could be bothered to add the basic minimum of control support to your project but it seems its still a hill you want to die on for some reason. I might be back someday, but I'm not sure. There are plenty of other developers that seem to care about how their work is actually received rather than have outright vitriol for people who voice general concern over functionality.


Sorry you feel that way. It seems like you perceive my light hearted humor as hostile for some reason, but that really is not my intention. As I've stated previously many times, I'm getting accustomed to Unity, and the reason I prioritize joystick right now is because its easier for me as a developer to test with that control scheme, since that's what I'm used to. I'm also pretty sure that I've said that keyboard controls(I'm assuming that's what this is about) are on the way. It's only a matter of having patience, which I'm glad most people seem to have. Good luck to you as well, wherever you end up.

Maaron Ays

Not trying to be negative, but the 300 supporters thing isn't giving me much hope... You were so close when first implementing the changes and goal for that, around 285 or so I believe it was but it seems like the number has steadily been decreasing ever since. I personally have been a member for a very long time and have never even considered pausing my membership until recently. The new model of content release and updates just doesn't seem as worth it as before with that goal of 300 that is beyond any patreon's control being the determining factor on whether a game is released to the rest of us loyal members or not. Total transparency, I'm not here for Demon Tale, really only interested in the Bedlam release in regards to new content (love your previous releases) so sort of feels like lately I'm just hanging on and hoping the amount of members starts going the other direction. If there's no hope for that game being released, than what I am I really hanging onto anymore? Just giving honest feedback.


Those are legitimate concerns considering the trend of patron support, and I understand where you're coming from. On my end however, that decline of support had already began before I started the Bedlam project. It's the reason I had started it to begin with. From the get go, I've made it very clear that Demon Tale is the main project, and that Bedlam would be the extra project once we get to that milestone. I appreciate all patrons, especially those that have been here for a long time, however I have to take steps to keep support going, and I do feel like the Bedlam project is more of a help than not. I mean, you basically just told me it's the only reason you're still here... I also very much disagree with you when you say that the goal is beyond any patron's control. There are 200+ patrons here. I'm sure they all have differing social links and communities that they're apart of, and they can in various ways help increase the support for this patreon. That's not even considering the patrons here who just outright pirate my content, which is one of the main reasons that Bedlam is not just available right off the bat. All in all, I really think my patreon is very reasonable. You can pretty much get most, if not all of the content I've made for just $1, and it's been that way for years. If anybody thinks I'm being unreasonable or unfair in expecting more support for Bedlam, please explain it to me.


I'm in the same boat as maaron ays in regards to staying in the hopes of a bedlam release, unfair is not a word I'd use to describe it, but the fact that subscribers are going down makes the 300 goal nothing but bait, checking current subscribers isn't exactly straightforward either. It is true that there are 200+ patrons and each of those could potentially recommend this to more people but I doubt even 1/4 of your current patrons are involved enough to even try it, there is little hope for it to happen as things are right now. The fact that we keep getting videos of bedlamb looking quite good while demon tale is in a development stage where it's not something one can play for any enjoyment (specially for those of us with no controller) is somewhat frustrating. Look at it from our side, we keep getting teasers of a playable looking game that's nowhere close being released due to 300 patron goal being something outside our control while we're getting monthly updates of a game that's so early in developement updates are stuff like "you can move the camera" or "second enemy implemented, all she can do is stand around and get hit by a chomper". Personally I'd rather have you focus on demon tale until it hits a goal (first zone, a few completed enemies, etc) or switch the current game to bedlam instead rather than the current arrangement where we get awesome teasers of a game that's ever more appealing while monthly updates are nothing to look forward to. That's just my opinion, perhaps a poll would be more representative of the current situation concerning bedlam and demon tale.