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The familiar rush of unobtrusive love and affection surged through Song once more, and it surprised her to find her lips stretched into a smile as she basked in Rain’s warm presence.

There was no overarching statement accompanying the Natal Soul this time around, no intimate acknowledgement of her emotions at all, but Song was pleased to have his support here on the wall. The horde of Half-Demons were foes far too formidable for her to face, a force in which Peak Experts were as common as cabbages and deployed like rank-and-file. The pressure they emanated alone was almost too much for Song to bear, a grim and murderous tinge to the air that had nothing to do with Aura yet left her trembling where she stood all the same. Though Song still clung fast to hope, the battle had only just begun and her confidence was fading fast, for these were no mere tribals or Chosen. These were Half-Demons one and all, Defiled merged with Demons to bolster their respective strengths and mitigate their major weaknesses to create something greater than the sum of their parts. In contrast, Song could barely be counted as a Demon Slayer herself, though she lacked the confidence to fight a Demon unsupported in a one-on-one duel, much less deal with multiple Half-Demons working in concert.

Not that they cared to offer her the choice, as there were far more Half-Demons than there were Imperial Peak Experts. Their chitinous armour and Domain defenses rendered all attacks from normal weapons utterly useless, and even Captain-level Warriors with Spiritual Weapons would struggle to even leave a scratch. Hardly out of the ordinary when facing Demons, and every basic soldier knew what to do in these circumstances, namely fight defensively and wait for a Demon Slayer to arrive. This was all well and good when Demons were few and far between, but how could this work against an entire army of Demons? Dozens of Enemy combatants fighting shoulder to shoulder in nigh-impervious armour, this was the challenge the Imperial Army faced, an unprecedented disaster which had every soldier and officer frantically fighting to survive while waiting for help which might never arrive. It took all of a single second after the Enemy Half-Demons arrived before the Imperial ranks devolved in to chaos and anarchy, with soldiers being slaughtered in droves while their officers demanded they hold the line. The growing hysteria was unnerving to say the least, and even though she continued to fight the good fight and slaughtered three Half-Demons in quick succession, terror started sinking deep into Song’s bones as sprays of blood and screams of the dying drowned out all other sights and sounds.

But then Rain arrived, or at least his Natal Soul did, and her heart warmed knowing he was here with her.

A much-needed boost of courage and confidence in this most desperate of times, though even Rain was affected by their dire circumstances, for there was an undercurrent of shame and regret in his emotions as if he blamed himself for matters getting this out of hand. As if he could have predicted the Uniter’s unprecedented Ascension and ability to guide a million plus Defiled through the process of partial Demonization, but such was his hubris and conceit. Everything that ever went wrong was his fault in some way, shape, or form, while his successes were merely expected and a matter of course. Some things would never change, and Song suspected Rain would retain this foible of his for as long as he should live, and perhaps even carry it over into his next life as well, for there was nothing more definitively Falling Rain than his penchant of taking credit for any and all disasters.

In contrast, the emotive medley which comprised his Natal Soul seemed to believe Song capable of calling the winds and summoning the rain, figuratively speaking of course. Aside from the wealth of Heavenly Energy surging into her Core, Rain’s Natal Soul gave her the equivalent of a quick pat on the head plus a smile of encouragement and before sending her off to slaughter Half-Demons. Were it not for Mila’s burst of Radiant Chi burning the closest Half-Demons to a crisp, Song might well have died before even noticing Rain’s presence, one which disappeared as quickly as it had arrived. As far as she could tell, this meant Rain’s Natal Soul had finished merging with her own, without even taking a moment to indulge in her presence and profess his love and affection in any active manner. Though it shouldn’t have made a difference, she found herself mildly disappointed his Natal Soul hadn’t stuck around for a moment longer, if only she could luxuriate in the warmth and comfort that his presence brought about.

Curious that. Yesterday, Song would have expressed mild discomfort over so intimate a joining with Rain, yet now she was upset because the moment had been too brief and succinct.

The Energy of the Heavens continued to surge through her, and Song put aside her grievances to bask in the warm embrace of the Mother instead, one which guided her thoughts to show her how to best utilize Rain’s gift. One with the Sabre, One with the Self, One with the World, and One with the Heavens, Song’s spirits surged as she stepped forward to defend Mila whose Manifested Domain suddenly collapsed in upon itself. Setting so many Half-Demons ablaze had cost her dearly, sagging in place with such exhaustion that she could barely hold her shield up to defend her, and the Enemy had Half-Demons to spare as the next wave of combatants charged headlong towards her in hopes of eradicating this threat before Mila could recover. They would have to get through Song first however, and while that might have been easy enough to accomplish a half-second ago, Rain’s timely gift had changed everything in the blink of an eye.

In Meng Sha, Song had Developed a rudimentary Domain during her duel against Yuanyin, a limited Domain denoted by the Path of her Unyielding Sabre. Wherever her blade went, her Domain followed suit, a quasi-Domain limited to her blade alone which was a part of her the same as any limb or organ. She was the Sabre, and the Sabre was she, but this newfangled Insight allowed her to see everything she’d missed the last time around. Her thinking was too limited and comprehension too shallow, but now she understood the error of her ways. Her Domain was not limited to wherever her blade went, but rather characterized by wherever her blade could reach. Everything within range fell within her Domain, and here, her Will would hold true.

The first Half-Demon died without even meeting her eyes, his gaze too focused on Mila to care about a girl whom he deemed was not a threat. Song proved him wrong by carving through his torso from hip to hip with a casual wave of her sabre, and she followed through with the attack to separate a second Half-Demon’s arm, shoulder, and head from the rest of him. An unorthodox thrust caught a third Half-Demon in the ribs and caused him to impale himself upon her sabre, setting her up to deliver a backhanded slash that killed two more Half-Demons with ease. Then the dance was on as Song positioned herself between the Enemy and Mila and cut down every foe who dared approached, her body responding before her mind even registered the arrival of a new challenger.

It was so strange and surreal it almost seemed like a dream, for Song’s body felt as if it were moving slowly and without haste, her muscles relaxed and attitude carefree, yet she was moving faster than she ever thought possible. Amplification made it so, but also Resonation, for the lack of tension within her was critical to maintain these new speeds, a truth she knew without question, yet could not wholly explain in so many words. It just felt right and natural to move with sabre in hand, her Manifested Domain augmenting her abilities to the point where it was almost as if it were propelling her about. The Movements came easily as well, a lifetime of familiarity allowing her to instinctively know what to do next and the following moves thereafter, like a game of chess which she played out in her mind alone. Her blade sang as she recited poems from the Classics, striking her foes down with Sabre and Verse alike, and though the Enemy continued to pour in from all sides, she suffered none of them to pass through her Domain unscathed.

This was what it was like to be a Peak Expert, this much she recognized, and she reveled in the sensation as the Heavens guided her along, fixing every last Movement and emotion into memory so that she could review it all again later. She was no true Peak Expert, not yet, for she was still immersed in the throes of Insight as the Heavens showed her where her Path would lead, but there would come a day soon enough when she would retrace these steps and claim this strength for herself.

Li Song, Peak Expert of the Empire, a title she aspired to not solely because it would make her parents proud, but because this was what she wanted for herself for as long as she could remember.


Cheeks puffed and chin buried in Mama Bun’s fluff, Lin-Lin held her breath as she watched her hubby give up too much in return for nothing at all.

That was the way he’d always been though, a kind and considerate man who always looked after others before tending to himself. When she was younger, Lin-Lin adored this side of Rainy, because it meant he was always helping her in one way or another. He’d arrive early for his lessons to help her braid her hair, always place the last dumpling on her plate, and carry her home after a long day of hiking without even needing to be asked, because that’s just the sort of person he was. Generous and compassionate, that was Rainy in nutshell, and he never cared about silly things like gratitude or recognition. A few years ago, Lin-Lin would have called that admirable, but today, she would call it stupid and senseless, because the Empire was taking advantage of his good nature and overworking him to possible death.

There were always taller shoulders to hold up the Heavens, that’s what Daddy always told her, and Lin-Lin knew the truth better than most. Rainy, on the other hand, refused to accept it and shouldered all the burdens on his own, mostly because he was too kind to sit back while people suffered in the West. It wasn’t that Lin-Lin lacked sympathy, but how was it Rainy’s fault the Defiled broke into the province and enslaved the entire populace? The stinky Emperor clearly didn’t care about his people, so why did Rainy have to be the one to save them? It wasn’t fair, especially with so many ‘allies’ working against him, so even if he won here today, Lin-Lin knew there would be more trials and tribulations awaiting him when all this was said and done.

Unable to hold it any longer, Lin-Lin huffed into Mama Bun’s fur to expel all her angry thoughts, because she was afraid of what she might do if she kept it all inside. Stupid Emperor and his stupid Clansmen, stupid Legate and his stupid pawn Shuai Jiao, all of them had left hubby to fight the Defiled all by himself, and it was a miracle they made it even this far. No one important would thank Rainy for his efforts either, and they’d probably try to kill him once they realize he couldn’t be controlled. Hubby was like a wild quin, sweet and cheerful enough when he liked you, but murderous and vengeful when he didn’t, liable to chomp off your hand sooner than take the treat held in it. Not that it mattered, because he was going to end up butting heads with the Emperor regardless of what happened next, because Lin-Lin’s secret was out now, and she would never be safe again. The Emperor would want to control her, her and Daddy both, all because they were a ‘breeding pair’ of Divinities. Yuck. That’s how the world saw her, as livestock rather than an actual person, and she’d known all along that this is how it would be, which was why she had no love for the Empire itself. Let the Defiled and Imperials fight all they want, because they were both equally bad, but Rainy was silly and idealistic enough to believe in the concept of a unified Empire, even though the truth was far from unified as could be.

But that’s also why Lin-Lin loved her hubby, because he was a dreamer just like her, and never too afraid to chase them.

Bitter and pouty though she might be, she couldn’t help but smile as hubby’s Natal Soul made its presence known, and she almost giggled in sheer delight at how wonderful it was as she fell into the State of Enlightenment. Time moved slowly enough to count individual grains of sand floating in the wind, but only when she saw fit to focus, and it gave her a headache when she focused too much for too long, but she thought it was well worth it to better memorize what it felt like to merge souls with hubby. It was about time too, because he sent Natal Souls to Mi-Mi, Yan-Yan, Luo-Luo, Li-Li, and so many others, but he never sent one to Lin-Lin. Probably because she never needed the help since she wasn’t supposed to fight, but that didn’t matter anymore now that her secret was out. Plus, if hubby could teach her how to keep the Wrath of Heaven from falling down on her head, then she could even actively start learning how to Cloud-Step and do other fun things without having to worry too too much about developing too fast and becoming too strong before she was ready to control it.

And the sooner she started learning, the better, because Lin-Lin’s trials and tribulations were only just beginning, and she would not stand idly by while her loved ones fought and died to protect her.

Rainy’s Natal Soul wrapped around her like a warm hug on a cold winter day, and she basked in it as much as she could, holding off from letting him meld with her soul just so she could keep him and his emotions around just a little longer. This was only a small portion of Rainy’s soul, but it was still him all the same, so how could Lin-Lin let her hubby go without a goodbye? “Love you hubby,” she whispered, hugging Mama Bun tight since she couldn’t hug him instead, and the sweet rabbit perked up to grace Lin-Lin’s cheek with kisses. As for hubby’s Natal Soul, his love was never in doubt even before he shared all his emotions with her, which made it all the more puzzling why Rainy tried to get out of marrying her for so many years. He was so silly like that, but that wasn’t new, and Lin-Lin was more than happy to help her sweet hubby for as long as they should both live.

All sentiments she passed on to hubby’s Natal Soul, or at least she tried to, but she had yet to Condense an Aura much less learn how to pass emotions along through it. Oh how wonderful it would be to show everyone how much she loved them, especially the shy floofs like Guai Guai, Princess, Cinnabun, and Rakky. Hubby’s Natal Soul agreed and promised on Rainy’s behalf to teach her as best he could, causing Lin-Lin to beam with glee before realizing something was different. Not wrong, but changed, as if the Natal Soul was getting warmer and heavier around her, more real and palpable with each passing moment. It wasn’t a physical weight, but an emotional one, as his presence grew stronger and his affection more distinct and emphatic as if it were really him standing behind her. “Love you more,” the Natal Soul replied, and for a second, Lin-Lin thought Hubby himself had Sent it, but he was staring at the stinky Uniter while struggling to stand tall for the soldiers, exhausted and drained from splitting off who knows how many Natal Souls and whatever else he was doing. In fact, he was so weak that the Natal Soul embracing Lin-Lin felt stronger than he did, and she was of a mind to send it back to him instead, but the Natal Soul imparted the emotional equivalent of shaking his head and said, “That idiot wouldn’t appreciate it, and he’d just send me off to help someone else. Don’t worry about him, sweet wifey. He knows what he’s doing.”

Which knowing Rainy wasn’t much of an assurance at all, but his Natal Soul knew as much and stopped holding himself back. Unable to resist his advances, Lin-Lin welcomed him with open arms the same way she’d always end up hugging Rainy even when she was mad or upset, because she loved him too much to be anything but happy around him. Merging with his Natal Soul was better than ten-thousand hugs, and it set her heart to pounding and stomach aflutter like nothing else ever before. It was snuggling into his arms after a long day’s travel, clinging fast to his shoulders as he Cloud-Stepped them both away, their first kiss, wedding night, and morning after all rolled into one enchanting act of love that entwined their two hearts into one. The sheer joy and contentment from this union was impossible to describe, so incredible that the surge of Heavenly Energy to follow fell far short in comparison. A raging bonfire to flickering candle, that was the difference between them, for though the Mother’s Embrace was warm indeed, how could it compare to her darling hubby’s undying love and affection?

Much as she wanted to run over and hold him tight, she knew well enough that he couldn’t afford the distraction. Plus, the stinky discount Demons were throwing themselves at him, and going over there would only make things worse. Even though Daddy was too sweet to hurt a fly, he was strong enough to run away if the Enemy should target him, but if Lin-Lin let herself get caught by the ugly, bald Uniter, then Daddy and Rainy would both go to great lengths to get her back, likely at great risk to their own lives in the process. Lin-Lin was strong enough to keep herself safe from the likes of stupid Hideo and other people her age, strong enough even to kill a Peak Expert if she could catch one off-guard, but in a big, crazy, chaotic brawl like this one, she was only a liability. Soldiers did more than just fight, they fought together, and Lin-Lin didn’t know the first thing about fighting, whether it be alone or alongside her allies. All she knew how to do was lash out in anger and the rest just sort of happened, all without rhyme or reason and as naturally as can be.

And effective as it might’ve been in Meng Sha, even Lin-Lin knew better than to fool around with so much at stake. A wolf was a terrifying beast, but even an entire pack was nothing before a single man with a bow and arrows enough to kill them all from afar, meaning instincts were hardly enough to protect her. She was in the same boat as Ping Ping, in possession of so much potential for power yet no idea how to use it effectively, so it was best for them both to stay where it was safe and let others handle the fighting for now.

Stupid Rainy. Even his Natal Soul was so overprotective that it refused to teach her how to fight. Aggrieved though she might be, Lin-Lin knew it was the best decision. She didn’t understand tactics like Mi-Mi or Yan-Yan, didn’t know how to support others like Li-Li or Luo-Luo, and it would take time and practice to learn, so all she could do was stand here and watch while others fought and died. Oh how it hurt to see Yan-Yan, Mi-Mi, Li-Li, and everyone else fighting for all their worth, and even though Rainy wasn’t visibly fighting alongside him, Lin-Lin could feel him expending more Heavenly Energy than she ever thought possible as he deployed Natal Souls to every corner of the battlefield.

All of this passed by in the blink of an eye, but to Lin-Lin, it felt like long minutes of luxuriating in the presence of hubby’s Natal Soul while watching Rainy himself dwindle away to nothingness. Again, not physically, and not emotionally either this time, nor did it have anything to do with his appearance or health. It was just a sense of less Rainy around, like he was fading away without actually fading in sight, a thought which frightened her to no end. Daddy made sure to warn her about Rainy’s shorter lifespan and prepare her for the fact that she would lose him eventually, but they hadn’t even been married for a full year yet, and she wasn’t ready to let him go. Whatever this was had to be linked with the fact that he was sending Natal Souls out willy nilly in hopes of winning the fight. He’d always been as stubborn as a mule, even back when he first arrived at the village and jumped at shadows all the time, but now it might well be the end of him. It’s not like there was any real value to Shi Bei, and not even the greatest generals in history could win every fight, but Rainy just refused to lose and might well die for it, and Lin-Lin could not bear to even imagine a future without him.

Giving Mama Bun a quick kiss before squeezing her in next to Aurie, Lin-Lin tore herself away from the floofs because she didn’t have time to say goodbye to them all. Rainy needed her to save him from himself again, this much she knew, even though she had no idea how to help. That wasn’t important, because as long as she was there with him, then they could work on a solution together. With that in mind, she put aside her fears about distracting him and leaped over to stand behind him. Careful not to obstruct his arms in case he needed to fight, she slipped her arms around his waist and held on tight. While he didn’t need hands to control his sword and shield anymore, he still had a glaive-rifle thingee to swing around as he liked, so Lin-Lin knew better than to impede him. Much as she wanted to yell or cry, he needed love and support more than anything else, so she swallowed her anger and focusing on the same love and affection she imparted to his Natal Soul.

“Love you hubby,” she said, speaking loud and clear so he could hear her over the din of battle. There was nothing else that needed to be said as she reached out to the Heavens Above and exerted her Will, envisioning her strength surging into Rainy. She didn’t have a specific term for what she was sharing, but she just wanted him to be whole again, and she knew it had something to do with his soul because what else could it be? The rest was unimportant, because she didn’t need to know what or how if it meant she could save her sweet hubby, and she herself had more than enough to spare. Maybe it would be different if someone else tried it, whether it be one of her sister-wives or Rainy’s family here in her stead, but Lin-Lin was an Ancestral Beast, a true child of the Heavens. That’s what Daddy always said, and she believed it with all her heart, meaning that even though she might well have lost her Spiritual Heart in the process of rebirth, surely her soul was stronger than the norm. That’s why the Energy of the Heavens was so receptive after all, because a Divinity’s soul was so entwined with the Void and the Heavens that even an errant effort of Will could set reality in flux and even call down the Wrath of the Heavens upon them.

A risk Lin-Lin was willing to take since Rainy knew how to stop it, and stop it he did as she unleashed the full weight of her Will for the first time ever.

The Heavens surged and swelled within, like tall waves crashing against the cliffs and heavy winds uprooting trees, but Lin-Lin had hubby here with her today, so there was nothing she had to fear. Power unlike anything she’d ever experienced before threatened to overwhelm her, and for a moment, she worried she might have overstepped, but then hubby’s love and affection rose up to support her from within while his firm hands clasped onto hers to hold her tight. There was no emptiness of the Void like so many other people talked about, only a sense of wholeness as she held her hubby close and gave him everything she had to give, and he accepted it as readily as he accepted her embrace.

Hehe. Rainy’s Natal Soul used love to trick her, and now she was repaying him in kind.

Though not all that different from what Rainy did with his Natal Souls, Lin-Lin speculated that what she was doing was more similar to Healing instead. She didn’t know how to make Natal Souls, especially not Balanced ones ready to die like Rainy’s, but she understood the basic concept of how to transfer Chi into a patient, even if she had yet to successfully do it herself. All she needed to do was convince Rainy’s soul to accept hers, the same way a Healer had to convince a wounded person to accept their Chi. Daddy never really got into the specifics of how one might do that, but Rainy had already figured out that love worked well enough for him, so why wouldn’t it work for Lin-Lin? He said it himself, even though the soul was inviolable, love and trust render those defenses moot, which was how Roo-Roo Healed Sai-Sai in JiangHu. Now, Lin-Lin was Healing her hubby the same way, except rather than an injury of the body, she was mending his soul by sharing some of her own.

Because they one soul in two bodies, lovers in this life and the next if she had anything to say about it.

Or maybe six bodies, if you include everyone else, but the specifics of how that might work made Lin-Lin’s head spin. It only took a second for Rainy to feel right again, at which point she decided it was best to quit while she was ahead. Releasing her hold on his waist and pulling free of his grip, she flashed him a grin as he turned towards her only to run away as fast as she could. “Sorry hubby, can’t hear you, gotta go, love you, bye bye!”

Ignoring Daddy’s Sendings asking her where she was running off to, Lin-Lin made a bee-line towards Mi-Mi to test if their souls were one as well. If so, then they could share souls and Mi-Mi would have more Chi to set her enemies on fire, which was oh so fun to watch. Yan-Yan might also need help, since she was doing all sorts of things with her Wind, and then maybe Li-Li and Luo-Luo if Lin-Lin was still feeling fine, but neither of them were using Chi too too fast. This was how she would help, the same way Rainy helped others, albeit with a much more limited pool of recipients, and there was nothing anyone could do to stop her.

And the best part? Now that hubby knew she could restore his soul at the cost of her own, he wouldn’t spend it all willy nilly without thinking of the consequences. That was just how he was, always looking out for everyone else and never caring about himself, so he was lucky he had Lin-Lin to look out for him instead. Honestly, she didn’t care about wining this war or retaking the west, or even having to run from the Emperor and the Imperial Clan. So long as she was together with her hubby, then nothing else mattered, and if all else failed, then she would find him in the next life and make him her hubby once more.


The symphony of war shook Luo-Luo to the bone and filled her with dread and horror alike, but Lord Husband was there to hold her close and soothe away all her frights.

Not in body, but in spirit, and her heart soared as she soaked in his oh-so-lovable presence. So full of shy reverence and quiet admiration, with a heavy helping of obvious self-deprecation and hidden insecurity which made him all the more charming and adorable. They’d had precious little time to speak since Meng Sha, but now that Luo-Luo understood Lord Husband better, she’d been able to catch all his stray glances and nervous actions which gave away his inner struggle. It was such a relief to learn that he wasn’t immune to her beauty, and even more reassuring to discover that he was even more enamoured by her intelligence and efforts. In fact, the only thing holding him back from inviting her into his bed was his love for his beloved wives whom he felt he would be betraying by bringing yet another woman into his life, but Lin-Lin, Yan, and Mila all welcomed Luo-Luo with open arms, meaning all of Lord Husband’s guilt came from within.

Such a sweet and affectionate man, Luo-Luo counted herself blessed by the Mother Above for having met him, because he was a reward well worth suffering all her trials and tribulations.

There was more to this than a simple reassurance however, as she sensed a need associated with Lord Husband’s presence, not the yearning she’d hoped and dreamed of, but one she was all too happy to fulfill nonetheless. The request was not expressed in words, but through emotion, because he feared that voicing what he had in mind might lead her down the wrong Path and end in failure for them both. Instead, he held his tongue and expressed a sense of urgency and consideration regarding what he hoped she could accomplish, a silent plea expressed in the form of a desire for intimate connection. Not the romantic union between man and a woman, or even the close camaraderie of a friend or loved one, but a deeper, yet also broader connection that bridged the links between all humanity. A bond between strangers that rivalled the union between man and wife, a familial bond shared by anyone and everyone under the son, one which pushed them all to work together for the greater good.

A bond Luo-Luo knew well enough, though only from an outside perspective, for this was the unity of Clan and Family she saw in the Scions of the Imperial Clan.

With that, the pieces all fell into place as Luo-Luo understood not only what Lord Husband needed from her, but why he needed it as well. He’d touched upon it briefly in the aftermath of Meng Sha, regarding his Natal Souls’ inability to merge with anyone unwilling to accept it. In essence, Lord Husband could only offer a helping hand, and it was up to the individual to accept it. Whether they accepted him out of love, veneration, or even mistaken identity, it mattered not, only that they accepted his Natal Soul and allowed it to merge with their own eternal and inviolable soul. Then and only then could Lord Husband provide any assistance in the form of Heavenly Energy and Insight, but willing recipients were in the minority. Hence his need for Luo-Luo, hoping that she could use her music to not only lift the spirits of the soldiers of Shi Bei, but also convince them to accept Lord Husband’s mystical and miraculous assistance.

A most challenging request, one Luo-Luo had no earthly idea how to set out to accomplish, but as Lord Husband’s Natal Soul merged with her own and the Energy of the Heavens surged through her, a melody sprang forth within her heart and she could hardly wait to play it. Settling down with her zither upon her lap, she ran through her finger exercises and felt the strain and stress melting away as the Energy of the Heavens washed away her fatigue and filled her Core to the brim. That’s why she’d stopped playing in the first place, but now she was prepared to perform a symphony unlike any other before it, one which she continued to write and revise within her thoughts even as she reached down to pluck the first note into existence.

Oh how her zither sang, its rich, dulcet tones Amplified and Reverberated to ring out over all of Shi Bei, a clear, clarion call to courage and heroism. For a single second, she left the note play out unimpeded so that it would have time to sink into the minds and hearts of these stalwart soldiers of the Empire. Then, the song took off with a cascading riff, one which accelerated and escalated in tempo and pitch, a defiant laugh in the face of overwhelming odds. No longer were they faced with trials and tribulations, but a calamity in truth, one which might well end in death for them all. There was no fear in her melody, no doubt or dread to be found, for this was a song of triumph and glory, but also a reminder of trials and tribulations past. Every Warrior here had overcome the odds to arrive here today, for they were all the Mother’s Champions, blessed by the Heavens Above to become Her soldiers in the war against the Defiled. That war was here now, and it was their duty to stand and fight, but Luo-Luo’s song was here to remind them that they did not stand alone.

From here, Luo-Luo fell into a more familiar tune as she played the second movement of Rise to Glory, except this time, she focused not on her own story, but on Falling Rain’s. This was a man of humble origins who rose to prominence in service to the Empire, and now he was here in service to the Mother Above. There the Uniter stood in all his unholy depravity, having brought the army to its knees with a single compelling command, yet Falling Rain stood tall and retorted with open contempt, for not even the Father Himself could bring the Mother’s Chosen Son to his knees. Now, this army of profane miscreations was hellbent on slaughtering them to the last, and while Falling Rain was fighting with everything he had, he could not win this battle alone.

For no man, legend, or even Divinity stood alone, not here in this battle for the fate of the Empire itself.

These were the emotions Luo-Luo instilled into her song as she improvised a new melody from the foundation of the original, one which was technically inferior. The notes themselves becoming little more than an afterthought however, for this was not a melody played on its own, but one supported by the music of the world itself. The clash of steel, cries of pain, shouts of triumph, and whimpers of despair all came together with the sounds of Luo-Luo’s zither to convey her vision of Falling Rain. Legate. Leader. Hero. Warrior. He was all this and more, and he would lead the Empire to victory here today.

There was something different about her playing today, a quality Luo-Luo only noticed thanks to Lord Husband’s efforts. While his Natal Soul helped her bridge a connection with the Heavens themselves, she noticed that she didn’t need the connection to convey her Will in any way, shape or form. No, the music itself did that, simple notes she plucked into existence with her fingers and nothing else. Any Chi she utilized was merely to make her song audible to all, but she didn’t need an audience to communicate with the Heavens, for music was the language of the soul itself. That’s why the animals so loved to hear her play, and how she was able to move the heart of the Emperor himself with her music alone, for within that carefully crafted composition of notes was a letter to the Heavens themselves, written in a universal language understood by all.

It wasn’t just music that held this power, for anything and everything could hold within it the language of the soul itself. The cadence of a thousand soldiers marching to war, or the pitter patter of raindrops falling on a rooftop. The mating song of a common robin searching for a partner to love, or the howling wind rustling through the treetops overhead. Clashing swords and shrieking steel, courageous howls and screams of pain, piteous mewls and fearful chortles, all this and more spoke volumes to Luo-Luo as she took it all in, for she sensed in these sounds an objectionable dissonance, one overlaid atop the myriad voices of the Heavens and keenly felt by all. It wasn’t exactly a sound she could identify, but it was there all the same, a wrongness in her music that was not of her own making, for she traced it back to the Uniter himself as he stood and watched the battle unfold from the skies above Shi Bei.

On a whim, Luo-Luo followed her instincts and strummed out a discordant chord, one aimed not at the Enemy, but at the dissonance itself. The reaction was immediate as her notes cut off abruptly, dissipating into silence without warning or explanation as the Uniter fixed his formidable gaze upon her and stopped her heart inside her chest. A moment stretched into eternity as the pressure built up inside her, and she feared she might well soon pass out, only for relief to arrive unbidden leaving Luo-Luo to gasp in sweet relief.

Glancing about to make sense of the madness, she saw no clues as to who might have rescued her, for Lord Husband and his protectors were all busy with the battle and no one of any importance was paying mind to Luo-Luo, not unless you counted the animals watching her from within the confines of their wagon and the fearsome Uniter overhead whose steely gaze was still fixed upon her. Putting this mystery out of mind for now, Luo-Luo summoned what little courage she had left to her and ignored the Enemy mastermind as she went back to playing her zither, but she dared not challenge the Uniter a second time. Instead, she passed along what she’d learned to Lord Husband through Sending in hopes he would have answers to provide, but he merely acknowledged her words without offering anything in return. He could hardly be faulted, seeing how he had a battle to oversee, so Luo-Luo focused on her music once again and gave herself over to the melody.

Lord Husband would lead them all to victory, of this, Luo-Luo was certain, for the Mother would not so readily abandon Her Chosen Son.


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