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So y'all probably saw this coming, but delay time is here. I've changed the PoV on 745 twice now, and have been considering doing it a third time, because I keep second guessing my decisions on how to proceed. Having had enough of my shit, I've decided to step away from it for a bit, and figure it out when I'm being less of a bitch. 

I've gone ahead and suspended payments for October, as I have no idea when that'll be. The big issue is, I want to get these chapters right, so I don't have to scramble to get everything I wanted to say later on and have things drag out. That requires me being more organized than I normally am, as between google, my giant doc of chapters, and my failing memory, it takes me forever to find the stuff I want to make callbacks to. I mean, in Rain's latest introspective chapter, I'm pretty sure i forgot a lot of stuff, but more to the point, I only remembered to include the Warriors of the Iron banner who died at the last minute. 

That annoys me greatly. Before, I was just been writing for fun, and I was like yea, mistakes are inevitable, but I've been writing and building up to this for so long, I so desperately want to get it right. So, I'm gonna take some time to set my head straight, get more notes in, write a few chapters without input from readers, and only then will I come back. Like I said, I dunno how long it'll be, but any news will be shared in discord.  

Sorry for the unexpected break, but given how things have been going lately, it was pretty much inevitable. That's all for now. See you when I'm back.

Also, I dunno if you guys see when payments are suspended, so proof here:




Take all the time you need.

Jack Trowell

Thank you for the notice, take your time it is worth doing it well

Adrian Gorgey

It seems like you wanna do it right, rather than being burnt out on the story, and that's a good thing to me

Umut Numanoglu

I don't understand why you are suspending donations, it's not a payment I literally give it to you to support you, but for any payment in any kind, you can get a paid vacation and I think you deserve it. Don't beat yourself about it, relax and take your time, I'm sure you will get the story as good as you want it to be.


I already feel terrible about taking money for my writing. I'm one of those self-loathing writers who hates 99% of what I write, so I literally would not be able to rest easy without suspending payments. That's just me being me, no need to concern yourself with my wonky brain stuff.


Hey Ruff, take your time, no rush :) Thanks for writing this story :)

Tomi .

We support your decisions Ruff, take all the time you need. I appreciate your open and honest communications so far:)


Yesssss organize yourself, write with purpose, goooood


Thanks for the heads up Ruff! Glad to hear your committing to getting it right. Take your time and make it awesome and we will all patiently wait for your return.


I'm also struggling with memory and keeping all of the pertinent information going through my story. Wishing you luck in your endeavors. ❤️


take as much time as you need, we'll still be here


Yup do what you feel is best for you and the story so you dont have massive regret and find it acceptable and good enough if not perfect


I've spent 5 years reading this story. No delay is going to put me off. Take your time and make something you're proud of.