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Only 4.2k words atm, way too short to be released as is. I'll try to finished before bed, but I doubt I will, so expect it sometime tomorrow afternoon.

Serious talk though, I'm really sorry about the recent rash of late chapters. I've been doing longer chapters, which were really only possible cuz Covid19 and social isolation made me spend more time writing, but even someone as anti-social as myself is starting to come apart at the seams. I find myself either slacking more, sleeping more, or just being less efficient. Dunno what I'll do going forward, but I'll probably leave it be until things either work themselves out or everything comes crashing down on my head.

Who knows. I give it a 50/50 either way. Regardless, Chapter probs tomorrow. Sorry. Take care, both physically and mentally, and as always, thank you all so much for your support.



Sounds like you need some floofs


Patreon cheerfully tells me I have early access to a late chapter announcement ... Good Job Patreon


My dog is bein a big jerk lately. He learned that if he wakes me up at night, he gets an extra walk, because I'm concerned he cant hold his pee in. He totally can. He can hold his pee in from 8am till 4pm, which is the time between his morning and afternoon walks, but 10pm to 2am? apparently that's no bueno now.

Prinny Knight

~Where there's a whip, there's a way~

Parker Groseclose

I know what you mean. The first couple of weeks I was veery productive, but now it's a struggle just to get out of bed in the morning. Having in there, you're not alone.


Thanks for the kind words. Sometimes just knowing someone is as miserable as I am is all it takes to put a smile on my face :D