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I hate to do this so close to month's end, but between work, edits, and writing new chs, im drowning and stressing. Here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna take today and sunday off to get back on track, maybe even get a ch ahead if i'm lucky. RRL chapters and lower tier chapters will continue as scheduled, until they reach 443, at which point THEY will get a 2 day break and you guys will keep getting chs, bringing everything back to the way they should be.

So in short, I'm taking an advance on advanced chapters. Sorry, but at this rate, I'm just gonna keep falling further behind. I'll probably work through Easter to make up for it, though I have no idea when that is atm lol.

Anywho, my apologies, and as always, thank you for your continued support.



Why not just take a week off? Your health should come first before all else


Yeah Ruff, what ThunderMike said. Why not make it an even week and enjoy some free time?

Orion Dye

Agreed with above two posters, take a week off, get all your stuff done, then sit back and enjoy yourself for a bit. You’ve earned it.


yea its ok to skip a few chapters to get your stuff in order. Quality is more important than a a fixed amount of chapters each week.


I like you, Ruff. I like you a lot.


Yeah Ruff honestly take your time. SD is only fun for us if it's fun for you, we won't die if you take a week off. You've been sticking to an insanely regular schedule for years now, take a well deserved breather !

Jordan McDonald

Your good man no rush I definitely prefer breaks to massive burn out


Please take care of yourself, it's okay that you need this break. If you even need to reconsider your schedule to make things work, go for it. Don't push yourself too hard. We'll understand.


Quality over quantity is better . Quality is the reason we are read. So if you need a break take it!


I think the same way you are alone! Rest is needed by all and then, after the rest, it works more productively. With new forces, you will further delight us, your subscribers, with new stories! Long live a break in creativity!))