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1. It's kinda been informally so, but I'm making it official now that all Patron tiers will get all single releases for free as they come, $5+ tiers will get EP's and shorter albums for free, and $10+ tiers will receive all releases for free as they come. This is essentially because Patreon acts as an income I can rely on as opposed to the fluctuation in sales from Bandcamp, so I really want to make sure that y'all get some actual stuff.

2. I'm going to be working on releasing various Ableton Racks, synth presets (for Serum & Sylenth1), and more sample packs. Even if you're not a musician, it's always worth checking out!

3. I'm changing the Patron shoutout to all tiers instead of just $15+ for YouTube uploads

4. I've figured out how to implement video/screensharing in servers, so we can start doing private streams in here!  Let me know what times of the week work for you.

5. ALL tiers can schedule time to call with me and I will teach you music and production stuff. This will have to be more reserved and occasional, but I think I can make it work somehow.

6. I'm honestly down with giving long-time/high-tier patrons past releases within reason. Just DM me or @ me in the server if you want something from my Bandcamp. I'll keep it to my own discretion if the requests pile up too much, but I think it should be an option available to you.

Thats all. It's a lot easier to post to the Discord server as opposed to Patreon, so please make sure to hop into the server here: https://discord.gg/n2jTV27

Hope these are some positive changes. Let me know if you have any thoughts on these :D


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