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Hey y'all! I'm proud to announce a brand new mini-series that'll be debuting this year. A lot like Starship Ponyville, "Our Light and After" is going to be a recurring story told through music and art. However, unlike Starship Ponyville, this series will be published in episodic fashion; it will exist through EP's and singles, rather than full blown albums.

What is the story about? Witch ponies >:)

That's right. You heard me. Witch ponies.

The story will entail magic, adventure, romance, you name it! Really hoping you enjoy it when the first EP comes out (hopefully in a month or two). I've attached a demo I've been working on for a track titled "Spirits", which relates to the story.



spirits (demo1) by Vylet

music by vylet art by vaporyiff


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