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Late Fee.

Rachel set her cap down as she entered the small pizza joint. "Markus.

Hey Markus." She scratched at her short black hair. "I am here. Where are you already?"

He emerged from the back room, a blast of hot air hitting her in the face. "It's about time you got here." He looked Rachel over. "We had almost a dozen people calling for you specifically to bring them their pizzas." He scratched his head. "I still can't fathom why." He looked at her as she walked over and picked up the pizza, her shirt barely covering her breasts. "Though I guess there might be a reason."

"If you are saying it's my looks, shut it." She chewed away at her gum. "I doubt they are all ordering this pizza to get a look at me."

He shrugged. "Hey, whatever the reason. Am I right. The address will be on your phone.

Oh, and one more thing. We are introducing a new rule. A thirty minutes or it's free thing."

"You are kidding, right?"

"No. He looked at the clock. "And considering that it took a good fifteen minutes to bake, you only have that long to take it to its destination."

Rachel grabbed her cap and slapped it on her head. "Fucking Christ. You are just going ahead and introducing all sorts of crazy new rules, aren't you?" She shook her head as she used her butt to open the door. "What is next? You are going to make me pay for the pizza."

"Hey, wait!"

"What is it now?"

"Just be careful. The lady you are delivering pizza is a bit crazy. So, you better deliver that pizza on time. You hear me!"

Rachel rolled her eyes as she stuck a piece of gum into her mouth. Look, I will be careful." She blew a bubble and popped it.

He pushed her out the door. "Now hurry, you don't want to deal with the late fee. Shoo, shooo!"

Rachel snorted. "Well, hopefully, I get more money out of this craziness." She chewed the stick of gum in her mouth and began to hum as she walked over to her motorbike. Spring was around the corner, and today, the weather was good. She could wear her short, sleeve red shirt, which showed off her belly, and skin-tight shorts, which showed off her ass. "Now, let's see where I have to go." She tied the pizza on the back of the bike. "Fuck halfway across town?" She rolled her eyes and slid her thighs across the purring vehicle. "Well, I better get going."

The trek across town took more time than Rachel would have wanted. For some reason, traffic at this time of day was slow and thick, and she didn't make any of the lights. At one point, Rachel risked taking a red to avoid the new deadline. She didn't want her boss to miss out on money, as that would translate to her missing out on money.

Still, it didn't matter. As Rachel pulled up into the driveway of a small suburban home, she noticed the time. "Fuck! I am five minutes late." She snorted as she kicked the kickstand of her bike. "I better get this over with."

Rachel walked up to the door and knocked. "Hi. I am sorry I am late with your food." She lifted the pizza, the boxes pressing tightly against her breasts. "Hello? Hello!"

After a few moments, a young woman appeared at the door. "About time you got here." She looked Rachel over. "Hmm, cute."

"I am sorry. The pizza is free, though."

The lady smiled. "It may be, but you still have to pay for them."

"What?" The woman suddenly snapped, and Rachel felt a tingle. "What is going on?" She looked down at her chest as her breasts suddenly slid across the pizza box, slowly growing as if they were inflating with air. "Fucking hell!" She moaned, the sensation of her boobs sliding across the steaming hot pizza box almost too much for her to bear. "God. . . fuck's sake!" Rachel swallowed her gum.

The lady giggled. "I don't like it when people are late. You made a commitment, and you should have stuck to it." She smiled. "But you do look cute. Why even your top is starting to come off."

Rachel blushed. "Fuck's sake. I. . ." She looked down. "I. . ." She closed her eyes, not wanting to admit to the woman that she loved this. "Calm down, Rachel. If you let her know that this was amazing, who knows what she will do."

She handed over the pizza. "Here you go." Her boobs bounced together. "That will be. . ." She giggled. "Oh, I forgot. It's free."

The lady smirked. "Hmm. You seem a bit frazzled."

"Well, you just inflated my breasts!" Rachel took a deep breath.

The woman crossed her arms against her own unusually large boobs. "Well, my dear lady, you did have to be punished for the late delivery. Did you really think I would just—"

Rachel suddenly snatched the pizza box away from the woman, causing her to gasp. She had no idea what had come over her, only that she loved the sensation of her boobs swelling. What if they grew again. What if. . .

"Are you trying to steal the food you were sent to deliver?" The lady snapped her fingers, causing Rachel's breasts to grow again. She moaned, her cheeks turning bright red as they slowly inflated, becoming two giant bouncy balloons on her chest. "Ohh yes." She dropped the pizza boxes as she looked down at her babies, now slightly bigger than a G-cup. "That was. . . amazing."

"Ohh, you like?" The lady giggled. "You should have just said so." She turned around. "Come on in."

Rachel stood in the doorway for a minute, wondering if she should follow the strange woman, wondering if she should give into her lust. But she shrugged. "To hell with it. This is better than dealing with Markus and his stupid new thirty minutes, or it's free rule." She giggled as she picked up the pizza and walked inside. She loved how it squished against her sensitive breasts, causing her nipples to harden. She wondered what it would be like to have someone else press their fantastic body against her own. She could feel herself become wet at the thought, her boobs on the verge of dripping with milk.

"Are you going to set that pizza down or are you just going to let it heat your breasts all day."

Rachel giggled as she set the food down on a nearby table. "Sorry."

The lady laughed. "It's okay. The name is Victoria."

Rachel walked into the middle of the room. "Victoria, how did you do that.

Well, I mean. . ." She tugged at her arm. "Cause my breasts too. . ."

"Swell up like ripe melons?" Victoria laughed. "It is just some old spells I like to play with." She walked over and smiled at Rachel. "So, you really like it, do you darling?" Rachel nodded her head. "Well, my dear, do you want more?"

"I. . ." Rachel was extremely turned on as she was just able to nod her head.

"Well, my dear, you are going to have to work for it." She ran her fingers along Rachel's enormous, sensitive breasts. "If you want them bigger. . ." She slapped them, causing them to bounce around, sweat dripping from them. "I want you to show me how much you want it."

She gave Rachel a devious smile. "Get to it, miss sexy pizza lady."

Rachel got the hint as she slowly slid off her top. She was happy that she didn't wear a bra today; her nipples were already hard. She walks over and kisses Victoria, her breasts pressing hard against Victoria's. Rachel can feel her milk dripping out of her boobs. "Ohhh. . . ohhh."

Victoria giggles as she pulls away from the kiss. "Is someone enjoying this?" She lifts up Rachel's right breast. "You almost don't seem like you can contain yourself."

Rachel moans, her boobs sensitive to the touch. "I am just. . . oh god."

Victoria smiled. "How will you feel when I do this?" She moved her finger up to Rachel's right nipple.

“Ohhhhhh gooodddddddddd!”

"But you shouldn't get all the fun if you want those babies to grow again." She whispered into Rachels's ear. "I want you to squeeze my breasts and have your way with my nipples. But the catch is you can't use your hands to get my shirt off. Only then will you be able to feel your breasts grow."

Milk squirted out of her breasts at the thought, and she felt pussy become wet. "Ohh fuck." She kissed Victoria as she took up the task. "I am up to the task." She pushed Victoria up to the wall. "I will please you."

"Well, show me already."

Rachel licked Victoria's neck before grabbing her shirt with her teeth. She moaned as she felt the woman's chest press against her own. "Come on. You can do this!" Rachel inched the blouse off, feeling it slide against her sensitive breasts. Every second that passed was an eternity, sweat beating down the back of her neck. Victoria loved it, though, as she panted, hugging Rachel lovingly and squeezing her ass.

"Keep going." She kissed Rachel. "You can do it! Oohhhh."

Rachel fought to pull the shirt over Victoria’s head, her boobs bouncing against the other woman's head. Victoria took a moment to squeeze Rachel's breasts, causing her to almost let go as the milk squirted out of her boobs. But she didn't give up on her goal as she yanked the shirt free. "There." She moaned. "I. . . I got it." She let her babies bounce against one another. "Now, please let me feel that sweet, sweet growth again."

"Okay. Okay." Vitoria pushed Rachel to the ground. "I guess I can relet." She snapped her fingers, and Rachel finally felt her babies swell again. They pressed into Vicoria's body as they stretched across her chest like massive watermelons. Milk dripped out of her nipples as her finger drifted towards her groin.

"Ohhhh god!"

"Hmm, you shouldn't have all the fun." Victoria kissed Rachel before twisting her nipples. "Who is my naughty pizza delivery girl?"

"I. . . I am!"

"Are you going to deliver your food on time?"


Victoria caused Rachel's boobs to swell another inch. "Awe, my dear. Wrong answer." Rachel moaned as her boobs were now lactating at a regular pace.

Rachel panted as she squeezed Vitoria's back. "I will deliver your food on time. Ohhhhhh fuckkkkkkk!"

Victoria smirked and kissed Rachel. "Good girl." She sucked up some of Rachel's milk. "I just hope it won't be too much trouble. You do have such lovely and full boobs now. When you have to deliver pizza to me tomorrow." She squeezed Rachel's breasts. "I would hatttteee to reprimand you again."

"Ohhhhhhhhh." Rachel shuddered at the thought. "Nooo, we don't want that."

Victoria giggled and stood up. "Now, why don't you be a good girl and head out. I am sure you have. . . other customers waiting for you."

Rachel took a deep breath as she sat up, feeling the full weight of her massive melons on her chest. "Fuck. They really are big now. I don't know if my uniform will contain them anymore."

Victoria laughed. "Is that a problem, hon?"

Rachel blushed. "I umm. . . guess not." She slid her uniform on, moaning as she felt it press tightly against her sensitive babies. "Ohhhhhhh. . ."

Victoria helped Rachel to her feet. "I will make sure to ask for you next time I order some hot and. . ." She squeezed Rachel's ass. "Steamy pizza."

Rachel giggled. "Of course." She jiggled her body about. "Until next time."

"Until next time."


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