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Full Moon Berry.

Caroline hummed along to her music as she walked home, the smell of sweat and booze still hanging from her clothing. It had been a long and tiring night, one that she didn’t expect to end. She had fully expected to stay at her friend Jessie’s house until dawn, having a grand ole time, but when Jessie passed out, the festivities went with her. No one really wanted to stay in her apartment after the hostess was out drunk and her boyfriend was shouting at them to get out.

It was kind of him to look out for Jessie, but not everyone was a creep who would steal from her blind the moment she was on the floor.

But it still meant Caroline had to make the trek across campus in the middle of the night. She felt safe enough, but still, she kept an eye peeled. It was two in the morning, after all. Who knows what kind of weirdos were out at this time of night.

As she turned the corner, Caroline slipped in some kind of strange liquid. “Huh?”

She grabbed onto the wall to try and stabilize herself. “Fuck.” She snorted, one hand going into her pocket to silence her music as she looked around. “What the hell?” She noticed some strange liquid trail leading down the pathway she was heading. “What is this?” She pulled out her phone and turned on the light. “Did someone spill some kind of blue soda?” She rubbed her nose. “Ugh, and why does it reek of blueberries around here?”

As she continued down the path, Caroline could hear a strange giggling sound. She couldn’t tell where it was coming from, but it did add to her discomfort. “Ugh, I should hurry.” She put her hands into her pockets and quickened her pace, her feet splashing in the strange goo. “I am not that far. I just. . .”

Her path was suddenly blocked by a woman who seemed to be rubbing at their hips. She had her back turned to Caroline as she swayed back and forth in the moonlight, muttering to herself. “Umm. . . excuse me. I am trying to get by.” Caroline snorted as she moved around the strange woman. “I don’t mean to—”

She suddenly reached out a hand and grabbed Caroline’s arm. “Such a wonderful night to be out.”

Caroline gasped. The woman’s entire face was bright blue, and she had an overwhelming stench of blueberries hanging about her. “Can you please let me go?” She gulped as she noticed the woman’s other odd features, abnormally large hips and breasts, which seemed to be swelling by the second.

“I just. . .” She moaned. “I just need a little help, my dear. Is that such a hard thing to ask?”

“What do you mean help? Do you need me to take you to the hospital or something?”

The woman laughed. “No. Of course not. I just. . .” She moaned. “I just need someone to. . .” Her boobs suddenly doubled in size, ripping through her shirt and exposing her nipples. “Juice me.”

“What?” Caroline took a step back. “You are crazy.”

“But I do need help. You can’t just let me swell bigger and bigger.” She moaned. “Please?”

“I. . .” Caroline had no idea what she was supposed to do. She had never seen anything like this before. “What do you even want me to do? I don’t know what juice you means.”

The woman took a deep breath. “Just. . . relive the pressure.” She moaned as her hips widened. “Please.”

Caroline arched an eyebrow as she approached. “Umm, I don’t know about this. How do I do this?”

“Press down. . . on my breasts. Squeeze the juice on.” She giggled. “Before I swell bigger. Then I should have time to. . . get to the hospital.” She smirked.

“Okay. . .” Caroline did as she was told, blue gunk squirting all about. “Ahhh.” She shielded her eyes as some of it blasted her face. “Fuck!”

“Ohhh, baby. That felt good.” The woman jiggled her body. “Thank you so much.” She patted Caroline on the shoulder. “I haven’t had that good of a juicing in ages.” The woman laughed as she walked off into the darkness. “I wonder if I can find someone else who will be even more fun.” Her pants started to rip and tear.

Caroline took a deep breath. “What the hell just happened?”


The following day, Caroline awoke with a start. She rubbed her eyes and swung her legs over the side of the bed. “I feel like I had a bad dream last night.” She slowly stood up and walked into the bathroom. “A swelling blue woman. She wanted me to juice her. Ughh god.”

She ran her hands under the cold water. “Ugh, my head is pounding. What was I up to last night?”

She grabbed her head as her phone went off in the other room. “Ugh.”

She stumbled into her bedroom, looking for the source of her early morning headache. “Whyyyyy.” Caroline found her phone lying at the foot of her bed. She bent over and picked it up, answering it with an agitated, “Hello?”

“Hey, Caroline. Hope you enjoyed the party.”

Caroline snorted. “It was fun. But the hangover and your call aren’t Jessie.”

“Oh, sorry. I thought you would be ready for company since it’s one in the afternoon.”

“What?” She looked at the time on her dresser. “I didn’t think I slept in that late. I know we stayed up and all, but. . .” She scratched at the back of her head. “I know I got home, so I could. . .”

“Everything okay there?”

“Nothing. I am just glad it’s the weekend, and we don’t have any classes. Nor do I have to go to work today.” She sat down on the edge of her bed and rubbed her head. “I had the strangest dream last night.”

“Well, you can tell me about it during lunch. Or, well, it would be your breakfast, I guess. Are you up for that?”

“Sure. I would love something. When do you want to meet up?”

“As soon as you are able. How does the diner on the edge of campus sound? You know, the one where we first met.”

Caroline nodded her head. “Ya, I remember. I should be ready in about twenty minutes. Half hour at the most.” She rubbed her head. “Last night was a bit rough, so we will see.”

“Sounds good. See you then.”

Caroline sighed as she ended the call, setting her phone on her bed. “Huh.

Well, I guess I better get dressed.” She ran her hands through her tattered hair. “Having a good meal should get my mind over the craziness of last night. I just hope it’s quiet. Ughhh.”

She quickly dressed herself, putting on a plain T-shirt and jeans. Caroline also used her sink to wash her face. She didn’t have time to take a shower, but she did her best. Once she was ready, she grabbed her jacket and made her way outside.

The walk across campus gave her time to think. Were the events of last night real or just some crazy drunken nightmare? She sure hoped so. But still, Caroline could remember that blue woman vividly, her swelling frame pressing up against her and that blue gunk spraying her face.

She blinked her eyes. “Wait!” She reached into her pocket, looking for her phone. “I remember now. I. . .” But then Caroline also remembered that she had not only washed her face but left her phone at her apartment. There was no way for her to check now if there was any lingering blue goo on her face. Nor did she remember seeing anything when she used the sink this morning. “Hmm, maybe it was my imagination after all.”

She sighed and put her hands into her pocket. “Well, time to get some food in me.”

She hurried along, feeling the cold January wind nip at the back of her neck. A few minutes later, she arrived at a small diner. There were not that many people here, only a few people from the college as they studied away and sipped coffee or ate some bread. Caroline could spot Jessie immediately, sitting next to a window as she looked out over campus.

“Hey!” She walked up to her friend. “Sorry, I am late.”

“Late? You said you might be a half hour. By that standard, you are right on time.” She smirked. “You look well enough. I was expecting worse.”

Caroline sat down. “Well, you know. I had to survive the night somehow.”

Jessie laughed, her amber hair bouncing about on her shoulders. “So, you ready for some lunch?” She sniffed the air. “Smells like you might have already had something.”

“What do you mean?”

Jessie sipped some coffee. “Well, you do smell like blueberries.”

“I do?” Caroline sniffed her arm. “No, I don’t.”

Jessie laughed. “You reek. I don’t understand how you don’t smell it.” She shrugged. “Ahh, well. Not the point of our little get-together. So, what do you want?”

“I will just have some chili. Need something to warm me up.”

“Sounds good. I was going to have a hamburger myself.” She raised her hand. “Hello?

We are ready to order.” The waiter walked over. “So, anything else exciting happen to you? I don’t really know what happened after I passed out last night.”

Caroline shrugged as Jessie gave her order to the waiter. “Your boyfriend just forced us out. That is all.” She turned her head to the waiter. “I will have some chili. Thank you.” He nodded and backed away. “Don’t really know what to say.”

“Oh ya. Kevin is a bit. . . overprotective. I have tried to tell him my friends won’t do anything but. . .” She shook her head. “I think the breakup talk might be coming. He just wants to speak for me. That isn’t cool.”

Caroline laughed. “Ya, I guess not.” She looked out the window. “So, after I left your apartment. . . something very odd happened. Though it might just be a dream.”

“Odd?” Jessie took another sip of her coffee. “Define odd.”

“How does being attacked by some blueberry lady sound.”

Jessie laughed. “Blueberry lady? I don’t mean to laugh at a possible assault, but that isn’t exactly what I thought you would say.”

“It’s fine. I don’t even know if it happened or not.” She rubbed her face. “I mean, if it did, where is the blue gunk she squirted on me?”

“Honey, I think you just need a good rest and a good meal. And we got the first part covered, don’t we?” She winked. “So let’s put this strange blueberry nonsense to the back of our minds.”

“But what if it’s real? What if—”

“If it’s real, I am sure the campus police will find some strange blue woman going around attacking people at night.” Jessie put her hand on Caroline’s hand. “You don’t have a thing to worry about. Now, let’s just enjoy a good hot meal, okay?”



Later that night, Caroline paced back and forth in her apartment. “Huh. Jessie is right. I have nothing to worry about.” She looked out over camps from her window. “Hmm, maybe she is also right about the other thing. I should get some rest.” She rubbed her forehead. “I am still exhausted. Hugh. I think with fresh eyes, I can figure out this strange mess.”

She stretched her arms, her body suddenly feeling limp. “I don’t. . . I don’t even know if I have the strength to get to the. . . bedroom.” She stumbled back and forth. “What is. . .” She fell to the ground, fast asleep.


Caroline awoke with a start, pitch-black darkness greeting her. “Ugh, what time is it?” She rubbed her eyes as she wandered around in her apartment. “I need to find a light source. Oww!”

She rubbed her knee as she backed away from whatever object she had just bonked into. “God damnit! As if I need any more issues right now.”

Light slowly filled the room, and she realized she had never closed the window. “Great.” Caroline walked over to shut the blinds. “Well, I should. . .” She looked up at the moon. “Hmm. I didn’t know it was a full moon tonight. No wonder it is so bright.” She moaned. “Ughh. God.”

She suddenly felt her pulse tense, and an unusual warmth spread through her chest. “Calm down, Caroline. It’s just the moon.” She reached into the drawer, pulled out a flashlight, and turned it on. “Fuck finding the light switch. I am just going to bed without any further fuss.” She shut the blinds and walked about her house, not noticing the blue dot on her nose.

As she walked to the other end of the living room, her face slowly turned blue. “I don’t even know why I woke up in the first place. Seriously.” She tugged at her t-shirt. “Hugh, why do I feel hot? Maybe going right to bed isn’t the best thing. I should have some ice cream first to help deal with this. . .” She moaned. “This fucking heat. Phew!” She wasn’t sure if the ice cream would help, but it was an excuse to have a lovely creamy treat.

Caroline entered the kitchen and set her flashlight down on the table as she went over to the wall to flick on the light. “There, that is better.” She smiled as she put her blue hands on her hips. “Now then. I think I deserve some good food.” She walked over to the freezer and opened the door, a cold blast of air hitting her in the face. She blushed, her cheeks turning dark blue. “Ugh.” She reached a blue hand in and pulled out the green mint ice cream. “Ahh.”

Caroline walked over to the table and sat down, not bothering to get a bowl. “Mhhh.

I can’t wait to—” She blinked as she raised the first bite to her mouth. “Huh?” Her eyes bulged as she noticed her blue skin. “What is going on?”

She set the spoon on the table, not caring if the ice cream dripped onto the hardwood table. There were bigger issues at hand. “What is going on?” She looked from one hand to another. “Huh?”

Gurrgle.  Caroline moaned as she felt a strange pressure inside her chest. “Ughh. What in the world?” She gulped as her belly pressed against the table. “What is happening to me!” She jumped up and grabbed her belly, feeling a strange liquid slosh about inside of her.


Her heartbeat increased. Caroline moaned as she felt strange thoughts float about in her head. “Ughh. . .” She stumbled about, rubbing her forehead. “I need someone to relieve the pressure. I need someone to help. Blueberries need to. . . be. . . juiced. . .” She moaned. “Ugh, what is happening to me?”


She moaned as her body vibrated. She could sense whatever it was she was in for one crazy night. She took a deep breath as the thoughts slowly burned in her mind. Caroline felt a growing need for someone to juice her, even if she didn’t understand what that meant. As she put her hands on the table, her hips widening, she couldn’t help but feel that by the night was over, she would have to give in to these thoughts. “What do I do?”

Blort.  She moaned as her boobs suddenly swelled, pressing tightly against her bra. Her frame swayed back and forth as the words, “I need. . . juicing. . .” escaped her lips. She knew she couldn’t keep up this mental battle for long. Besides, she could feel a growing pressure inside her body. Maybe these strange thoughts were right. Maybe this juicing could help.

Caroline turned towards the door, her thoughts swimming just as the juices inside her body were. “I will just go outside and see what I can. . . find.” She took a thunderous step towards the door. “Maybe I can get a juicing. Maybe I can’t.” She took a deep breath as her jeans tightened around her hips. “Ohhh, but it will be better than staying around locked up in here.”

She walked to the front door of her apartment, her hand grasping the door. “I am just going to take a quick walk outside. That is all.” She trusted the door open and walked outside into the crisp night air.

As she walked about outside, more of the strange thoughts invaded her mind. “Ugh.”

Caroline rubbed her head. “I. . . I need someone to help me with the juicing.” She looked around, a blue haze filling her vision. “Ohh fuck if I don’t. . .”

Blort.  She stumbled back, her waistline expanding outward. “Whoh.” She moaned, now understanding what she needed. “I need someone to help me swell over and over tonight. Not to cure me.” She giggled, her words no longer her own. “That would be silly.” Caroline rubbed her belly. “Why would I want to cure all of this wonderful juice building inside of me. I want someone to play with.” She giggled.

Caroline shook her head, a moment of clarity returning to her. “What? I can’t? I can’t make someone my. . . .” She groaned, feeling the jucy haze try and take over. “But it would be soo much. . . I don’t want to be so big that I. . .” She moaned as her butt swelled, ripping her pants a little. “Why fight the inevitable? Having fun is alright.”

Unable to hold back her juicy urges anymore, she threw her arms out wide. “Look out world. There is a new blueberry girl in town!”


Caroline awoke with a start. She looked around the dimly lit room, trying to figure out just where she was. Was last night another strange dream? As she rubbed her head and sat up, she assumed so. Maybe she had too much to drink to deal with a headache.

“Ahhhh!” She looked down at the strange man sprawled out on the floor, covered in blueberry juice. “Who the hell is that?” She rushed to him and checked his pulse. He was alive, just asleep. “What in the world happened here last night?” She realized she was butt naked. “Fuck!”

She quickly gathered some clothing from what she assumed was the man’s apartment before running for the door. “I am going home and taking a long shower. I am then never speaking about this night again.”


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