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The Maid’s Struggles.

Sarah smiled as she woke, the sun rising to greet her. Despite everything, things finally seemed to be getting on the right track. She was happy with her new job, even if it was temporary, and she had found out something extraordinary about herself. And as she sang her feet onto the floor, she felt happy for another reason.

Being around Ashely just. . . it was a fun experience for her. Sarah found herself excited to see the woman. She realized it over the night that maybe. . . perhaps she should talk to Ashely. That there might be something there. Maybe. . .

“Ahhhhh!” Sarah cried out as her breasts were suddenly enlarged. “What the hell?”

Ashely narrowed her eyes, glaring at her from the hallway. “You should have gotten up an hour ago. Also, you shouldn’t have worn that maid outfit to bed. I am just giving you the punishment you deserve. What? I thought you liked it?” She turned around, her tone darker than Sarah had ever heard it. “Now come on. We have work to do.”

“Ashely? Is something wrong?”

She snapped her fingers, causing Sarah’s breasts to grow to a g cup. “It’s Mistress. Don’t call me Ashely again.” She turned her head, her face dark. “Do you understand?”

Sarah nodded her head, suddenly afraid. “Yes, mistress.”

“Now go dust the study from top to bottom. I have some business to attend to that doesn’t concern you.” She crossed her arms. “Besides with how big those. . .” She poked Sarah’s right breast. “Those things are you should be happy for the next few hours.” She snorted and walked away.

Sarah watched Ashely walk away, dumbfounded. “Did I just see the same woman I spent the night with?” She looked down at her massive breasts, barely held back by her maid outfit. “Just what is going on around here?”

As she entered the study, she found Dex leaning against a ladder, examining the endless books that wound up and up. “She could at least have told me what I am looking for.”

“Hi, Dex.”

“Don’t worry, I am on it, mistress.” He gulped. “Oh, it’s you.” He looked at Sarah’s chest. “I see you already displeased her.”

She snorted. “I don’t even know what I did. She just seems so. . . angry.”

Dex sighed. “You think you have it rough? She wants me to look for some book in here. She just said something that would make her laugh. And if I don’t get it right, she will send me to the other side of the state for comedy exams.”

“What? What has gotten into Ashely? She swelled my chest for getting up late today.”

Dex sighed. “I don’t know. But whatever she told you to do, I suggest you do it. I haven’t seen her like this before, and I don’t want to get any further on her bad side.” He shivered. “I don’t even want to see her look at me like that again. It was like looking into the eyes of the devil.”

“It wasn’t that bad.”

“You haven’t seen my mother then.”

“Umm. . .” She stepped away. “I am going to get to cleaning then. Enjoy looking for your comedy book.” Sarah sighed and picked up the nearby feather duster. She had spent almost two weeks in the mansion, and she had never had to actually clean anything. Being Ashely’s maid was a bit of an odd job. Now that she was doing actual housework it felt odd. It didn’t help her boobs were the size of watermelons and bounced against the books every time she tried to use the duster. “Oh, for fucks sake!”

Sarah moaned. “This is absurd! How the hell am I supposed to clean like this.” She looked around the room. “Ugh, this is going to take me hours.” She took a deep breath. “If I can even keep myself under control with these damn honkers bouncing against the fucking walls. Fucking Ashely made them too big for the task at hand.”

“Well, do you really want to go and talk to her about that? In her current state, she would tell you to suck it up and make them bigger.”

Sarah moaned a little. “Ohhhh. That would be lovely.” She shook her head. “I mean, I can’t do my work like that. Ughhhhh.” She took a deep breath as her boobs rubbed against her maid outfit. “Ughh, for fucks sake, I just. . . I just can’t take this. I don’t care what my mistress does to me. If she really expects me to work like this, something has to be done. I just. . . if I keep working, I am afraid I won’t be able to control myself!”

She threw down the feather duster and walked to the door. “Good luck finding that book, Dex. But I don’t really think Ashely wants you to find it.”

“But. . .” He sighed as she exited the room. “Good luck.”


“You can’t just do this!”

Lester slowly slipped the piece of paper across the table. “My lawyers tell me I can. You didn’t think you were going to force me out of here, did you?” He stood up. Really, my dear. I told you what would happen if you tried something like this. Now I will give you one chance to.”

Ashely grabbed the paper and ripped it to shreds. “I don’t give a damn about you or your fucking threats! This is my home; you aren’t taking it away from me! I worked so fucking hard to get this place!”

He sat down in the chair. “If I remember right, we earned this place together. How can you say it’s yours?”

“Because a sleazebag like you doesn’t deserve anything I have earned.” She snorted.

Lester sighed. “Well, the law doesn’t see it that way. In fact, if you don’t want to settle, things could get very messy. I told you that before, didn’t I?” He smiled, his features looking like a Cheshire cat. “You were always so proud about being able to alter your body size and that of others. But what would the world think, Ashely? I am sure others would love to hear about the lady who. . .” He tapped his finger on his chin. “Makes her maid’s breasts expand just for the fun of it, even if they don’t like it.”

She slammed her hands down onto the table. “That isn’t true! I make sure my maids are happy. You are the one who always had the sexual thrill with your blueberry stuff.”

He laughed. “Who are people going to believe? I don’t have a reputation. You do.” He smiled. “And reputations have a way of. . . biting people in the ass.”

“You can’t be serious. What about you and the way you almost sexually assaulted people with your blueberry kink. You can’t really be comparing what I do to that!”

He crossed his arms and leaned back. “Again, people are just going to see the crazy lady who has fun causing peoples’ breasts to change in size. I am sure I could even make them think you make men’s dicks shrink if I wanted. Real ball buster lady.” He laughed. “Media is such a great thing. You get people mad and angry; they don’t really listen to reason; they just listen to their anger and passion.” He smiled. “And that is all we need, isn’t it.”

She stood up. “But I don’t cross any lines! You can’t make me into a monster when you are the one! You fucking. . .” She pulled at her hair. “You fucking forced me to be a blueberry against my will during our first night together, you creep. You can’t do this!”

“And I won’t. If you give me what I want. No one will have to know what a perverted lady mistress, Ashely, is. If I get my house, my money, and. . .” He smiled. “Unrestricted access to working with your maids.”

Ashely gripped her hands into a fist. “That isn’t possible. You will never. . . ever get your claws around my FRIEND again.” Her eyes almost seemed to flare with rage. “You are the most vile human being I have ever met, and if it wasn’t due to the threat of you ruining my life, I would have never put up with you. I feel so, so bad with what I let happen to those girls.” She sighed. “Knowing that I could only stop you after the fact. I was weak. Too afraid that you would ruin me.” She slammed her hand down on the table. “But no more. You can try anything. I am who I am. I don’t give a crap what you say!” Lester crossed his arms. “You are not getting my house; you are not getting my money. And you are definitely not coming anywhere near Sarah! I would rather see you burned to a crisp before you touched her!”

The door suddenly opened, and Sarah stood in the doorway with a shocked face. “What the hell did I just walk into?”

Lester smiled. “So, this is the lovely lady.” He looked her up and down. “Hmm.


Ashely pointed at the door. “Sarah. Leave. NOW!”

“But mistress. I need to.”

Ashely jumped to her feet. “Get out! We will discuss this later. GO BEFORE I FIRE YOU!”

Tears welled up in Sarah’s eyes. “Sorry, mistress. I. . .” She turned around and ran out of the room.

Lester laughed. “My, you sure have an interesting way of treating your employees.”

He produced a small camera from his shirt pocket. “I am sure the media is going to love this.”

Ashely gulped. “What?”

“Not only inflating the poor lass’s breasts but threatening to fire her for just opening the door?” He sounded like a disapproving parent. “My, my. You really are such a good person to be. . .” He suddenly laughed. “Oh, who am I kidding. You shouldn’t be within one hundred feet of that poor young girl. And unless you are willing to see things from my point of view. . .”

Ashely snorted. “Never.”

He slid the camera back into her pocket. “Well then, I guess this Sarah might have to. . . have some protection from her mistress.” He stood up. “I will see you in a few days. Nice talking to you.” Lester bowed. “Good day.”


Sarah shut the door to her room. “I was a fool. Just a stupid fool. I knew I shouldn’t have. . .” She slammed her hands down on her bedside. “Why did I even think that I could have feelings for someone else?” She wiped the tears from her eyes. “But no. There will never be another Carien. There just won’t. I will be stupid to think otherwise. Why. . . just why!”

“Sarah? Sarah, where are you?” Ashely’s voice echoed through the hallways. “Sarah!”

Wiping the tears from her face, Sarah jumped to her feet and pressed her body against the door, her squishy boobs rubbing against the oak. She didn’t want to see Ashely right now, not after the way that bitch had dismissed her. And for what? Just because Ashely was in a bad mood? That was no reason for her to threaten to fire Sarah and possibly kick her out. Sarah banged her head against the door. It just wasn’t fair. Why was there such an abrupt change after the night they had spent together?

There was a knock at her door. “Sarah, I know you are in there. Let me in.” Sarah didn’t say a word. “I know I haven’t been my best self, but we need to talk. I. . . I promise I won’t snap at you. Please.”

Sarah took a step back from the door and then opened it. “You have five minutes, you bitch.”

Ashely’s eyes widened, but then she sighed. “I guess I deserve that.” She stepped inside. “I treated you like crap today for no reason.” She sat on Sarah’s bed and pulled at her hair. “But I want you to know I was trying to protect you.”

Sarah laughed. “PROTECT ME? Is that why you threatened to FIRE ME? After we had such a tender moment last night?”

“Huh?” Her cheeks turned bright red. “Sarah I. . .” Ashely shook her head. “So, you were developing feelings for me.”

Sarah gulped. “Hey, we aren’t talking about me. We are talking about your fucking bullcrap!”

“Right.” Ashely looked at the wall. “My ex-husband was here, as you know. But there is a lot about the situation that you don’t know. Like why I had to kick him out. He came really close to hurting Carien. He forced her to swell into a blueberry for his own kinky pleasure.”

Sarah gasped. “What!?”

Ashely shook her head. “And Carien wasn’t the first girl he did that too.”

“What are you talking about?”

Ashely gripped the side of the bed tightly. “He. . . he did it to me too. When we first got together. I don’t even like being a blueberry. But he forced it upon me and. . .” Tears welled up in her eyes. “And when it was over, he said if I ever told anyone, he would tell the town how I abused people with my size-changing stuff.” She took a deep breath. “I was scared because my maid at the time we had a fun little game, and she liked it. But he. . . he told me he was prepared to. . . give her over a million dollars if she. . .” She broke down and cried.

Sarah just stood there. This isn’t what she was expecting. “I. . . Ashely. . .”

“He wanted me to stay silent, and I did because I was scared of what would happen. I thought if. . .” She took a deep breath. “I thought I deserved what I got. But as time went on, he. . . just abused more and more of my maids. I couldn’t take it, and what happened to Carien was the last straw.” She took a deep breath. “When he came today trying to manipulate to get this house back and even get his hands around you. . .” She snorted. “I was doing everything I could to keep you away from him.” She sighed. “But in the end, I just gave him ammunition, and I hurt you. I am not a good person. I am just. . .”

Sarah walked over and hugged Ashely, her breasts squishing against her. “Don’t say that. Please don’t. You took me in when no one else would. And you stood up for Carien.” Sarah smiled. “I. . .” She took a deep breath. “I. . . I don’t know what to say about that.”

Ashely shook her head. “I just don’t know how to fight this. Lester is prepared to make me the villain in the eyes of the world. People know me as some kinky mistress, and he is going to use that. I could lose my house, my money, and he is even going to try and separate me from the people that I. . .”

Sarah put her hand to Ashely’s lips. “He can try. I have had an asshole come after me for years. If you want, when I get back to my normal height, I can step on this jerk for you.”

Ashely laughed. “But everyone is going around saying you are the gentlest giantess around.”

“Who the hell is saying that?”

Ashely laughed. “Well. . .” She took a deep breath. “Did you mean what you said before?”


“About us sharing a tender moment last night?”

Sarah’s cheeks turned bright red. “I. . .” She was suddenly embarrassed. “Umm. . . I didn’t mean for it to. . .”

Ashely giggled. “You aren’t the best at hiding your feelings, darling.”

Sarah sighed. “I just. . . I guess spending that night with you wasn’t just about. . . not wanting to be alone. Is that a bad thing?”

“Maybe. Maybe not. You just saw I have a lot of baggage, my dear.” She rubbed Sarah’s cheek. “I want to get to know you. I want to take things slow. If that makes any sense.” She winked. “So, no more sleeping together for the time being. But. . .” She kissed Sarah on the cheek. “Maybe sometime soon we could explore something together if you are interested. When things slow down.”

“What?” Sarah blushed. “I. . .”

Ashely smiled. “But you do have to make me a promise. If we do explore this. You have to work on being able to become your giantess self again. You being with me like this isn’t going to be permanent. And I can’t have it on my conscious if you want to explore those feelings that you would be stuck like this. . .” She waved at Sarah’s body to emphasize her height. “Forever.”

Sarah giggled. “Of course.”

“Good. Then we have a bit of an understanding. So, do you want to start the day over, darling? We can—”

“I am sorry, mistress. I don’t want to get in trouble.” The door creaked open, Dex standing in the doorway with a worried look on his face. “But you have another visitor. Should I. . .”

Ashely arched an eyebrow. “Who is it?” She wrapped her arm around Sarah. “I think for the rest of the day, my darling maid and I want to spend the day relaxing.” Sarah giggled.

“But mistress. He is very insistent when he sees Sarah. He won’t leave.” Dex lowered his voice. “Should I call the cops?”

She stood up and shook her head. “No. I am worried Lester might have more hidden cameras. Let’s take this stranger out into the backyard. Come on, Sarah.” As Dex went to fetch the strange man, Sarah followed Ashely. “Today is just. . . ugh. It’s just one of those days.”

“Ya. Do you think you can shrink my breasts just a tad? I do love them, but. . .” She moaned. “They are just sooo sensitive. It makes me want to. . .”

Ashely gigged and snapped her fingers. “Of course, darling.” Sarah took a deep breath as her boobs shrank to a more manageable size. “I do know that they can be a tad overwhelming. Again, I am sorry for this morning. You don’t have to clean the study. Don’t worry.”

“Well, maybe I could clean it with my boobs later.” She giggled. “We will see.”

Ashely threw her head back and laughed. “This is why I love you. I can’t wait to see what naughty things you will do when you grow back to your giantess self.”

Once they were in the backyard, Sarah instantly spotted the strange man Dex had been talking about. He was old, at least in his sixties. And he was jittery, constantly looking about, checking the sky for something. “Are you sure she is here? I don’t see her. I would have seen her by now.” He grabbed Dex. “You said she would be here!”

Ashely crossed her arms. “What is this about?”

Dex pushed the elderly gentleman away. “He is demanding we show him, Sarah. But he won’t say why.”

Ashely stood in front of Sarah. “Who are you?”

The man tugged at this tattered clothing. “I am Sarah’s father. If she is here, I need to speak to her.” He looked at the sky. “It is only right after all.” He laughed. “Hehehehehh. Hehehehe.”

Sarah gulped. “My father? What?”


The sniping spy

I have a bad feeling about this


About what? Lester or the fact we just met Sarah's jittery father (or possible father.)