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Juicy Wonderpark.

“Here it is, sir.” Olivia put her hands on her curvy hips. “I told you I knew where it was.”

Red narrowed his eyes at the run-down Wonderland theme park. “Yes.

We do have quite a bit of work ahead of us, though, if we want to turn this place into my vision.”

“Well, I will get the girls on it right away. We will make this the best blueberry—”

“No! While I want this to be a wonderful blueberry park, I don’t want the original theme torn down and disregarded.”

“Sir?” She arched an eyebrow as her big round blue boobs bounced against one another, her tablet almost slipping out from her cleavage. “I don’t understand.” She gulped as the tablet finally escaped her boobs. “Shit.”

“Huh, I told you to hold that thing.”

“I am.” She reached down and picked it up. “It just feels so nice cradled between my juicy boobs.”

“Right.” He looked at the abandoned theme park. “Olivia I was more thinking we had a blueberry wonderland. Think of it. People walk into a room with no way out. A box in the center with some gum. What happens? It will turn them blue, and they will start to swell. Bigger and bigger. But that is just the start. They will get too big and realize they are trapped.” He smirked.

“You know, because Alice didn’t get it right the first time after all. So, after they spend some time being big and blue, we juice them and send them on their way to the next part. We make sure to squeeze every little bit of juice out of them, too.”

“But I thought you weren’t about that. You wanted us to stay our wonderful blueberry selves.”

He crossed his arms as he looked at his assistant. “Don’t interrupt me as I make gold here. We want them to be back to normal like Alice would have been before heading to the Rabbit’s House. That is where we get them nice and ripe. Make them love being a blueberry squeezed in that house. Make them want to be juiced.” He rubbed his hands together. “It will be perfect. We will get so many new people just begging to come to my juicing station. And I will be rich. Oh, so rich.”

“And the berry girls will have fun, right?”

Red sighed. “And that too, I guess.” He shrugged his shoulders. “We need to make sure they have to have fun, or they won’t keep coming, right? But we need to make sure this all works. I am not putting money into this place if I don’t know what I want out of it will do the job.”

As he turned around, Olivia shook her arms. “Oh no, no, no. I couldn’t go one second of not being a blueberry. Don’t you dare look at me sir.”

“Don’t worry, I wasn’t thinking about you. I am sure we can find someone to help us investigate this place.” He looked at the nearby highway. “Just give me a good half hour. And stay out of sight. I don’t want our unsuspecting new berry girl to know what she is getting into.”

“Yes, sir. Umm. . .” Olivia rubbed her hands together as Red walked away. “So, I assume you want me to plant some of our mixture into the theme park.”


She gulped and retreated into the broken-down wonderland. “Right away, sir. You can count on me.”


Jade pulled her SUV to the edge of the road as she saw a young man walking towards her. “Umm, do you need a ride, sir?”

He shook his head. “No but I do apricate it. People like you are why this world is slowly becoming a better place.” He smiled at her. “No, I need an extra pair of hands, and I am willing to pay. My name is Red, and I run a growing blueberry business. You see, we are looking to expand and buy the nearby theme park from its previous and neglectful owners.”

“Oh ya. I used to love coming here until the. . . incident.”


“You didn’t hear? Apparently, the owner decided to go a bit crazy and use some kind of mind-altering drug to turn it into her own personal wonderland. In fact, I think it’s part of the reason why her business went under. No one would ever want to go to some crazy ladies’ place when we all know that—”

“Right, I don’t need the life story of the previous owner. I don’t mean to be rude, but all of my other workers are very busy, so I am very willing to pay a heavy sum of cash if you help me see if some things are working. It will help me see if this will be a good business venture for me.”

“Sure. I like making easy cash.”

“Then meet me in the parking lot.”

“I can just drive you. Hop in.” She smiled as Red opened the passenger door and slid inside. “So, do you live around here?”

“Just a few towns out.”

“Ahh. I live out in Galensburg myself. Nice town, though I do miss our resident giantess.”


“Ya.” She giggled. “I was getting used to being able to call ourselves the only place in the world that was home to a living, breathing giant lady. I never knew her directly, but she was such a kind, gentle lady.” Jade sighed. “But now there is another town full of them, and our friendly neighbor giantess is well. . . gone. Taken. Stupid government.”

“Oh. I am sorry.” Red looked out the window as the vehicle came to a halt. “I am sure you will see your giant lady again.”

“Well, if she ever comes home the town of Galensburg will welcome her home with open arms.” Jade smiled. “I am even a part of a bit of a secret welcoming community for if that day ever comes.” She shut off the engine. “Anywhoo, let’s get to work, shall we.”

“Right.” Red exited the vehicle. “I thought we could split up. I examine places like the Mad Hatter’s party and Red Queen’s court, and you look over the Pool of Tears and Rabbits’ House.”

“Oh, of course. I love the whole size-changing area, so it would be my pleasure.” She smiled. “I used to love coming here before they tried so hard to make this well. . . real. The last owner, well. . .” Jade giggled. “I won’t get too much into it. There is a reason this place is a ghost town.”

“Right. Meet you outside in an hour for a progress report?”

She smiled. “Of course.” Jade slid her hands into her jean’s pockets. “Anything to bring one of the happiest places on earth back to life.” She watched him vanish into the park.

“I can’t believe someone wants to help revive this place. I just. . .” She bounced about on her heels. “I can’t wait to get started.” Unable to contain her excitement, Jade ran into the amusement park ruins.

As she walked through the abandoned park, Jade thought about the old, happy times. She looked at the old rabbit hole attraction and thought back to when people would try to float down it like Alice. The place was a wonderfully mad place to come to and just enjoy. Or it was before the creator decided to make the place too real and tried changing people in size.

She pushed the door open, which led to the circular Pool of Tears room. Jade remembered the place quite fondly. She had been one of the young ladies who had been trapped here and had to find a way out by changing in size. It was a bit. . . odd. Sure, it was realistic, but it wasn’t exactly what she had been looking for in a theme park experience. “Well, this place seems more stable than other parts, at least.” She looked around. “In fact, it looks a lot like I remember. Doors, doors, doors. Nothing but doors.”

Jade walked up to the glass table in the center. “Hmm, even the Eat Me box is still here.” She arched an eyebrow. “That is odd.” She opened the box. “I don’t remember there being gum in here, though. Maybe some kid decided to play a prank?” She shrugged. “I better go and check on the other parts of the park for Red. Okay, which door was it to leave?”

Jade picked a door at random and walked up to it. “I am sure it doesn’t matter.”

She narrowed her eyes as the handle didn’t budge. “Huh? Hmm, maybe the hinges are rusted or something. I will try another.” She walked up to the next. “Ugh. God damnit.” Around and around, she went, but none of the doors worked. “Fuck.” She slowly stepped back until her butt bumped against the glass table. “Hello? Red! I think the door contraptions here in the Pool of Tears room have broken. I am locked in. Red? Red!”

She sighed and slumped down. “What the hell am I supposed to do? I am stuck in a broken down wonderland and. . .” She sighed. “If this place was working, I would just. . .” She looked at the glass table in the center of the room. “No, no, no. They took the crazy lady away and her stupid growth cookies. There is no way that could happen again.” Jade arched an eyebrow as she noticed a note sticking out from under the box. “Huh?” She pulled the note out from under the box. “What is this?”

“Eat Me for a juicy surprise?”

Jade snorted. “What does that mean?” She shivered. “This is weird. But what if. . . no, that isn’t possible. But. . .” She rubbed her forehead. “I can’t believe I am doing this again.” She opened the box and pulled out a strip of gum before tossing it into her mouth. “Mhmmm. Tastes like blueberries.”

She turned around as her face turned blue. “But blueberry-tasting gum isn’t going to get me out of here. Red! Hello? Can you hear me?” Gurrggle. “Fuck” She grabbed her stomach with a blue hand. “I think I shouldn’t have skipped lunch.” Her belly vibrated underneath her skin. “Ugh, where is that fucking jerk. He should know I haven’t come back by now.” She paced back and forth. “Seriously, is he going to leave me in here? I can’t—”

She moaned as she felt her belt tighten. “Ugh, what in the. . .” Jade looked down and gasped. “What the fuck?” She looked at her bright blue hands. “How did my hands turn blue?” She slipped her hand into her back pocket, feeling her butt slowly swell as she pulled out her wallet. “What in the fucking hell is happening?” Jade pulled out a small mirror and gulped as she looked at her blue face. “What the hell did that gum do to me?”

Blort.  Her boobs suddenly surged with juice, pressing tightly against her blouse. “Ahhh!” She gulped, swallowing the gum as she dropped her wallet. “This isn’t happening!” She looked down as her hips expanded outward and her belly pressed tightly against her belt. “Ugh, I need to get this damn thing. . .” She moaned. “It’s fucking stuck.”

Her red blouse slowly turned dark blue as her skin became saturated with blueberry juice. “Okay. Okay, think Jade.” Her dark hair slowly turned bright blue. “You are turning into some big blue. . .” She moaned as her boobs swelled again. “A blueberry in an abandoned wonderland theme park. What can you do to stop this. . . juicy process.” She looked around. “How do I get out? I got out once before. I should be able to get out again.”

She ran her hands through her blue hair. “But that was when I was growing, not swelling. Ugh.” Jade looked around, her belt barely able to contain her swelling mass.

“I need to try the doors again. Maybe I can knock them down with my juicy weight. They don’t seem very stable.” She moaned. “I can’t stay in here anyway. I need. . .” She took a deep breath. “I need to get out. I need sunlight. I need other people. I. . .”

“Wait, what am I saying? I think this juice is getting to my mind?” She took a step forward, feeling her full weight as her body vibrated like a waterbed. “I need to find a way to reverse this before I am overcome by these strange thoughts. Holy crap.” She snorted as she took another step towards the door. “Keep focused, Jade. Don’t let this blueberry thing overtake you.”

She tried the nearest door again, but the thing didn’t budge. She expected that, so she took a thunderous step back, grabbed her folds, and rammed into the door. “Ahhhhh!”

Her juicy body collided with the door, the fluids in her body flowing through her like a river. She bounced off, her belt flying off her body along with dozens of buttons off her blouse as she landed on her big round ass. “Oufff.” She rubbed her head and looked up at the door. “That didn’t go well.” She sighed as the zipper on her jeans slowly unzipped itself. “What the hell do I do now?”

Jade grabbed onto the door handle and used it to help herself back to her feet, her clothing ripping and tearing as she stood up. “Ugh, great.” She looked around. “Well, what do I do now?” She moaned as her pants exploded off her body. “That isn’t exactly what I meant.”

She waddled around the room, her thunderous foot falls, causing paint to fall from the walls. “Okay, think.” She used her plump finger to rub her chin, her thick arms rubbing against her expanding chest. “You are a swelling blueberry in the pool of tears room. What can you do?” She moaned. “God, it is getting so hard to stand.” She wobbled about on her juicy, stubby legs. “What I wouldn’t give to sit down. But if I do, I may never get back up.” Jade looked at her squishy thigh, or was it her belly. She couldn’t tell anymore. Her torso was just so big now. “But at the rate I am swelling, it might just be. . .” She moaned, giving in to the inevitable and landing on her big round ass, her blouse ripping apart and falling to the ground around her.

“Anyways. If this was wonderland, Alice would just. . . shrink down. And she just well cried. But what would be the juicy. . .” Her body vibrated. “The oh-so juicy equivalent to get me to shrink?” She rubbed her sides as she continued to swell. “So I could just maybe. . . walk my way out from. . .” She wobbled about as her ass continued to grow larger, causing her to look more and more like a big blue ball. “Oh fuck.”

The door suddenly opened, and a blue woman with a tablet walked in. “This is working better than I expected.” She tapped away on the small device as her blue boobs bounced against one another. “Though she does seem to be swelling a bit too much.”

Jade looked down, the round ridge of her body pushing her head up. “Wait, who are you? Why are you blue?” She moaned. “How did you get in here? What is going on?”

The woman put her hand on Jade’s body. “Just hold tight, dear. I have data to get.” She looked up at Jade. “Hmm, maybe we put too much formula into the gum. You really seem to be swelling.” She gasped and took a step back. “Holy crap look at you go!”

Jade moaned as she slowly filled out the room. “So much juice.”

“I am going to have to tell him we won’t be able to test out the Rabbit House attraction any time soon. You might get stuck in here with how big you are getting.”

Jade’s swelling body knocked over the glass table. “Umm. . .”

The strange blue lady backed away. “This might be a problem.”

Jade moaned as her hands and legs sunk into her body. “Wait.

Come back. What did you do to me!” She continued to swell, the juice filling her body. Her massive blue boobs filled her vision as she slowly filled the room. “I want to speak to Red. Now!”


Olivia took a deep breath as she walked up to her boss. “This isn’t good.”

“What are you talking about? Why aren’t you monitoring the young lady we have testing our theme park.”

“About that. She umm. . . I think we put too much blueberry formula into the gum. She is really filling up the Pool of Tears room.”

“What!” Red’s eyes flared with rage. “I can’t have her break the place.”

“What about juicing her?”

“Ya, ya.” He looked at Olivia. “Stay here and take care of her. I am going back to Augustvile and getting some of the girls. We need to make sure this is a success.” He rubbed his forehead. “I want this place to work. I am not going to let YOUR mistake ruin it.” Red took a few steps away. “So, you better keep that young woman from juicing all over my future merchandise until I get back.”

“Yes, sir. I will keep her as happy as a berry can be.”

Red rolled his eyes and vanished.


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