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This story burrowed into my mind and wouldn't let go.  I hope you like the continuing maid saga everyone.


“Over there.” Ashely crossed her arms. “No, no, Dex. A little to the left.” Dex narrowed his eyes as he looked down at Ashely, a glass Christmas star in his hand as he stood on a ladder. “Now, back to the right.”

Dex snorted. “Mistress. I can’t move much more than a few inches on this ladder.” He pressed his body against the giant tree. “You are being absurd here.”

She laughed. “Oh, come now.” She raised her hand, ready to snap her fingers. “Do you really want to argue, Mr. I had a giant lady pool toy over?”

Dex’s face turned bright red. “No, mistress.” He grabbed the ladder and slowly jumped it over to the right. “I will do as you wish.”

“Good boy.”

“Umm, Ashely? Can I talk to you?” Ashely turned around to see Sarah walking up to her, the young lady rubbing her arm. “I promise it will only take a moment.”

“Of course, darling.” Ashely turned her head to look up at Dex. “Dexter, why don’t you just wait up there until we are done talking.”


“No backtalking. I saw what you did to the pool.”

Sarah narrowed her eyes. “Wait, what happened?”

“Nothing, my dear. Our darling butler had a bit of unscheduled naughty time.” Ashely turned her attention back to Sarah. “So, what did you want to talk about, my dear?” She arched an eyebrow. “And why are you wearing your maid outfit? I told you it’s the holiday season. You don’t have to worry about that for a few days.”

Sarah snorted. “Well, I umm. . .” She looked at Ashely. “I wanted to discuss the maid stuff directly.”

“Oh?” Ashely crossed her arms. “What about it?”

Sarah threw her arms to the side. “I find it absurd that you just. . . . that you keep inflating my breasts and ass.” Her cheeks turned bright red. “Like why do you think that you should. . .” Sarah took deep breaths. “That. . . FUCK!”

Ashely arched an eyebrow. “Everything okay, my dear?”

“No! I can’t get this out of my mind! I just can’t. You need to stop because it. . . it. . .” Sarah’s cheeks turned brighter by the second. “It. . .”

“Hmm. . .” Ashely crossed her arms. “So, you want me to stop punishing you. Okay, I can do that.”

“WAIT NO!” Sarah blinked her eyes. “I mean. . .” She looked at the ground. “I. . .”

“Darling, you were just saying—”

“Look, I don’t. . . you just need to stop!” Sarah turned around, shivering. “Maybe just for a bit. Or I. . . I. . .”

Ashely walked up and put her hand on Sarah’s shoulder. “Hmm, can we talk? In private, darling?”

“I guess.” Sarah shrugged.

“Okay, then follow me. We can leave Dex to his decorating.” She raised her voice. “Isn’t that right, Dex?”

“Oh, don’t mind me.” He leaned against the gigantic pine tree. “I will be just fine up here.”

Ashely put her hand behind Sarah. “Follow me.” She led Sarah through the winding halls of the mansion and up to her bedroom. “Now, we should have enough privacy to talk here.” Ashely sat down on the edge of her mattress. “Darling, I want you to understand something. I want you to be one hundred percent comfortable when I alter your body, and I would have stopped long ago if I thought you had a problem with it.”

Sarah crossed her arms. “Then why do you keep doing it? You can clearly tell that I don’t like it!”

Ashely giggled. “Your face says otherwise. Also, did you hear yourself back there? You freaked out when I said I wouldn’t inflate your breasts ever again.”

Sarah looked at the ground. “I. . .”

Ashely sighed. “Look darling, what I am about to say can’t leave this room.” She pointed at the side of the bed. “Sit down.” Sarah stood there for a moment but eventually sat down next to Ashely. Ashely then slid her arm around Sarah. “I know you think I have always been this way, flamboyant, fun, exciting. But it is far from the truth.”

Ashely sighed. “In fact, it wasn’t until recently that I really got the courage to be the way that I am. Five years ago, you would be mistaken for seeing one of the most timid creatures in existence.” She laughed. “Someone who was so very sick of herself that I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror.”

“What are you talking about, Ashely?”

Ashely looked at the ceiling. “I was born with a major genetic deformity. My parents were giant folk, not much unlike you. People who were used to being in seclusion and towering over all others. But they gave birth to a runt in the sense of the word. And someone like me, well. . . I was considered an abomination that was supposed to be disposed of.” Sarah gasped.

“You see giantesses and giants they. . . they want nothing to do with people my size. So having me was a disgrace.”

“But that wasn’t the only thing. I later found I could alter my body size as I grew up. I think it was related to my genetic hiccup. Alter things around five feet from my original state in any direction. If I wanted to be five feet taller or smaller, I could be. If I wanted to make my feet bigger, I could. Shrink my head; you get the gist. But the kids in school called me a freak.” Ashely shook her head. “So much so I never adopted.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Ya, I grew up in an orphanage. The other kids made sure to tell everyone what kind of weirdo I was.”

“It took me so long to convince myself I was. . . I was a good person, and these things didn’t keep me from being a decent human being. The fact that expanding my body caused some kinky thrill didn’t help.” She laughed. “But one day, I just said fuck it. What does it matter what other people think? What does it matter if they think I am weird for wanting to inflate my own breasts? I am not going to feel down for that.”

She smiled. “It still took some time, but I slowly started to feel good in my skin.”

She smiled at Sarah. “People started to know me as the Mistress. Sure, it felt weird being known as a personality, but I didn’t care. I was having fun being myself. And the world had to deal with it.” She sighed.

“Why are you telling me this?”

“Because I can see plainly on your face that you are struggling to accept something about yourself. One minute, you are enjoying my punishments, and the next, it is the worst thing on earth.” Ashely sighed. “Sarah darling, I wouldn’t do this if you didn’t like it. My little growth fun isn’t something I do to be mean or stuff. It is just something I do for the fun of it.

If you have a problem, I will stop. But you have to seriously tell me that this is an issue. So, do you have an issue with my abilities?”

Sarah sighed. “How can you affect me?”

“That isn’t what I asked, darling. You are deflecting again.”

“I. . .”

“Ahh, well, I guess I should sate your curiosity.” She pointed at Sarah’s maid outfit.

“I can only cause growth in others if I infuse an object they wear with my essence. I wove some of my hair into that outfit. It is in the fabric.”

Sarah blinked her eyes. “Ugh, gross.”

“Ya, it’s. . . something. So, are you going to answer my question now? Do you have an issue with me causing you to change in size? No changing the subject!”

Sarah seemed to consider the question. “I won’t lie. I can’t get it out of my head. I wake up in the middle of the night, both dreading and anticipating it. The mere thought of you causing my clothing to tighten around me makes my heart beat faster.” Sarah clutched her head. “I am just so confused.”

Ashely smiled. “Well, I think that is a conversation you need to have with yourself then. Not me.” She stood up. “Take the rest of the day to figure that out.” She stood up. “I have to check on Dex anyway.”


Sarah watched Ashley leave, her mind a flutter with questions. She had gone into this expecting to get Ashely to stop with the maid nonsense but now was more confused than ever. Sarah had never expected Ashely to have been the child of giantesses and giants, nor for the woman to show such a tender side of herself. She just seemed so. . .

Sarah shook her head. That isn’t what she should be focusing on right now. Ashley had pointed out something that Sarah had been running from. At every turn, Sarah had been trying to hide from the fact that she was taking pleasure in the growth of her body. It irritated her beyond belief that she would even enjoy that. How could she? What kind of person would that make her?

She laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. She didn’t want it to be true.

What would people think of her? Oh, look at the lady who is just going around and wanting to let her body swell for the pure joy, the pure bliss. There has to be something wrong with her.

But Ashely’s words rang in Sarah’s head. Why did it matter what the world thought of you? Your own happiness came first. Yet, thinking back, Sarah didn’t always enjoy changing in size. She couldn’t have. She remembered the first time she had ever grown into a giantess, having a growth indecent in her car. It wasn’t exactly fun. But as she thought about it now, it made her heart race, the thought of her limbs stretching, her breasts growing. Sure, she had become trapped in her car for a moment, but it had been exhilarating.

Sarah’s eyes widened. “I. . . I do love it! The feeling of my body swelling. Shrinking. Whatever. It feels so fucking amazing. . .” She gulped. She knew it for a while, but she had been afraid to admit it. Sarah slowly sat up. “I. . . fucking love the way I feel when I change in size. I love the way I feel when my breasts grow when my ass swells.” She laughed, feeling a sense of liberation for finally saying it out loud. “Oh my god.” Her cheeks turned bright red. “I. . . don’t believe it. This actually feels good.” She sighed. “Like really good.”


Ashely narrowed her eyes. “No, Dex, you can’t come down yet.”

“But mistress, I have been up here for hours.”

“You should have thought about that before—”

“Dex, you can come down. Don’t listen to her.”

Ashely turned around to see Sarah walking towards her, a smile on her face. “Oh, you are now giving orders, are you?”

Sarah giggled. “Oh, maybe.” She arched an eyebrow. “What are you going to do about it?”

Ashely took a step forward. “My dear. Are you trying to challenge me?”

Sarah threw her arms out wide. “I found out that I enjoy my body swelling. You can’t do anything to me anymore, mistress. You lost your power.” She laughed. “I am going to call the shots now!”

Ashely laughed. “Oh, are you now my young maid.” Ashely snapped her fingers, causing Sarah’s breasts to swell rapidly. They became so big that Sarah couldn’t stand, falling onto the ground as she clutched her breasts, moaning. “Oops. I think I overdid it.”

“Fuck. . .” Sarah moaned. “Soooo. . . . fucking. . . . big.”

Ashely turned around and sat down in Sarah’s cleavage. “Ahh, you make a nice chair, my dear.” Ashely rubbed Sarah’s right breast. “Now I am happy you found something out about yourself but please try and remember who is in charge.” She looked up at Dex. “Right, my dear butler?”

He sighed. “Of course. I would never forget that.”


Late that night, Sarah pushed the door open to Ashely’s bedroom. Ashely rubbed her eyes as she sat up. “Darling. What are you doing? It’s the middle of the night. If it’s about how big I made your breasts earlier, I—”

Sarah shook her head. “No. That is completely fine. I enjoyed that, Ashely.” She closed the door behind her. “I just. . .” Sarah sighed. “This is going to come out of nowhere, but would it be okay if I slept here tonight. I—”

Ashely blinked her eyes in surprise. “Why?”

Sarah looked down at the floor. “I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind. I don’t know what this means. I just. . .”

Ashely threw the covers to the side and jumped out of bed. Ashely then rushed over and hugged Sarah. “No. You don’t need to say anything more. Not tonight, darling.” She pulled Sarah in close, hugging Sarah against her naked body. “You can be in here tonight. My only rule is nothing kinky or anything of the such. You just sleep.”

Sarah nodded her head. “You sleep in the nude?”

Ashely laughed. “So, what if I do?”

Sarah walked over to the bed with Ashely. “Thank you.”

“No problem, darling. Have a good night.” She watched as Sarah curled up in the bed. Ashely then lowered her voice. “I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind either, darling. I. . .” She sighed. “Ugh.” Ashely slid into the bed before facing away from Sarah, her normally confidant face filled with fear.


The sniping spy

That's great that Sarah finally accepted herself, I wonder why the fearful face though


Sometimes it is hard for the people who give advice to live what they say. And Ashely has some demons she isn't ready to tell.