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I do want to say first off this is a story and not an actual day off.  Now let's dive into it shall we?

Day Off.

Beth sighed. “No one has been in today. What is going on?”

“Haven’t you noticed?” She jumped out of her skin as Mr. Gongsel walked towards her. “It is your day off.”

“But how would I know that?”

He snorted. “Maybe by the fact that key parts of the store are missing?”

“Well, now that you mention it. . .” Beth had found it a bit odd that she hadn’t been able to find the cash register anywhere, nor could she find the storage room. And her work outfit was suspiciously missing. “I had thought the store was just playing a trick on me.”

He slapped her hand with a ruler. “The store doesn’t play tricks on anyone except those who have wronged it. The reason why these things are missing is you have overworked yourself, and the store knows it.”

She rubbed the back of her hand. “Do you always need to be so cruel?”

“I am not cruel. I just do what I have to. Now, you should do what the potion store wants and take a break.”

“But. . .” She looked around. “I haven’t had a break in years. When will I know I can come back?”

“You will know.” He nodded his head. “Trust me. The store will let you know.”

Beth shrugged her shoulders. “Well, I guess.” She walked towards the door, noticing a crimson vial sitting on the table’s edge. “Hey, who let this out?”

Mr. Gongsel shrugged. “If it is sitting there and it grabbed your attention, then I am sure it is there for you. You should know by now how things work here in Potion’s R Us.”

“But. . .” She looked at the strange elixir. “I don’t want a strange potion. I don’t even know what it will do.”

“DON’T QUESTION THE WILL OF THE STORE!” She gulped. “You are lucky you get a break and a gift at that. Take it and go!”

“Yes, Mr. Gongsel.” She grabbed the crimson vial. “Have a nice week.”

“I will see you when you return.” He waved as she walked out the door. “And don’t come back until you have enjoyed your full vacation, do you hear?”


Beth slumped down in the seat of her SUV. “Take a vacation? What kind of nonsense is this?” She sighed. “I didn’t even know magical stores could force you into taking a vacation.” She looked at the glowing vial of crimson liquid sitting on the seat beside her. “And I can’t believe I had to take this with me. But it isn’t like I had much choice.” She sat back. “Last time I tried to disobey the store’s will, I got fucked for it. I swear if I could go back in time and stop myself from taking that help-wanted job. . .”

She moaned. “But maybe a vacation is good. I honestly don’t know what day it is. Working in that potion store has really messed with my sense of reality.” She looked around. “It is nice to know that I am not going to walk into a door and have it be five times as big on the other side. Or have my place of work randomly change locations because the store willed it.

Beth pulled her phone out of the glove department. She left it there as if she risked keeping it on her person; she risked losing it in the craziness of the Potion’s R Us store. “Hmm, I wonder where I should go. Maybe Dex is still around.” She scratched at her head. “Holy fucking crap. It is almost 2024?” She blinked her eyes. “I swear it was only yesterday when I stepped out of the store to. . . to. . .”

The only thing she remembered doing was stepping out of the store for the giantess’s wedding and birthday party. That had all occurred because a woman named Ashely had wandered into her store one day, and they had gotten to talking, especially when the subject of Sarah had come up. Still, Beth just couldn’t believe how much time had passed. Mr. Gongsel would have much to answer for later.

“I will have to explain a lot to Dex on why I haven’t been around.” She held up the phone to her ear. “I hope he still remembers me. Because it’s just like yesterday when we went bowing, and I was turned into a giant water balloon.” She giggled. “That was interesting, to say the least.”

After a bit, there was an answer on the other side of the line. “Hello? Mistress Ashely’s residence.”

Beth arched an eyebrow. “What? Dex? I know it’s been a long time, but don’t you remember me? It’s Beth. Wait, you work for that weird woman, Ashely?”

Dex suddenly broke out of his monotone voice. “Beth? Hey? I thought it was weird that someone called me on my private line. What happened to you? You vanished off the face of the earth? Right after, you had that incident where you swelled up like a giant water balloon. I thought you got embarrassed and moved to another town.”

She laughed. “No, of course not. Remember that job I got? I have been working at it for the last. . . umm few years? I honestly can’t believe how much time has passed. It is complicated. Look, can we talk? Hang out, maybe?”

“I don’t know. My boss would—”

“Dexter, it’s like I have been gone for over two years, and I might vanish again for another year or two because of magical nonsense. Please. I want to spend this time with you.”

She could hear him sigh on the other end of the line. “Okay. But if my boss catches us, you are some new cleaning lady, and you are dealing with the consequences. No ifs and’s or buts.”

“Of course.”

“I will text you the address. I will see you soon.”

“Of course.” She sighed as she hung up. “Well, at least I will see one friendly face.” Beth started the engine. “Time to go and meet an old friend.”


About fifteen minutes later, Beth found herself parked outside a lavish mansion. “Holy crap! Dex works here?” She blinked, remembering that she had just been here for a party. “How? How did I not see him before?” She shook her head as she drove down the massive driveway. “I don’t get this at all.”

She immediately spotted Dex as she parked her vehicle at the foot of the mansion. “Dex. It has been forever.” She opened the door to her SUV. “Nice suit.”

He laughed as she approached with the strange vial in her hand. “Holy crap. You don’t really look that different. Serious Beth.”

“Well, working at a strange magical potion shop will do that to you, I guess. What have you been up to in my absence?”

“Follow me inside. We should have the place to ourselves. My boss took the maid out to Lake Michigan for some weird trip. I don’t really want to get into it.”

“Dex, I run a potion shop that is alive and can cause anything from turning people into household plants to causing their asses to swell beyond imagination. How are you going to top that?”

He blinked his eyes as he opened the door. “Umm. . . my boss tends to punish our maids by expanding their breasts and butts.”

Beth laughed as she walked inside. “Tame.”

“Tame? You are different. Last we met, you were freaking out that potion thing or whatever was causing your body to swell up. And now I say what Mistress Ashely is into, and you laugh it off like it’s nothing.”

“Well, I did have to turn myself into a blueberry once to make a client happy.” Beth moaned. “It was a umm. . .ya. . .”

Dex blinked his eyes. “You. . .” He laughed. “It is good to see you.” He pushed open a door that led to a massive room with a pool in the center. “I thought while the mistress is otherwise occupied, we could catch up in here.” He rolled his shoulders. “Besides, I don’t really get that much chance to relax.”

She laughed. “How did you end up working here?” She walked into the room, the door shutting behind her. “Last I remember, you were nothing but a deadbeat.”

“Well, after you vanished, I had to get my act together. I mean, without the crazy lady distracting me, what was I going to do?”

“I was distracting you? Last we met, you tried to get me to skip out on my new job. And I got punished for it dearly. You know why I was turned into that giant water balloon, right?”

He laughed. “You really do work for a magical shop, don’t you?”

“Yes, and it can be annoying at times.” She sat down in one of the poolside chairs, setting the magical vial next to her. “Oh, Beth, make sure you don’t piss off the store. Oh, Beth, you can’t quit; otherwise, bad things will happen.” She rolled her eyes. “Did I tell you the store can change locations on a whim?”

“Oh god. Is that why you vanished?”

“Yup. One day I just wasn’t in Galensburg anymore.” She sighed. “It is weird. Okay, enough about me. What about you!” She pointed at him. “Talk already!” She threw her shirt to the side, letting her breasts soak in the artificial light.

“You don’t wear a bra?”

“I said I want to hear your side of the story. Now talk!”

Dex laughed. “Okay. So, after you left, I decided to make something of myself. I umm. . . It didn’t go well. I got fired from my pizza gig. And when I say fired, I got chased out because they thought I was stealing.” He shook his head. “I ran and ran until I came to the gates of this place. I slipped through the bars, scared that the police might be on my tail, and dashed inside. Oh, was I in for a surprise when Ashely found me. I didn’t get a word in edgewise before she expanded her breasts and demanded to know why I had broken into her home.” He laughed. “I begged her that I would stay. I would do anything. I was desperate. She considered my proposal and asked if I would be her butler. The only condition was I had to do everything she said down to the letter.”

“I thought it would be simple, but she had very crazy requests. But Ashely is suspiciously a nice person despite her kinky attitude. She will say she has trained me, but we have learned to live with each other. And I am happy to call her my friend.”

“That is nice. I am happy to see someone get your act together.”

“Hey! That is rich coming from the magical potion girl.”

Beth snorted. “Very funny. Do I hear your mistress calling?” She laughed as she watched Dex jump to attention. “Oh my god. I was just joking.”

He laughed. “Well, good. I don’t need Ashely getting on my case.” He arched his eyebrow as he looked at the crimson vial. “So, what is that for exactly?”

Beth looked down at that potion. “I don’t know. My crazy potion shop willed that I take it with me on my vacation. I have no idea what it does.”

Dex laughed. “Well, maybe someone should drink it and find out.”

Her cheeks flushed bright red. “Are you crazy?”

“Hey, Ashely isn’t around. I can afford to have some fun.” He crossed his arms. “And I remember one of the best times I had was when we had some crazy magical fun together. Or did you get lame on me?”

Beth snatched the vial. “If anyone is lame, it’s you, mister butler.” She popped off the cork. “I won’t let myself become as lame as you.”

“Show me.” He arched an eyebrow. “I dare you to drink it.”

“Fine!” She quickly downed the crimson vial, setting the empty glass jar aside. “There!” Her voice was oddly squeaky. “Was that lame?” She narrowed her eyes. “Why are you giggling?” Beth held her hand over her throat. “What the hell? Why do I sound like a chipmunk?”

Dex fell over laughing. “Please keep talking. It is funny as hell.” He slammed his hand on the side of the pool. “No, wait. I need to get my phone out and record this.”

Beth narrowed her eyes. “No. Don’t you dare?” She jumped on him. “You are not recording this, so I will remember this until the end of time.” As soon as she landed on him, she bounced right off him and into the pool. “Ahhh!”

Dex blinked his eyes. “Whoh.” He laughed. “That was unexpected.” He laughed as Beth floated to the surface. “You, okay?”

She snorted. “No!”

He put his hands on his hips. “Hmm. You sure seem awfully buoyant.”

Beth turned onto her stomach and narrowed her eyes. “Hmm, I didn’t notice.” She began to swim towards him. “I think I am going to need some new clothes. My pants and panties are soaked.”

“I think I can find something for you.” Dex gasped. “Oh my.”

“What?” She put her hand on the edge of the pool. “Why are you staring at me like that?”

He laughed. “I guess when we meet, you can’t help but get water into your ass, can you?”

Beth looked at her butt and gasped. “Oh god.” She rubbed her curvy ass as she pulled herself out of the pool. “I didn’t even feel it swell.” She bounced back and forth on her butt. “It is so odd. I don’t even feel like there is anything in it.”

“Let me check.”

She stood up. “No! Don’t you dare!” She squeaked at him. “I am never going to get used to my voice.” She put her hands on her hips, her body letting loose strange squeaks. “Hmm. I know it’s the potion, but would cause this? High-pitched voice. Strange squeaks.” She moaned, feeling a strange sensation on her belly. “Ughh.” Beth fell onto the pool deck, her legs squeaking as she clutched her chest.

“Are you okay?”

Beth removed her hands to reveal a nozzle. “Umm. . . I don’t think so.”

Dex laughed. “Holy crap.” He slapped Beth on her shoulder, causing her body to squeak. “Are you turning into a balloon or something?”

“No!” She shook her head. “I don’t think so.” Beth scratched at her head. “I think I would be floating away at this point if I was.”

“Hmm. . .” Dex looked at the pool. “Oh, I got it!” He shoved her into the pool.


“Quiet!” He slipped off his clothing, undressing himself down to his undergarments. “I don’t want to hear it from the pool toy!”

Beth blinked her eyes. “Pool toy?”

He jumped into the water. “Ya. Squeaky body. Swelling butt.” He raised an eyebrow. “And breasts, it seems.” Beth covered her chest. “And the fact you are filling with air. It seems to add up. Also, you are floating on the water, Beth.”

She bounced on the water. “Well, I am not that convinced.” She gulped as she felt her pants tighten on her ass. “Damnit, I still didn’t get my pants off.” She realized she was now quickly filling up with air, her butt pushing away from her front end. “Hey!” She tried to grab her pants but failed.

“Oh my.” Dex laughed as he swam over to Beth. “You seem to be having a swell time there.”

She looked at him as her breasts ballooned outward, pushing her head up. “If you mean by my pants are becoming fucking tight, and I can’t do a damn thing about it. . .” She moaned. “Maybe you should get them off me!” She slapped her hands in the water. “Hurry! I am having a hard time even seeing my backside.”

Dex laughed. “Okay, okay.” He swam around to her side. “Or maybe.”

“Don’t you dare?”

“You are a pool toy, after all.” He pressed his hand on her waist, causing her to squeak. “We don’t want a toy to go to waste.”

“Dex!” She moaned as she felt him climb onto her inflating body. “You haven’t changed one bit. What would your mistress think?”

He laughed as he perched himself between her swelling boobs and ass. “She would join me.”

Beth snorted. “No wonder you like working for her.”

Dex perched himself nicely with his head between her breasts and his legs going between her ass cheeks. He laughed as her pants slowly ripped apart. “Now stop complaining. This is supposed to be part of your vacation, and I agree. You should always swell up like this, my dear. Let loose. Relax. You don’t need all that stress, and if the way you need to get rid of it is to balloon it all away, then do it.” He laughed as her pants ripped apart, and they bounced back and forth on the water. “So, my dear pool toy, what do you want to do?”

“I umm. . .”

He twisted around so he lay on his stomach, gently rubbing her right breast. “Well, there is something I do want to do.”

“Which is?”

He stood up. “We never had a diving board in here. The mistress was never interested in such things.” He balanced on her breasts. “But I guess you can double as one.” He suddenly jumbled off of her, diving into the pool. The waves sent Beth flying across the pool, bouncing against one side of the pool before she was sent in the other direction. Dex laughed as he caught her. “I got you.”

“That felt amazing.” She giggled as she still felt her body jiggling. “Let’s do it again.”

“So, you are relaxed now, miss poll toy?”

Beth laughed. “Yes. I guess I am.” She sighed. “I guess the store really does know best.” She laughed as Dex climbed back on top of her. “Just don’t go around telling anyone that. Last thing anyone needs to know is that a potion store knows how to treat me better than anyone else.” Beth laughed. “Or when I am stressed that I want to be turned into a giant pool toy.”

“I thought it was that you want your body inflated?”

“Hey!” She blushed. “It’s. . . whatever.”


The sniping spy

Nice, something good finally happened to beth


As time goes on, she is slowly going to learn how to be the master of the potion shop. But speaking for experience it is hard to learn sometimes.