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A Growing Concern.

Nora stared down at her phone in confusion. “We are currently investigating a possible viral outbreak. However, we aren’t exactly sure about the details of the outbreak at this time. We ask and thank you for your cooperation, and until a time that we can give you more information, please stay away from the downtown area. A message from Vendercity’s emergency broadcast?”

She sighed. “What the hell is going on? And what do they mean we can’t go downtown?” She sighed. “Noel has been working there for a while, and I haven’t heard from her. I am getting worried.” She gulped. “I hope everything is okay.”

Nora gulped as there was a knock at her door. “Huh?” She sighed. “Fuck, who the hell would be knocking at this time of day?” She sighed as she looked at the clock on the wall. “It is barely seven in the morning. God.” She rubbed her eyes and walked to the front door. “I am coming. I am coming.”

Nora opened the door to see a man in a suit standing on her doorstep. “Nora Tenslie?” She nodded her head. “You were roommates with Noel?


The man stepped inside and slammed the door behind her.

“Do you know what happened to Noel?”

She shook her head. “No. I haven’t seen her in a few days. Not since she went to work at the hospital. I thought she had an extra-long shift or something. Hey!” She narrowed her eyes as the strange man grabbed her arm. “What the hell are you doing!?” She pulled it away before he could do anything. “Now get out of here before I call the cops!”

“Ma’am, I am the police. Or rather. . .” He pulled out a badge she didn’t recognize. “They are below me. I work for a special agency dealing with viral contagions.”

“Viral, what now?”

He sighed. “Look, all you need to know is we are investigating a strange outbreak that has been going on in Vendercity. We don’t want it to spread to other parts of California.”

“What are you talking about? What outbreak?” She narrowed her eyes as he pulled out a syringe. “What is that?”

“I need to know if you were exposed.”

“If I was what?” She backed away. “I need you to explain yourself right now!”

He sighed. “I am trying to determine if you will have the same infections as the others.”

“Why would I? And what infections? Tell me what the hell is going on!”

“I can’t do that. It’s classified.”

She narrowed her amber eyes. “Then why don’t you get out of my house before I shoot you for trespassing.”

“But. . .”

Nora turned around and grabbed a stapler from her drawer. “I am warning you! Don’t make me use this thing!”

The strange man backed away. “Look, lady, this is serious. You can’t just.” He groaned as Nora motioned to pull her fake weapon out of the drawer. “Fine. Fine. If you want to run the risk of catching this infection, then by all means. Do it.” He turned around. “But don’t come crying to me when you are a giant bloated blueberry. Hmph.” He opened the door. “Now, good day!”

Nora blinked her eyes. “A what?” She dropped the stapler and turned around. “What did you say? Hey, wait! Wait!” She rushed out the door. “What do you mean by a blueberry?” She scratched at her head. “Where did he go? He couldn’t have disappeared so quickly?”

Nora shook her head. “I don’t know what is going on here, but I am just. . . ughgh.”

She shook her head as she leaned against the wall. “Blueberries? He can’t be serious. But what if he is? And what if something happened to Noel?” She shuddered. “I have to go find her.” She turned around. “I mean, what if he said is true. What if there are some kind of weird giant blueberries out there. I have to warn her.” She quickly dashed back inside, grabbed her jacket, and rushed out the door once more.


About a half hour later, Nora found herself wandering the streets of downtown. “Strange. There are usually more people out and about.” She scratched at her head. “I wonder where everyone is?”

Nora noticed a strange blue goo blanketing the road as she turned onto Sixty-Seventh Street. “Huh?” She covered her nose. “That is strange. It smells like blueberries.” She gulped as she continued along the sidewalk. “This is getting very strange. Noel! Hey Noel!”

“Hey, you. Quiet!”

“What?” Nora spun around. “Who said that?”

A young woman with bright red hair opened a door and waved at her. “Stop standing in the open and get in here. Now!” When Nora just stood there, the woman slammed her hand against the door. “NOW!”

“Okay, okay. You don’t have to shout.” She put her hands into her pockets. “Shesh.”

The strange red-headed woman slammed the door behind Nora. “Look, can you tell me why you—”

“You didn’t see them did you?”

“See who?”

“The blueberries?”

Nora turned around to face the strange woman. “The blueberries? No, I don’t think I have seen any blueberries today. I haven’t exactly gone to the store or anything.”

The woman grabbed Nora and shook her. “I am not talking about your garden variety blueberries here. I mean human-sized blueberries. They are either human-shaped with enormous boobs and asses or massive round balls.”

Nora burst out laughing. “Okay, that is a good one. Really.” She held her chest. “You have to be crazy to think blueberry people are real. Did you watch one too many movies as a kid?”

The woman smacked Nora in the gut. “I am not making this up! Didn’t you see the news?”

Nora rubbed her chest. “I saw something about a possible viral upbreak. Why?”

The lady turned around. “The hospital down the street was overcome with a blueberry sickness. Or that is what the media is calling it. People started to swell into these giant blue balls, overcome by a lust to be juiced. Some of them kept their human shape, but the juice expanded their. . . sensitive areas, only making it easier for them to spread their berry affliction.” She sat down while rubbing her forehead. “There is now a five-block quarantine around the hospital, and it has grown over the last hour.”

“Wait. You don’t mean. . .” Nora gulped. “General Hope’s End Hospital?”

The woman nodded. “That is where my friend works. What if she is one of those giant blueberries. She could. . .”

“Well, what I will say is she is probably very happy right now.”


“I have seen one of those blueberries as they have swelled up. They do seem to be very happy, at least. So, there is that.” She looked at the ceiling. “Though I have to wonder how you would enjoy your life as a blueberry, though. It is a strange thing to think about.”

Nora shook her head. “I have to find and help Noel.”

“What? You can’t be serious. If you go out there, you could possibly turn into a blueberry yourself. It is far safer to stay in here.”

“Look, lady, I am—”

“It’s Jen.”

“Okay, Jen. I am very happy for your help, but I will not spend the rest of my time hiding from some strange blueberry outbreak. I am going to find my friend.” Nora walked to the door. “Umm, though, I don’t know what I will do if I encounter one of those berries.”

She scratched at her head. “Maybe I should bring something with me?”

Jen sighed. “I can’t very much let you go out there on your own.” She grabbed a jacket and a stick. “Hopefully, this will help keep those big blueberries off of us while we search for your friend.” She pointed the stick at Nora. “Then you two are getting out of here. No ifs and’s or buts.”

Nora nodded her head. “No arguments from me. I don’t want to stick around and become a giant blueberry.”

“Good. Now let’s go.” Jen opened the door. “Let’s hope your friend made it out of the hospital before meeting a juicy fate.”

Nora followed Jen through the streets. The further they went, the more pungent the stench of blueberries became. Jen peered back and forth; the curved wood object gripped tightly in her hands. Nora, on the other hand, walked calmly behind her. Despite Jen’s warning, she wasn’t entirely convinced of the possible danger. How could blueberries affect people in such a way? If they encountered them, were they really in said danger? If the berry people enjoyed it as much as Jen suggested, what did they have to worry about?

Still, there was something strange to be said with all of the blueberry juice covering everything. Just where did it all come from? There was far too much of it for a few blueberry people to produce. Something about this didn’t seem right. Like Jen was pulling her leg. “This is some kind of organized prank. Something tells me Noel found this woman to scare me. That is it.

When I see her, I am going to—”

When they turned the corner, they were greeted by a naked blue woman standing in the middle of the street, her boobs the size of car tires as they swung in the wind, blueberry juice oozing from the nipples. Jen immediately stopped and raised her makeshift club. Nora, on the other hand, laughed. “That is your blueberry? It looks like a weird cosplayer.”

Jen snorted. “Don’t be fooled. She is a blueberry overcome by juicy lust. We need to back away very slowly. Unless you want to have blueberry juice flowing through your veins.”

Nora shook her head. “I said I am going to find Noel, and I am not going to let some strange blue woman get in my way.” Nora waved her arm in the air. “Hello! Have you seen a young doctor around named Noel?”

The strange blue woman turned and looked at them. “Oh, don’t you two look cute?” She took a step towards them. “Now I have been looking all over for someone to help me.

Tell you what. If you help me, I will help you.” Blueberry juice squirted from her nipples.

“Umm, okay.” Nora shrugged her shoulders. “I am not opposed to that.”

Jen elbowed Nora in the side. “Don’t trust her. She is high on blueberry juice.”

Nora narrowed her eyes. “Hey! That is rude.” Nora laughed. “I am sorry for my friend. She is a bit paranoid.”

The strange woman laughed. “No problem at all.” She took another step towards them, her boobs bouncing against one another. “These are strange times, after all.”

Nora scratched the back of her head. “What is it that you want help with, miss? If you don’t mind me asking?”

“Oh?” The blue lady laughed. “Why, I just want you to juice me, young lady.” She laughed. “You see, I have a bit of a blueberry juice problem. And I can’t exactly keep all of this juice from. . .” She moaned. “From well, you know.” Nora shook her head. “Oh well. . .” The lady took another step forward. “Well, it keeps bubbling and bubbling. I just keep producing more and more juice. It would be so nice if I had some lovely person to juice me.” She moaned. “But finding someone who isn’t a blueberry is so hard. You know how it is.”

Nora gulped. “I don’t think I have ever had that problem.”

“Oh my. You are such a dear. Such a lovely dear.” The blueberry woman laughed. “So, do we have a deal? I will help you find your friend if you juice me?”

Jen grabbed Nora’s arm. “You can’t be considering this. We have to go. Now!”

Nora pulled away from Jen. “You can go. Look, this person needs my help, and I just have your word that she will turn me into a blueberry.” She snorted. “If she knows where Noel is, I have to take this chance.”

“Well, fine. If this means I can get out of this blueberry-ridden town, then whatever.

Enjoy being a blueberry, I guess.” Jen quickly ran in the other direction.

Nora sighed. “I am sorry about that. My umm. . . friend seems to think that I could turn into a giant blue ball.” She laughed.

The strange blue woman giggled. “Well, people are prone to make mistakes.”

“So, you really know how to find Noel?” Nora tugged at her arm as the strange blue woman circled her. “Because I am really worried about her.”

“Of course. I know where that darling doctor is, and I will take you right to her right after you help me.”

Nora let out a sigh of relief. “Oh, that is great. Just great.” She brushed her hair to the side. “So, umm. . . how do I help with this juicing thing?”

“Oh, that is simple, my dear.” She grabbed Nora’s arm. “Just follow me.” She led Nora into a small shop. “This will do.” The lady knocked some cans off of a table. “Now, my dear. This is very simple. You just need to squeeze the blueberry juice out of me.”


“Did I stutter? You need to squeeze the blueberry juice out of me. Unless you want me to keep swelling and swelling.” She moaned. “As I want to keep this gorgeous figure of mine.”

“Maybe we should go find Noel first.”

The woman grabbed Nora. “Oh, my dear, but you found her! I am Noel!”

“Huh? But. . .”

The woman giggled. “Life as a doctor was just too stressful. I had a strange patient come in and liberate me of such worries. Oh, my sweet Nora.” Noel grabbed Nora’s cheek. “Do you have any idea what it’s like to be a blueberry?” Her cheeks turned bright purple. “To feel this wonderful juice flowing through your veins? To feel the sun, warm your body? It is so wonderful.” She moaned. “Oh god. And I can’t explain other pleasures. Oh, you can’t imagine it.”

Nora took a step back. “Noel I. . . I think that juice has gone to your head.”

Noel jumped to her feet. “Oh, Nora. You just aren’t seeing things in the same juicy light that I am.” Blueberry juice squirted out from her nipples. “Trust me when I say it is so much better to be a blueberry than a silly ole human.” She giggled. “Sure, you may swell a bit too big every once in a while, but life is so much more lovely and juicy.”

“Umm. . . sure.”

“Don’t you want to enjoy the juicy side of life, Nora?”

“Didn’t you just say you wanted me to juice you?”

Noel laughed. “Yes. But I also wanted a new blueberry friend. What is wrong with that?”

Nora stood in the doorway, staring into her friend’s face. She noted the look of pure bliss etched on Noel’s face. Maybe this blueberry thing wasn’t as bad as Jen made it out to be. Perhaps everything that Noel was saying was true. It would be better to be a blueberry. Gripping her hand into a fist, she stepped back into the room. “I hope you are right about this.”

“Of course, I am. When have I been wrong, Nora?”

“That time, you told us to stay one extra night at summer camp.”

“Well, this isn’t like that. Trust me, when the blueberry juice is flowing through you, it is like heaven on earth.” She sat down. “So, are you ready?”

Nora nodded her head. “Yes. I think I am.”

Noel smiled. “Good. Now then, come here and juice me, my dear.” Nora did as she was told. “Just squeeze down on my breasts.” Noel moaned as Nora’s hands pressed down. “Yes, just like that. Ohh my. . .” Blueberry juice squirted out. “Yes. I was carrying a bit too much in there.”

“Do you want me to keep going?”

“No. That is good for now. At least until I swell up again.” Noel stood up and brushed herself off. “I am not like some of those other blueberries who insist on letting themselves swell until they are so big, they can do nothing but roll around. I enjoy the finer things in life.”


“Now, my dear.” Noel slid her arm around Nora. “For your reward.” She kissed Nora, her tongue and blueberry juice swimming inside Nora’s mouth. A few seconds later, Noel pulled away. “Enjoy. It is a bit overwhelming initially, but you will get used to it.” She giggled. “I know I did.”

Nora licked her lips, the taste of blueberries quickly becoming overwhelming. “I. . . I feel kind of funny.” Gurrgle. She blinked her eyes. “What in the world was that?”

Noel giggled. “It’s your body telling you it’s happy with your decision.”

Nora looked at her hands. “Oh my god. They are turning blue!”

“And what a lovely shade too.”

Nora stumbled backward, her entire body beginning to bubble and giggle about. “I umm. . . maybe this was a bad idea.” She moaned as the rest of her body turned blue. “This feels very. . .” She looked around. “Like, what if I can’t control the juices. What if I swell up to big. I have to go to work, you know.” She wiped blue sweat from her forehead. “Oh god, I can see it now. My boss freaking out because a blueberry walks into work. It is going to be a nightmare.” Gurrgle.

“Oh, come now.” Noel wrapped her arms around Nora, her giant boobs squishing against her. “These are concerns of a human, not a blueberry. So, what if people freak that you are big and blue?” Noel grabbed Nora’s belly. “That is their problem because they aren’t blueberries. They don’t get it like we do.” She smiled. “Oh, you are starting to ripen. How cute!”

“Ripen?” Nora moaned. “I. . .” She could feel the blueberry juice flowing inside of her, causing her skin to expand. Her shirt pressed tighter and tighter against her skin as her belly slowly filled. “Are you saying I am a plant. . .” Her eyes shot open as her pants ripped apart, a surge of juice rushing to her ass. “Fuck!” Nora fell forward, landing on Noel.

“Oh my.” Noel giggled. “Did someone have a juice surge?”

Nora blushed, her cheeks turning bright purple.

“I. . . umm. . .” She giggled. “I guess I did.” She pushed herself off of Noel. “At least the juice went to the right place.” She laughed. “Wait, what? Why would I say that?”

“It is the real you coming out. You are a blueberry now, remember?”

Nora rubbed her head as her hips stretched out. “Ya, I guess so.” She moaned. “My breasts feel so sensitive and full.” She tugged at her shirt with thick blue arms. “Oh god.” Her entire body vibrated as the blueberry juice inside of her bubbled. “This is so intense.” Her shirt began to rip, unable to contain her swelling girth. “I. . . how can I contain. . . so much. . .” She giggled in glee. “Yess. . .” Gurggle. Blort!

Nora stumbled forward, her clothing ripping apart to reveal her bloated blueberry body underneath. Her massive boobs oozed blueberry juice as she wobbled on tiny swollen legs. “Oh, I love this so much. I am such a. . . a great blueberry.”

Noel rubbed her body against Nora. “My dear, you really are swelling quite quickly. I think you are due for a juicing already.”

Nora giggled. “Yes. I would love that.” Gurrgle. “I mean, then I can go and share this blueberry goodness with others.” She moaned as her legs gave out, and she rolled around on her massive ass. “Everyone should be blueberries!”

“Maybe. But then, who would be the lovely ones to juice us? We have to pace ourselves, darling. The blueberry virus can’t go too quickly.” Noel giggled. “But you are starting to see the lovely side of life.” Noel blinked as her own body bubbled and her belly expanded. “Well, I better get to juicing you before I swell up as well. We have work to do.”


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