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The Maid p2.

Sarah sat on the edge of the bed. She had no idea how much time had passed or if what she was experiencing was real. She kept expecting Carien to show up, her smiling face to brighten up the room. But it didn’t happen. Why was it when she finally found a way to be normal sized again that she would have to be alone again?

“Darling, is there anything I can get you?” Ashely stood in the doorway, her green eyes staring at her. Ashely had taken her in immediately after the events at the prison. She said she owed it to Carien. Still, as Sarah stared at the golden-haired beauty, she couldn’t help but feel as if Ashely was imposing.

“No, I am fine.”

Ashely walked into the room, her boobs bouncing against one another. “My dear, you have said that for the last two days. You do know you need to have something more than the juice we are using to stabilize your size.”

Sarah sighed. She wasn’t exactly happy that she had to use a Fredricks Fancy product to stay her current size. But if she reverted to her natural giantess height, the people hunting her would be able to find her. “I just. . .”

“I know this is a hard time for you, my dear, but—”

“I don’t want to be a bother, is all.”

Ashely held her head back and laughed. “A bother? You?” She giggled.

“No, not at all. But. . .” She rubbed her chin. “If you really don’t want to be a bother.”


“How would you like to take on your wife’s old job?”

Sarah stiffed. “Carien’s. . .” She looked at the ground. “You are not just replacing her, are you?”

Ashely shook her head. “No, darling.” Ashely sat down on the bed. “Carien holds a special place in my heart, and I would never do such a thing. But. . .” She rubbed Sarah’s back. “You do need to earn your keep here, darling.”


Ashely giggled. “Look, I know you are in a rough place and all, but I didn’t just take you in so you could have a free place to live. If you want to stay, you have to work. So, you think you are up to being my new maid?”

“I. . .” Sarah gulped. “I thought she would let me stay here until I got back on my feet. Not thrust this proposal on me. Now I understand why Carien always told me about Ashely being odd.”

“Hun, I want your answer. I don’t have all day.”

“I. . .” She sighed. “I guess I should earn my keep, shouldn’t I?” Sarah crossed her arms. “Well, as long as you don’t want me as your personal giantess maid. I have had enough of people using me in the past.” She rolled her eyes. “Ughhh.”

Ashely smiled. “Oh, don’t worry. If you were your usual giantess self, well. . .” Ashely giggled. “Well, for one, I would want to party instead of having you work for me. That just sounds adorable. And second well. . .” She stood up. “You would be a bit too big for what I usually ask of my maids.” Ashely smiled. “So why don’t you rest up, darling. You will start early in the morning. I expect good work.” She turned around. “And I also expect to see you for dinner tonight. Remember you are working for me now. You are earning your keep.” She turned her head and narrowed her eyes. “You are not a bother, honey.” Ashely winked before walking out the door.

Sarah sighed. “Right.” She cupped her hands together. “I do wonder, though, what this maid job has in store for me. Carien. . .” She coughed the words. “Carien never really talked too much about it.” She looked up at the ceiling. “But maybe this is a good thing. It will give me another connection to Carien.” She smiled as she laid back on the golden sheets. “Yes. I actually think I am excited now to see what Carien was doing.”


“You want me to wear what!”

Dex looked at Sarah with a blank stare. “It is the mistress’s orders.”

“I don’t care what Ashely said.” She threw the maid outfit to the floor. “I am not wearing it!” Sarah made for the door. “I am going to see Ashely about this!”

Dex moved to block the door. “Sorry, but as her new maid, you are required to wear the outfit. No ifs ands or buts.”

Sarah’s nostrils flared with anger. “That outfit will show my body off to the world! I thought by shrinking myself down, I wouldn’t have to have my boobs and ass on display anymore. I want to talk to Ashely about this.”

“You also will call Ashely mistress now!”

“WHAT!” Sarah gripped her hands into fists. “This is crazy! Why didn’t Ashely tell me this upfront.” She walked up and looked Dex square in the eyes. “This is a joke, isn’t it?”

“No, ma’am.”

“But you can’t really expect this of me? I. . .” She looked down at the maid’s outfit. “Did Carien do this?” Dex nodded his head. “No wonder she didn’t really talk about work.” Sarah ran her hand through her head. “Oh my. Ashely is—”

“The mistress.”

Sarah narrowed her eyes. “The mistress is some piece of work.” She crossed her arms. “Now, can you get out of here? I want some privacy while I change into this outfit.”

Dex shrugged. “I thought you were used to people seeing you naked. You were a giantess and all.”

She slammed her hands against him and thrust him against the door. “Out!”

She snorted as she tossed the nosy butter into the hallway. “Just because I was a giantess for the last year who had a very, very hard time covering myself doesn’t mean I was happy showing my birthday suit off to every person I came across.” She sighed as she looked down at the maid’s outfit. “Oh, frack, what did I get myself into.” Sarah slowly walked over to the suggestive piece of clothing. “Carien, I wish you were here so you could give me the strength to deal with this. . .” She groaned as she slid her pants off. “This situation.”

Sarah slowly slid the maid outfit on, moaning as she felt it tightly grip her ass and bosom. “Fuck this is tight.” She sighed. “Like god, I think it’s pinching me.”

She walked over to the nearby mirror. “Sheesh, you can see the sides of my boobs.” She rubbed her hip. “This outfit doesn’t leave much to be imagined, does it?” Sarah rubbed her forehead. “Well, I better get to it.”

She exited the room, making sure to slam Dex to the ground on the way out into the hallway. “Oops, I didn’t see you there.”

“Ughh.” He rubbed his forehead. “What happened?”

Sarah giggled as she bent down and extended out her hand. “Oh, I just. . . you know.”

Dex narrowed his eyes. “Right.” Sarah pulled him to his feet. “Now, let’s go and go and see the mistress, shall we?”

Dex led her through the mansion. Even though Sarah had spent the last few days here, she still didn’t know where each corridor led yet. “Why is this place so big? How did Ashely afford such a beautiful home?”

They arrived at Ashely’s bedroom. “The mistress is inside.”

Sarah looked back and forth. “And?”

Dex sighed. “And you wait here until she needs you.” He turned around. “Good luck on your first day.” He walked away.

Sarah crossed her arms. “Wait out here?” She adjusted her limbs in a vain attempt to avoid rubbing her arms against her boobs. “Fuck! This outfit makes it a nightmare not to rub against myself.” She moaned. “God. . . “Sarah blinked her eyes. “Anyways, I am not waiting around. I am going in there.” Sarah slammed the door open. “Ashely! I am here for my first day of work. I—” Sarah’s eyes widened as she saw Ashely standing against a wall with boobs the size of watermelons as she rubbed them up and down. “What the hell?”

“Who has the biggest and most luscious boobs around? The mistress does. Oh ya.” Ashely turned her head, her face turning bright red as she noticed Sarah. “Hey! Didn’t Dex tell you to wait until I told you to come in?” She snapped her fingers, shrinking her breasts to their normal size.

Sarah laughed. “I umm. . . I didn’t see anything, Ashely.”

Ashely narrowed her eyes. “It’s mistress now!” She walked up to Sarah. “You are my maid, and you will respect the rules.”

Sarah laughed. “Look, I think I know how to be a maid. I have done quite a few jobs. I can handle. . .”

Ashely arched an eyebrow. “Well, now. I thought teaching Carien would be spicy, but you. . .” She circled Sarah. “You are going to be very interesting.” She ran her fingers along Sarah’s body. “And fun. I can see this is going to be fun.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Oh, don’t worry, darling. I think you are going to love it.” Ashely snapped her fingers. Suddenly, Sarah felt a strange warmth surge through her chest, and her body began to vibrate. Then Sarah’s boobs swelled slightly.

“What the hell?” Sarah stumbled backward. “How. How did you do that?”

Ashely giggled. “The how isn’t important right now. If you don’t want it to happen again, you—”

Sarah slammed her foot down. “Ashely you will. . .” Ashely snapped her fingers again, causing Sarah’s breasts to expand once more. Sarah moaned as her outfit tightened.


“Such a fighter. I love your spirit.” Ashely smiled. “I think this is going to be the start of a very fun relationship.”

Sarah pulled at the sides of her outfit, her boobs jiggling about. “What are you talking about?” She licked her lips. “You just. . . god, they are so sensitive. How did you do that? How!”

“This isn’t the time to be asking questions.” Ashely waved her finger back and forth.

Suddenly Sarah cried out as her ass stretched out, filling out her uniform. “Now, are you going to listen to your mistress?”

Sarah took a deep breath, her right hand rubbing her ass. “Yes. . .” She grumbled under her breath.

“Hmm?” Ashely hummed the word playfully. “I didn’t hear you, darling.” She giggled as she caused Sarah’s ass to swell again.

“Oh fuck. Yes, mistress.” Sarah took long, deep breaths.

“Ahh.” Ashely hugged Sarah, Sarah’s new squishy boobs pressing tightly against Ashely. “See, it isn’t that hard, is it?” Sarah nodded her head. “Now then, we do have something to do today.” Ashely turned around and clasped her hands together. “And I am so excited that I almost can’t contain myself.”

“What is it, mistress?” Sarah formed her hand into a fist. “If only I could cause your boobs and ass to expand Ashely.” Sarah blinked her eyes. “Wait, why did I think that. No. No, get that thought out of my head.” She blushed. “Damnit all. Damnit! Ughhhh!”

Ashely turned around. “Everything alright, darling?”

Sarah looked at the ground. “Everything is fine, mistress.” Sarah took a deep breath. She did not want to explain the weird thoughts she just had. Not only would it probably lead to her body being played with again, but some personal embarrassment to boot.

“Well, then that is good.” Ashely clapped her hands together. “Because we have a bit of an assignment to do today.”

“Assignment mistress?”

Ashely nodded her head as she circled Sarah. “You know that we need some of the new Fredricks Fancy products to stabilize your size, correct?” Sarah nodded her head. “Well, I didn’t buy that much.” She sighed. “I know. I know, but I didn’t expect for things to turn out like they did when we broke you out of prison.” She sighed. “Anyhoo, I think it would be fun to go and get some more for you. All the while messing with those icky Fredricks Fancy types that sell them.” She giggled as she rubbed her hands together.

“What do you mean by messing with them? What are you going to do?”

Ashely smiled. “Why we are going to get the products for free my dear. You don’t think I am going to pay that evil man Fredrick to keep you at such an adorable size, do you?” She grabbed Sarah’s cheek and shook it lovingly. “No, I am not.”

Sarah pulled away. “Can you please not do that?”

“Oh, hush.” Sarah moaned as her boobs were swelled slightly. “Now, let’s go, shall we?” Ashely turned around. “You do remember how to drive right? You didn’t forget that while being a lovely giantess, did you?” She smiled and walked out of the room.

Sarah crossed her arms. “What is it with her? She is like a completely different person when she is. . .” Sarah snorted. “God, my breasts are just too big. What did she. . .” She let her arms fall to her sides. “If only she got a taste of her own medicine. That would be funny indeed. Snapping my fingers and seeing the mistress’s boobs swell.” Sarah blinked her eyes as she walked out of the room. “Why do I keep. . .” She shook her head. “No. Just no.

Get through today and stop trying to. . . I. . . Ughhhh!”

Sarah made her way down to the garage. Ashely was already waiting for her, leaning against an extravagant sports car. “Darling, I thought you would never get here.” She stood up.

“Are you ready?”

“Yes, mistress.”

Ashely stood up and jumped over the car door and into the passenger seat. “Then let’s go.” She clapped her hands together. “Hurry before you have a different kind of growth overtake your body, hun.”

Sarah sighed. “You would like that, I am sure.”

Ashely giggled. “Oh my.”

Sarah’s cheeks turned red. “Crap. I wasn’t supposed to say that out loud.” She slid into the driver’s seat. “I am sorry, mistress. I don’t know where that came from.”

Ashely smiled. “It’s ok. I will let that one slide.” She slid her arms behind her head. “Besides, I feel I am not the only one that likes things to grow around here.”

“Huh?” Sarah’s entire face turned red. “I do not like to have my body grow. What are you talking about, Ashely!” Ashely giggled as she snapped her fingers, causing Sarah to rise slightly as her butt grew. “Fuck!” She bounced around a bit as she tried to adjust to her enlarged ass. “Not again.”

“It’s mistress. Remember?” Ashely giggled. “Now, let’s go before you get into trouble you can’t get out of.” Ashely threw her head back and laughed. “Oh my, this is so much fun!”

Sarah turned on the engine as she bounced back and forth on her ass. “Yes, mistress.” Sarah sighed as she pulled the sports car out of the garage. “I don’t have a problem with growing. She does. Like seriously.” Sarah looked over at Ashely. “She is the one snapping her fingers and causing my body to swell like crazy.” Sarah took a deep breath. “And she did this to Carien too. How did Carien put up with this? The feeling of your boobs growing and becoming more and more. . .” Sarah shook her head. “No, stop thinking about it. I have to do a job, remember. Not. . .”

The drive into town gave Sarah some time to think, as Ashely hummed to herself. What was it that she was going to do with her life now that Carien was gone? Did she really want to stay with Ashely? The woman was a bit infuriating. Nice, but still very weird. Yet despite the quirks, Sarah couldn’t get Ashely out of her mind. She just. . . ugh, the woman bugged her in ways she couldn’t describe. “Maybe sticking around wouldn’t be the worst thing. I mean, she did go out of her way to help Carien.”

Sarah did wonder how long she would have to hide her true size. She knew people would be looking for her, and it frustrated her that she was stuck being this way. Sure, part of it was nice being able to wear regular clothing and such again, but Sarah had gotten used to being a giantess. It is who she was, after all. And Sarah had just found a way to wear clothing at her giantess height too. She sighed as she drove through the town. “Every time I think things are going my way, life throws me a gut punch. I wish Carien was here right now. She would know what to say.”

“Stop!” Ashely pointed at a small outlet store. “We are here.” Sarah did as she was told and pulled into the parking lot. Then, as Sarah parked the car and shut off the engine, Ashely clapped her hands together. “Ok, hun. You are going to follow me inside and do as I say. Down to the letter.” She slid her hand behind Sarah’s back. “We don’t want to make this any more crazy than it has to be, darling.”

“What are you talking about?”

Ashely jumped out of the car. “Now come out. There isn’t any time to waste!”

Sarah unbuckled herself. “I don’t get how we are going to get this stuff for free.

Ashely must have some screws loose or something.” Sarah followed Ashely into the store only to realize the place belonged to the Fredricks Fancy corporation. “When the hell did they bring this into town? If I had known about this, I would have crushed the place immediately. I don’t want these products in my home.”

Ashely walked up to the counter, her fingers gliding along the cold metal. “Hell, sir.”

The young man turned to look at her. “We are here to get some of the new Fredricks Fancy lemonade. You know, the drink that will chill you so much you will see the world in a more significant light. Oh, so fancy. So divine.” She moaned. “So out of this world.”

The man sighed. “They are in the back miss. And I am under strict orders from management. One bottle per person.”

“Ohhh?” Ashely laughed. “One per person. Is that so?”

“Yes, ma’am.” He looked at Sarah. “Umm, is she with you? Are you two going to a costume event or something?”

Ashely looked at Sarah. “Oh yes, she is with me, but you have it wrong.” Ashely waved at Sarah. “Come up here, darling.” Sarah did as she was told. “Now, boy. We are going to walk out of here with your entire supply of that shrinking lemonade. Do you understand your mistress?”

“Shrinking? It’s just. . .” He shook his head. “Look, lady, don’t you understand? I can only give you one. And it will be fifty bucks!”

Ashely looked at Sarah. “Walk behind the counter, hun.”


“Do it. Now!”

Sarah gulped and did as she was told. The young man behind the counter stared at her the entire time. “What is this?” He pointed at Sarah. “You can’t be back here!”

Ashely crossed her arms. “Now hug him, darling.”

“Huh?” Sarah gulped. She knew if she didn’t do as Ashely said, her body would be altered, and she didn’t want that to happen in front of this creep. “Ok. It is just a hug. What is the worst that can happen?”

“Hey, wait a minute. Hey!”

Sarah pulled him in close, feeling his body squirm against her breasts. “Oh fuck.

This feels soo. . .” She held back the urge to moan. “Like god damnit.” Suddenly her boobs swelled, quickly enveloping the young man’s head. Sarah cried out. “Holy fuck!”

Ashely giggled. “Hold him there, dear!” Ashely laughed. “Now then, my young friend. Are you going to give us what we want?”

The young man squirmed between Sarah’s boobs. “I. . . but. . . hey. . .”

“Let him go, darling.”

Sarah did as she was told, moaning as her watermelon-sized boobs bounced against one another. The young man spun away, gasping for air. “Who the hell are you two?”

Ashely giggled. “Now give us what you want, or my maid here will do much more interesting things to you.”

“What!” Sarah’s face turned red. “Mistress!”

The young man backed away while covering his crotch. “I. . . look, I would get fired if. . . we are on camera. Take it! Take it all. I am not going to get fired for this.” He twisted around. “I. . . I. . .” He gulped. “Hurry up. I need privacy.”

Ashely smiled as she looked at Sarah. “Boys are so predictable. Let’s go, hun. We have some goods to take care of.”

“Huh?” Sarah’s face was bright red. “What is going on?”


Later that night, Sarah sat on the edge of her bed, rubbing the sides of her enlarged breasts. Ashely had ensured her that her body would return to normal after she went to sleep. Still, though, she was surprised at just how big her body had gotten. “I had no idea Ashely could do this.” She laughed. “I had no idea Ashely was willing to do this to mess with jerks.” She sat back. “I just. . . I just thought she was doing this because she wanted some weird. . . some weird turn-on. But I don’t know. I think it’s something more.”

Sarah sighed. “Hmm, I think I am going to keep this job even if it’s temporary. I know once I am able to stop hiding as a fugitive, I won’t be able to be Ashely’s maid anymore. I doubt she would have room for a giantess maid. But still, this will be interesting.” Sarah laughed. “And I guess it was a little fun fucking with that Fredrick’s Fancy employee. I mean the look on his face.” Sarah laughed. “He had no idea what to do.”

She looked at the ceiling. “But Ashely is wrong about something. I don’t like growing my body as much as she thinks.” Sarah laughed. “I. . .” Her face turned red. “Umm. . .”

She twisted around, balancing gently on her enlarged boobs. “She is just wrong.” Closing her eyes, she tried to get some sleep.


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