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The Mistress’s Gift.

Ashely crossed her arms. “Dex, I just can’t stand it!”

“Stand what, Mistress?”

Ashely paced back and forth. “Stand that I can’t do anything to help Carien and Sarah. I mean. . .” She gripped her hands into a fist. “I mean, my darling maid is probably falling to pieces, and there isn’t anything I can do. Ughhh!”

“You did give her paid vacation. You never—”

Ashely turned and faced Dexter directly, her eyes flaring with anger. “I know I never do that, but it isn’t enough. I have to actually help her! Help them!” She took a deep breath. “I. . .”

“Do you want my help, mistress?”

She waved him away. “No Dex. I have to think and figure this out.”

“As you wish.” Dex bowed and walked out of the room.

Once she was alone, Ashely rubbed her chin as she paced around her bedroom. “What can I do that would actually help those two? Hmm. Sarah can’t stay in that cell.” Ashely sighed. “At least if what my friend on Capitol Hill has told me is true. They don’t intend to keep Sarah in that cell for long because of how dangerous they view giantesses now.” She gripped her hands into a fist. “It just isn’t fair. She didn’t do anything wrong, and they are treating her like this. Ugh!”

Ashely turned around and crossed her arm. “But how could we get her out? She is far too big to be dragged out of those cells, and even if we did, where would she go? She is a giantess, and she would easily be spotted. We would have a much better chance if she was my size or something.” Ashely laughed. “This would be so much simpler.”

“Wait, couldn’t we just shrink her down?” Ashely pondered the thought for a moment. “I mean, of course, we should be able to. I alter my size all the time. But changing someone of her size by that much is a tall order.” Ashely gulped. “Far more that I know how to do. Hmmm. . .”

She hated the idea that popped into her head, but she didn’t have time for a better alternative. She grabbed her coat and rushed for the garage.


Almost nine hours later, Ashely found herself on the outskirts of Martinsville. She pulled her vehicle to a halt and took a deep breath. “I can’t believe I am doing this.” Ashely closed her eyes as she pulled at the collar of her jacket. “But this is for Sarah. Remember that.” Stepping out of her vehicle, she slowly walked up to the outskirts of the town. She immediately saw a giantess approach her, the lady sneering at Ashely as she neared. Ashely made sure to keep her arms visible as the giantess reached down and grabbed her. “I am just here to talk.”

The giantess snorted and carried her into the town. “Well, so far, so good.” She looked around and noted there were quite a few non-giantesses in the town. “Hmm. Strange.”

Ashely was brought to the woman from the news broadcast, Karren. “We have another outsider, ma’am.”

Karren turned and looked at Ashely. “What do you want here?” The woman holding Ashely dropped her on the roof of a nearby building. “Are you looking to join our new society? If so, we have plenty of room and the means to let you become a giantess.”

Ashely shook her head. “No. But I am happy to see that you treat those who are smaller than you with respect.”

Karren crossed her arms. “As long as people are kind to us, they can stay. We only have a problem with those who those who want to hurt giantesses.”

Ashely nodded her head. “Well, that is why I am here, actually.” Karren raised her eyebrow. “My friend, Sarah, was recently kidnapped because she is a giantess. And it’s possible it was in relation to you all carving out your own personal home here.”

Karren crossed her arms. “So what? You came here to tell me we should feel bad that your friend was dragged off or something? I am sorry that she is gone, but there isn’t anything we can really do. The moment we step out of this town, we could be hunted down. We are all here, so we can be safe and stop living that kind of life. We—”

Ashely held her arms up. “I didn’t come here for any of that.” She sighed and crossed her arms. “I am not the type of person to ask others to do something I could try and do myself miss.” She arched a smile. “No, I just want some information from the woman who made Fredricks Fancy quiver in fear. You are quite a legend; you know that missy?”

Karren blinked her eyes in surprise. “I. . . information? That is really all you want? You didn’t come here to demand for our help or tell us how horrible we are?”

“Oh no, hun.” Ashely crossed her arms. “Not at all.”

Karren sighed. “Sorry. I tend to get on edge with these things. What do you want exactly, then?” She leaned against a nearby building.

Ashely smiled. “Well darling, my friend Sarah isn’t going to get out of her prison by any ole way, and I thought that temporarily shrinking her might be the way to go. I mean, they aren’t looking for people my size or smaller.”

Karren shrugged. “I guess. But what does that have to do with me?”

“You said you knew a lot about Fredrick and his size-changing stuff. I want to know more about it as well. . .” She crossed her arms. “I do know how to alter one’s size.” She snapped her fingers and caused her breasts to double in size, causing Karren to gasp. “But I just can’t help my darling Sarah because I can’t do something on that scale. I need help and if that leads to me using Fredrick’s Fancy products then so be it. They are going to hurt Sarah. Please, if you know anything, tell me.”

Karren took a deep breath. “I don’t know anything about shrinking people.”

Ashely looked at the ground. “Oh.”

“But I do know someone who might.” Karren bent down and grabbed Ashely. “Let me take you to her.”

“Hey!” Ashely gulped. “Don’t you people know how to warn us, little ones, before you grab us.” She took a deep breath as she was lifted into the air. “Your fingers are nice, pressing against my body and boobs, but still, a heads up would be appreciated.”

“Uh, huh.” They made their way deeper into the town. “Luna. I have someone who wants to ask you a few questions.”

A young giantess stepped forward. “Hmm?” She looked at Ashely. “What is it?”

Karren held Ashely at chest level. “This woman wants to know about the shrinking research from Fredricks Fancy. She plans to use the information to save a giantesses’ life.”

Luna raised an eyebrow. “Is that so? How do we know you won’t return here and shrink us?”

“Darling, if I wanted that, would I have really come to a town full of giantesses who could step on me?”

Luna blinked her eyes. “I umm. . .” She sighed. “Well, I am sorry I don’t have any answers for you about how to shrink your friend. All I can tell you is that you will have to go to the Fredricks Fancy headquarters to get that. They were researching the subject and making good progress before I stole some of the research to ensure we could stay at our height.” She crossed her arms. “But I would have to say good luck. I doubt you would be able to get anywhere near the info you are looking for.”

Ashely rubbed her fingers together. “Oh, don’t worry, darling. I have a way of. . . getting the information I require.” She giggled.


The next day, Ashely found herself outside the Fredricks Fancy headquarters. The building was a massive, imposing structure. She took a deep breath. “Ok. I can do this.” She blinked her eyes as her phone vibrated in her pocket. Ashely sighed as she pulled the phone out. “Sorry, Dex. But I can’t tell you where I am just yet.” She powered down her phone off before sliding it back into her pocket.

Ashely then forced a smile as she walked up to the front door. She could see a broad-shouldered guard standing in front of the dark glass door. As she approached, he held his hand up. “Hold it, miss. Let me see your badge.”

“Badge?” She sang the word playfully. “Whatever do you mean, sir?”

He crossed his arms. “New orders. No one gets in except those who work here. Now scram, lady.”

She ran her fingers along his body. “Aww, don’t be like that. And I came all this way just to see you.”


Ashely giggled. “Now, don’t you want to say thank you?”

“I don’t know what—” He was suddenly gasping for air as she snapped her fingers, her boobs almost doubling in size and slamming into his face. Before he could pull away, Ashely wrapped her arm around the man, hugging him against her body.

“I said I came all the way to see you.” She moaned as she felt him struggle. “Oh, come now. Don’t fight it. You are going to give me entry to the building, my young friend.” She licked her lips. “And if anyone asks, I was meant to be here. An important business meeting.”


“Now you are going to listen to your mistress, right?” He slowly nodded his head. “Good boy.” Ashely patted him on the head. “Such a good boy.” She took a few steps back, letting the young guard gasp for air. “Now then, dear, I think I was going inside.”

He turned around and opened the door. “Yes, mistress.”

Ashely giggled. “Thank you. Oh, that is a nice big boner you have.”

His face turned red as he covered his groin. Ashely just laughed as she walked inside.

Once on the inside, she immediately made her way to the elevator. From Luna’s information, the servers she was looking for were on the fifteenth floor.

The elevator ride was shot and uninterrupted. Once Ashely got off, though, she found the place to be filled with people. Scientists dashed around while guards watched them constantly.

“This is chaotic.”

An elderly guard walked up to her. “What are you doing here?”

Ashely crossed her arms. “I am here by order of Fredrick. I have some business in the server room to deal with a rather naughty person.” She rubbed her hands together. “But if you feel the need to get in my way, you could. . .”

The man gulped. “No, no. If you are here by order of Fredrick himself, then please go on right ahead.” He stepped to the side.

Ashely smiled. “So, what Luna said was right. These people are scared shitless of what Fredrick will do to them. Perfect.” She walked unchallenged into the server room. Once there, she went, accessed a computer, and began looking over the studies. Luna had said she sabotaged their work, and she was right. Still, though, it seemed their work into shrinking people had proceeded. It wasn’t perfect, but they seemed to be working on something. In fact, their shrinking product was set to be sent out to the market this week.

“Ok. This has to work.” Ashely memorized the product she needed, not wanting to leave any more of a trail of herself than there already was. Once she was out of the building, she would go and get some of the Fredricks Fancy Shrinking Lemonade and tell Carien the excellent news. “Everything is going to work out. We are going to save Sarah.”

As she moved to exit the building, Fredrick suddenly entered the room. His eyes fell on Ashely. “Do I know you?”

She shook her head. “No, sir. I am new here.”

“Hmm.” He walked up and put his hand on her shoulder. “Well, good. You can tell Grayson he is fired. He was the one in charge of safeguarding the servers when the giantess sympathizer sabotaged them.”

“You can’t do it, sir?”

“I think it would be better for our new employee to earn their place here.” He turned around. “Welcome to Fredricks Fancy.” He walked out of the room.

Ashely stood there and crossed her arms. “What I wouldn’t give to teach you some manners, Fredrick. But for now, I have a friend to help. Even if I have to use the devil’s juice to do it.”


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