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Hi everyone and I am doing something I have never done before.  For the first time in the three years since I started working on my writing as a business, I am taking a short vacation week.

I do take some quick mental health days here and there, but this is my first real vacation.  I am taking it as I have a lot of things going on atm form a costume parade last Saturday to my first ever Comic Con this weekend.  I feel like this is the perfect time to wind down and relax while getting ready to travel as well.

I also want to say how happy I am that I feel I can take a vacation.  I always felt that I couldn't take one as I had to work, and struggle get my work out there.  This is the first time that I feel that I don't have to constantly write and be in fear that if I dare take a break, I will be at risk of not realizing my dream.

Now just because I am on vacation doesn't mean work will completely stop.  I do still have the writers urge bubbling inside of me so I will get some light work done to feed that itch.  But until next Monday I am mostly enjoying myself.

Cheers and thank you so much for enjoying and supporting my work.  May the next few years be filled with kinky fun filled stories.


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