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This was the request story for Techdude5734 on DA

The Berry World.

Sophine dropped the container of food at the foot of the fire. “I found us something for tonight.”

The two other ladies smiled as they looked up at her. “You did?” Laura jumped to her feet. “They didn’t catch you, did they?”

Sophine shook her head. “I wouldn’t be here if they did, would I?” She sat down. “That is such an absurd question now, isn’t it.”

Nora laughed. “Well, there is more than one way for those giant blueberries to get you.

Just a tiny squirt of their juices can infect you. I remember what happened to Karren. We were looking for water, and one of those massive blueberries came upon us. She protected us, but some of the juice squirted into her mouth. It wasn’t until a few days later until she started to turn blue and swelled into a blueberry herself. I had to leave her behind or risk becoming a berry myself.”

Laura rubbed Nora’s shoulder. “We have all lost people we love, watching them become giant fruits.”

Sophine sat down. “What do you think it’s like for them? Do you think they still feel anything?”

Laura laughed. “I don’t know.”

Nora crossed her arms. “I used to know someone who was trying to look into it before things got bad.” She looked around at the ruined buildings. “That the mutation causes you to become a massive blueberry plant. That is why you see the giant blueberry people attacking others, saying they need to be juiced. As the mutation progresses and they turn further and further into a plant, that is all they can think about. Until they become nothing but a massive blueberry entirely.” She shuddered. “We never really found out what happens after that as the facility broke down before any further research could be conducted.”

The other two girls looked at the ground. They knew there wasn’t a cure for this. For seven long years, people have slowly been turning into blueberries. Sophine didn’t exactly know what had caused the berry outbreak. All she knew was she had spent the last few years of her life going from town to town, scouring for supplies while avoiding giant blueberries. She had been on her own for the most part until she met up with Laura and Nora about a year ago. Laura had been in the same boat as Sophine, a loner who thought it would be better to stay as a group. Nora, though, had just lost her sister when they met up. At first, the young lady didn’t exactly want to come with them, but they eventually convinced her it would be better to stick together.

Sophine picked up one of the cans of food, cutting it open with the knife she carried in her boot. “We are going to have to move on soon. This is all I could find.”

“We can’t just keep going forever though.” Nora sighed. “Eventually, there has to be someplace we can settle down?”

Laura laughed. “And where might that be? Where exactly do you think that blueberries haven’t gotten to?”

“I umm. . .” She pulled at her arm. “I don’t know.”

Sophine sighed. “Look, we just can’t stay here. You both know it isn’t safe to stay in one location for very long. We run the risk that other people could find us or worse.” She sighed.

“We could be discovered by blueberries. We don’t want that to happen.”

The young ladies shook their heads. “No.” Nora looked at the ground.

Sophine sipped some of the soup from her can. “Then it’s settled. As soon as the sun rises tomorrow, we visit the river to fill our canteens, and then we move on.”

Everyone nodded their heads and said “alright” in unison.


Sophine rose early, her dreams filled of blueberries.

As the sun’s rays drifted over the landscape and the ruined buildings, she scratched at her weary eyes. “Ugh. Fuck.” She slowly sat up.

“Another restless night?” Laura was already standing over her as she packed her bag.

“Who is Josh? You cry out his name quite often.”

Sophine sat up. “Just someone I knew a long time ago. I don’t know what happened to him. We were separated when the blueberries rolled into my hometown.” She sighed. “You know I said I was going to spend my life with him, and now he haunts my dreams. I guess, in a weird way, I was right. We are spending our life together.” She laughed coldly. “If holding onto his memories is anything to go by.”

“Well, those memories are something to be treasured.”

She patted Sophine on the back. “Let’s wake Nora and get moving, shall we?”

After waking their companion, the three ladies quickly gathered their supplies and left their small hideaway, the ruins of what was once a grand hotel. Or they assumed so. They had camped for the last few days in the ruins of a small town, the grass, and trees already starting to overtake the place. There were some juice stains on the buildings, but it seemed that the blueberries had long forsaken the town, looking to get their juicy needs elsewhere.

They made their way across the deserted town, not encountering a soul. They hadn’t since they arrived three days ago. Sophine had hoped they could stay in this town for a bit longer, but supplies were wearing thin. That and most of the water sources were contaminated with blueberry juice. The place just wasn’t safe for a long-term stay.

Later that morning, the trio arrived at the river, the only place in the small town where any safe drinking water could be found. Sophine stood watch as the other two filled their canteens. Something just felt off. She could feel it in her bones. The longer it took the other two girls to fill their canteens, the more she dug her nails into her arm. “Hurry up!”

Nora turned her head. “Relax. You don’t want us to skimp on the water and run out if we can’t find safe drinking water for the next few days.”

Sophine turned her head. “I know that. I just. . .” She sighed. “I think we should just get moving. Things just seem too quiet.”

Laura laughed. “Too quiet? I think you are starting to get a bit paranoid. It has been dead quiet out here for as long as we have been out here.”

Sophine snorted. “Laugh all you want. I just think we should get going. I. . .”

She blinked her green eyes, the scent of blueberries wafting over the breeze. “Blueberries!”

Nora gulped as she dropped the canteen, precious water pouring into the soil. “Here.

But. . .”

Laura grabbed Nora by the shirt. “We don’t have time to question it. We have to hide before they discover us.”

Sophine nodded her head. “Quickly. Back into town. We need to find a place to hide before they get here.”

The three girls left their supplies. They would come back for them later if they had the chance. Sophine led the way, as she had spent more time than the others scouring the town for supplies. She may not know the town perfectly, but she knew it well enough to know decent places to conceal themselves. Sophine ran into a small, dilapidated suburb. The buildings had long been looted, and some homes were covered in overgrowth or blueberry juice. One house, in particular, caught Sophine’s eye: a garage door with the smallest openings with thick vines covering it.

“There. We can hide inside. It will be hard for anyone or anything to notice us.”

Laura gulped. “But if the blueberries do discover us, we won’t be able to get out.”

Sophine snorted. “If they even can get at us.” She slid her leg through the tight gap. “They would have to squeeze their way into her, and I don’t think their massive frames could do that.”

Nora nodded her head as Sophine squeezed inside. “She is right. Even if they found us, they couldn’t get at us. We will be safe in here.” She followed Sophine into the hole.”

Laura took a moment as she stood there. “I don’t know. You both know there are other ways they can juice us up, right? I think it might be a bit too easy for that to happen if we just put ourselves in a little box.”

Sophine crossed her arms as she sat in the darkness. “Or you could take your chances out there. That giant rolling balls, blueberry juice dripping from their nipples, rolling you down and pressing their bodies against you. Either they smush you, or you slowly inflate, becoming like them. Is that what you want?”

Laura gulped. “No.” She made her way into the garage. “I don’t think this is a good idea though.”

Nora snorted. “Hush. The smell of blueberries is getting stronger.”

The room became deathly silent as the air became thick with the smell of blueberry juice. Sophine looked at the others as the primal sounds of moaning filled the air.

“We just have to wait until they roll past.” They sat there in the pitch black for what felt like an eternity as the big blue balls bounced and rubbed together outside. Just what they were doing no one could fathom. No one could fathom what went on inside the mind of a blueberry.

Still, they didn’t know about the girls’ existence, so they were safe.

Nora suddenly held her hand over her mouth and coughed. The other two girls turned their heads, Sophine’s eyes wide. For a few seconds, nothing moved, but then the blueberries outside began to bash against the garage door, juice squirting through the small gap. Nora looked at the others, a worried look on her face. “I am sorry. It was the dust. I couldn’t. . .”

Sophine put her hand on Nora’s shoulder. “It’s fine. They can’t get in here.”

Laura snorted. “Well, we can’t just wait in here forever.” She felt around in the darkness. “We need to find something to chase them off. Show them we are not worth the trouble.” Her hands checked around a metal pipe. “Here.” She stood up and walked towards the small gap. “Go find someone else to for your juicy needs, you big blue bastards.” She slammed the pipe into the nearest blueberry, a loud moaning sound coming from the other end. “You hear me. Get lost.”

Sophine gulped. “Laura, I don’t think you are helping things. They are slamming against the door harder than ever.”

“You just need to show them that we mean business.”

She trusted the pipe through the gap, puncturing one of the blueberries. “Hah! Got one of them. Ugh, my pipe is stuck.” She put her hand on the wall. “Give me back the pipe, damint.”

Sophine stood up. “Laura, stop!”

“No. Not until they learn to leave us alone. I almost got it.” The pipe suddenly popped free as a torrent of blueberry juice sprayed from the blueberry. The girls cried out as they were covered in juice, but so did the blueberries on the other side. As Sophine wiped the juice from her face, she could hear the blueberries rolling away. “See, I told you I would teach them who is boss.”

Sophine snorted as blueberry juice dripped from her clothing. “What? You could have gotten us turned into blueberries.”

Laura laughed. “Relax. I know what I am doing.”

“We are covered in blueberry juice. That can’t be good. You know how easy it is to.”

Nora jumped to her feet. “Will you two please calm down? The blueberries are gone. We can relax now.”

Sophine sighed. “Nora is right. We are lucky that we got away without much issue. Let’s get out of here.” After poking their heads out to ensure the blueberries were truly gone, the girls slowly crept out of their hole. They then worked on retracing their steps to find their supplies. Sophine had an uneasy feeling as the blueberry juice dripped from her dusty jacket. “Were we really so lucky? We were sprayed with a lot of blueberry juice.” She watched Laura and Nora’s happy faces as they reached where they had left their supplies. “But maybe I am being paranoid. If we were infected, we would know by now.”

After Nora picked up her bag, she looked at the others. “I have to ask. Do either of you feel a bit weird after the experience?” Laura and Sophine looked at each other. “Like I don’t really mean anything out of the ordinary. I just mean a bit uneasy.”

Sophine scratched at her chin. “Now that you mention it, my stomach is a little tight.”

Laura nodded her head. “Ya. I was feeling that way, too.”

Nora gulped. “You don’t think. . .”

Sophine held her hands up. “Now, calm down. If we were turning into blueberries, we would know it by now. Some weird stomach issues don’t mean a damn thing.” She raised an eyebrow as the other two girls started to back away. “What are you doing?” She put her hands on her hips. “Well?”

Nora pointed her finger at Sophine. “Your nose. . . your nose. . .”

“What is wrong with my nose? Well?”

Laura gulped. “It is bright blue.”

Sophine gulped. “No. No. I. . .” She pointed at Laura. “This wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t pop one of those blueberries open like a pinata.”

Laura narrowed her eyes. “Me? I was defending us. We would have been there for the rest of our lives if I didn’t do anything.”

Sophine’s face slowly turned blue. “And now I am going to be a giant blueberry because of it.” She took a deep breath. “And what, you two aren’t going to be big and juicy?

How is that fair?” Gurrgle.  Sophine blinked her eyes as her belly rumbled. “Ugh.”

Nora gulped. “Is everything alright?”

“I. . .” She moaned as more and more of her skin turned blue. “I think I can feel the juice starting to build up.” She looked at the others, noticing their faces turning blue. “Oh no.”


“Nothing. It is just I guess we are going to be blueberries together.” Sophine laughed. “Together to the end, am I right.”

Nora looked at Laura. “Not you, too.”

Laura crossed her arms. “Speak for yourself, you blueberry.”


Sophine crossed her arms. “Hey, quit fighting. We will just have to find a way to adjust to our new juicy situation, is all.”

Nora snorted. “Adjust! You know what is going to happen to us, right? We are slowly going to fill up with juice, becoming more and more like a blueberry until that is all that is left of us.” She pulled at her hair. “Oh, man. Oh, man.”

“Calm down, Nora.” Sophine grabbed her shoulders and shook her. “It will be fine.” Gurrgle.  She moaned as her hips slowly began to expand. “We are going to be. . .” She took a deep breath as her pants tightened around her body. “Juicy. I feel juicy.”

Laura rubbed her head as her breasts swelled. “Oh god, this is overwhelming.” She moaned. “We have to. . .Ohh juicy. So juicy. . .” Her ass slowly expanded outward. “I can feel it. . .”

Nora gulped. “Sophine? Laura?” She grabbed Sophine and shook her swelling body. “Snap out of it.”

Sophine shook her head, her bloated hips swaying back and forth. “Huh.

Nora? I umm. . . It is getting so juicy. . .” She moaned as she rubbed her head with her bloated arm. “My thoughts are filled with wanting to have the rain wash over and water me. To swell big and juicy. . .” She moaned as her breasts ripped through her shirt, bouncing around her bloated body. “To have the other juicy berries rub against me. Oh. . . because I am a massive juicy blueberry.” She wobbled back and forth. “Juicy. . . juicy. . . juicy!” Sophine fell backward onto her massive round ass, bouncing and moaning. Nora gulped as she watched Laura do the same.

Nora’s own body soon followed suit. Her boobs quickly filled with juice as her ass ballooned to insane proportions. Nora’s thoughts drifted away from fighting this and instead to becoming one with the blueberry swelling inside her. As her body became rounder, blueberry juice dripping from her nipples, she felt a peace despite her mind slipping away. She reveled in the thoughts of her body juicing up. Her hands and feet slowly slipped inside her body, and her eyes closed as her head rested on top of her massive blue head. Excess blueberry juice squirted from her berry nipples.

The girls were now massive blueberries, their thoughts on keeping their internal juice flowing. They could sense each other’s presence, and if they needed, they would use each other to squeeze the excess juice out from their breasts. But the true joy came from pressing their blueberry bodies from humans they found. So, they would roll. Roll until they found someone they could play with. No matter how long it took.


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